A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!


Looking back over my nearly 85 years gives me more American history to remember than most. Political history is distorted, hidden, misrepresented and protected by both individuals and the government. Our government uses security reasons to hide facts that have no justification other than to protect both individuals and agency failures. Watching the facts currently being made public against Dennis Hastert are a perfect example to support my thesis. To further protect someone from being exposed the Justice Department is now trying to hide reasons to likely protect some other political or governmental agency from being exposed.

When you add the bias, distortion and sensationalism that the printed and visual media publishes to hide the truth Americans today are just brainwashed with propaganda. Watching this happen is what motivated me to devote what life I have left writing and sharing what I have observed. I do use the printed media articles and material shared with me by friends to publish some articles.

Many people use and suggest that I use Snopes to check authenticity. Most of my critics are not seeking the truth they just want to find something wrong with anything that offends them. Snopes has no way to see if a fact is hidden, distorted or falsified by the government. If they think something is an urban legend, folklore, myths, rumors or mis-information, they can say anything they desire without oversight. Snipes is the most Progressive-Liberal organization in American history. If you disagree check where they get their financing. There is no agency or publication in America that has access to government secrets. I trust my friends, other blogs and my own memory of facts far more than any politically funded and slanted source.

Now let me use my memory and some actual facts to predict the Presidential election in 2016. I have been wrong at times and I hope my prognosis is wrong this time. America needs to stop the race to socialize our Republic. When you have a proven communist, Hillary Clinton, along with an admitted Socialist, Bernie Sanders as the front runners to be the Democratic Party candidate for President their mission is quite clear to anyone. The national media will continue to hide, distort, and blindly support the Democratic candidate as always.

Sadly women will strongly support any female chosen as they feel it’s time for a woman President no matter what will happen. I have no opposition to a female President and I feel like the bumper sticker on my car. It has a picture of Hillary Clinton with the following verbiage, “Life is a Bitch, Don’t Elect One”. I you want some I can tell you where to buy them.

Our over 40,000,000 welfare army which includes illegals, dead, and fictitious voters will never vote for someone who insist they work for their handouts. I lived in the CCC and WPA years that actually did help build and repair infrastructure projects. Our current President insist he needs billions of tax dollars to just repair the infrastructure when all he has to do is make the able people on welfare and fake disability get off their butt and go to work.

If we could create jobs instead of gerrymander the unemployment statistics to hide facts we might not have as many in prisons. In fact, if we just made the army of those in prisons actually work on civic improvements nothing but good would happen. If Joe Arpaio was President Inmates would not enjoy prison life. Today, life in most prisons is an improvement for some who are mistreated, ignored or abused. When I was young we were encouraged to avoid breaking the law as prisons were not country clubs like some are today. Fact, the Texas prison system is the largest school district in the state. Why don’t we educate kids before they break the law. You can get a PhD in the Texas prison system, free.   

If she keeps her mouth closed, avoids any debate involving her government service, another woman fails to challenger her or the Republicans don’t nominate a woman, Hillary Clinton will be our next President. Now let me describe the reasons for my prognosis.

The Republican Party will not nominate a woman or a true conservative candidate. They have a well-qualified female in Carly Fiorina, they have a 100% true conservative in Ted Cruz and they have a 100% Libertarian in Rand Paul. In-between they have so many Republican-in-Name-Only (RINOS) that will distort the scene and they, assisted by the media, will defeat themselves. We also have a conservative African American in Dr. Ben Carson who impresses me. It also appears that one proven leader, Donald Trump hopefully will announce his candidacy fast. In my opinion the only two who have the will to downsize and the leadership competency to change the runaway government is Cruz or Trump. If the Republicans nominate either one it will be earth shaking evidence they truly desire to win. Will this happen, “NO”?

The biased media, including Fox News, has announced debate rules for the Republican candidates using distortion, manipulation and creative ways to control your mind. They will use polling data to limit who you will hear and the poll data is as phony as a three dollar bill with Bill Clinton’s picture. Questions in any poll can control information with greater distorted accuracy than the testimony we have watched from the IRS and Hillary before Congress. President Obama, IRS, EPA and the Justice Department have taken more liberty with the truth than anyone in America’s history. Poor old Nixon erased a few minutes of an unlawful action but Hillary and the Obama administration has taken lying and destroying government documents to a totally new level.

We will have to suffer through a barrage of debates and the Republicans will nominate a wishy-washy RINO to represent the Party again. Even then the Republicans could win over Hillary Clinton if enough American independent voters like myself really desire to stop the attack on destroying our individual freedoms. Will this happen, “NO”? Save a copy of this article to review on November 4th 2016 after the elections.

Rand Paul knows that he will never win the nomination and he is building up the same following that supported his father Ron Paul. When he loses the Republican nomination he will announce that he will run as the Libertarian party candidate just like his father has done three times. His dividing the Republican vote like Ross Perot did in the 1992 election will assure that another Clinton will be President. Perot is the reason Bill Clinton won the Presidency and Rand Paul will be the reason Hillary Clinton will be our next President. November 4th 2016 will be the saddest day of my life if I am still here.

My kids and grandkids will not enjoy the freedoms I enjoyed. The freedom to express opinions like I have done will disappear along with all personal weapons. Ladies, I hope you will be permitted to wear designer Burkas. Female voters are being led to the slaughter like the rats that followed the Pied Piper into the sea.   

Wake up America!   C Brewer      

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5 thoughts on “WAKE UP AMERICA!

  1. c.j. on said:

    It is a shame that the US OF A is losing so many previledges. Are grand kids will never know the way life use to be, and how much freedom was given to everyone by those who had to fight so they could get to be free and stay free. One day the American people will wake up and find it is all gone.

  2. Baxter on said:

    All true Clyde. I am currently reading ‘Clinton Cash’ by Peter Schweizer. Every American should read it. First Bill then Hillary have changed their voting patterns over the years when foreign and local entities made contributions to the Clinton Foundation. That was when she was Sec of State. Imagine what will happen if she gets to be President. Socialism would be nothing compared the the corruption that will follow. America will become the same as many African or South American corrupt states. Good Luck!

  3. /chris on said:

    I will be relocating if the Dems steal another election. And I won’t be living in Amerika….

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