A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “mass hysteria”


Watching politics fairly early in my life has progressed from civil discourse into what we have today, a lying, race baiting   “Blood Sport”.  The one fact that has not changed is the Democrats continue to win elections with votes from the poor, ill informed, aliens and the minorities who never gain stature. In my lifetime, I grew up in the 1930’s, when 98% of Americans had nothing and 2% had everything. There was no middle class that we saw bloom in the years after WWII. The sad part is that the other group I described above stayed poor by design to mass vote for the Democrats.

When I was a young man the Conservatives were the Democrats in Texas. My grandfather was a local Democrat serving as a County Clerk for some 30 years. He took me as a boy to sit in a courtroom and observe the the legal process. Later in life I went to school with the daughter of a Democratic Governor of Texas. Both my grandfather and  Governor Jester would turn over in their graves if they could see how the Democrats have changed. Today they are the party of hate, deception, lying, promoters of civil disruption and property destruction.

When Obummer was elected President conservatives were deeply disappointed as the Democrats have been since Trump was elected. The difference was that conservatives did not promote hate, organize civil disobedience and widely promote destruction of other people’s property. We did not see marches in the streets, flag burning, and the mass hysteria of hate directed towards our veterans by kneeling or fist waving during the playing of our National Anthem at sporting events.

The Obummer years did produce the 300% increase in our national debt. More hate and civil unrest between Americans since the Civil War. A shift of people’s retirement savings from the middle class to welfare programs. Addition of over 2,000,000 more younger people on Social Security. The largest increase in underemployed people on welfare in history. The largest increase in Government Employees in history. The destruction of all industry retirement programs. The total destruction of employee healthcare benefits for new employees. A healthcare debacle that will bankrupt America if it can’t be modified.

The Demoncrats has declared war on gun ownership and promote that all guns be confiscated by the government. This has been tried before and actually allowed Hitler to destroy over 6,000,000 humans. Gun control in Europe will just make the takeover by the Muslims easier. We have opened floodgates for the immigration of Muslims who hate us and will never assimilate as Americans that is ruining Europe already.

The enemy we have in the biggest war we have ever faced today is our own Government. We now have a Supreme Court and Federal Judges who make laws instead of enforcing the laws enacted by Congress. We have made Government employees super America who have benefits far better than the rest of us. We have thousands of ex-government employees serving as consultants, lobbyist who have millions to use to buy their ways to impact every decision made by Congress and every level of our government including the Judicial process.

Mr Trump defined this morass as a swamp. The unique happening of trying to drain this swamp is 100% of the Demoncrats in Congress oppose anything Trump proposes including lower taxes, better healthcare and creation of more jobs. The real surprise has been the handful of Republicans like John McCain and the rest of the Republicans in Name Only, RINO’s, who have been exposed as Liberal-Progressives. If the Republicans can’t unite it will delay the “Swamp Draining” until the 2018 elections and the Republicans purge itself of RINO’s.

I may not live long enough to see how Trump finishes the things he promised but I hope and pray he is not assassinated like others who tried before him. I hope he forces a vote on term limits on Congress and some way to oust Federal Judges and Supreme Court Justices that openly make law instead of enforcing it.    

Trump has tried to enact everything he proposed as a candidate and promised as our 45th President. If the Democrats had any intelligence they would admit they just serve to say “NO” and let Trump fail. The reason for the battle is they know he has the votes now to eventually do everything he promised. “DUMB” is the best way to describe a Democrat today. It is pretty obvious they know who owns the most weapons and ammo and if a civil war Obummer wanted is their objective they better hope they are bulletproof.

C Brewer    

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