A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “NBC”


America once had “Leadership”, I wonder what happened to change our historical world leadership. Read this and find out.

Remind yourself this film was produced in 1944 and when politics was not managing every facet our lives from Washington. We won this war because the politicians let the military do the job they were trained for with leaders that were leaders instead of politicians. If America was attacked today it would take Obama 1-5 days to have it filtered by the Czars, politically analyzed by the staff before he could decide what to do. 60 years ago we built a pipeline under water hundreds of miles and did not pollute anything. Obama, tree huggers, greedy investors,  ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are screaming to keep the Keystone Pipeline from being completed. It is time to stop this nonsense and move America forward again.

America has been stalled in neutral since Pelosi and Reid took power in 2006 and in total reverse since 2008 worried about spilling some shale oil. Washington D.C., Democrats and Republicans, seem to have a burning desire to buy our oil from our enemies rather than from our Canadian allies. I suppose they would rather take a chance with a tanker filled with a million gallons of crude sinking in an ocean rather that a possible few hundred gallons over a few acres from a high-tech pipeline.

Wake up America this is 2014 and we mastered pipeline technology over 60 years ago. Let the petroleum trained people do their job. Let insurance companies assume the risks, which is a waste of money today and stop funding the enemy. I suppose risking American military lives by trying to civilize Muslims and enrich South American dictators is more civilized for Americans who keep electing Democrats?

You may have already known of this, but I sure didn’t. In spite of watching film about WW II and the European theater, I never thought to wonder how all the military vehicles were supplied with fuel. They sure couldn’t just stop at the corner station and fill up their tank or jeep gas tank. I found this film fascinating.

When the environmentalists  and politicians someday find out how to fuel our nations transportation needs with  beans or Okra we can start buying sand from our enemies to keep them armed to kill us. Believe me as I have been there, they have more sand than they have oil.

Thanks to my dear friend Phil Sizer for the film, click below: It may look strange on the blog but it will connect.




For the past two plus years I have posted over 359 articles on this blog. I have been extremely disappointed in the lack of comments to evaluate if my work is just wasted effort or appreciated. I do receive some feedback from my followers on Facebook and my steady comments from my Australian friend, Baxter Henderson.

For those who subscribe, follow my articles on Facebook and Twitter or the over 25,000 people who have just stumbled across them searching the web, thank you deeply. Just knowing that someone outside of my family actually reads my work is very rewarding.

My intent in beginning this blog was to share my knowledge, experience and 82 years of life in the greatest country on earth. I honestly named the blog to make sure everyone understood my views were “conservative” and I feel I have proven myself to abhor our current President and the immovable democrats that reside in Congress. I doubt that anyone who has read my articles would argue that I feel Obama and his army of mercenaries are destroying our Republic form of government.

Now I feel obligated to apologize to Mr. Obama, the democratic party and the main stream media that blindly supports their socialists agenda. One thing is certain, the media should have an award for the imbecile who best meets the criteria of twisting, omitting and publishing the best propaganda of the year.

These people have proven me wrong for not recognizing they have achieved success far beyond anything I have witnessed in my lifetime. They have done this so well I feel ashamed for not giving them credit for their success long before now.

I have coined a new word to allow me to praise their performance, “Lieability”. They have proven that they can face the public with a straight face, smile and distort anything better than anyone in the history of the world. Our President’s nose would make Pinocchio blush if the fairy tale was fact. There is no one in history that would be a distant second. Well maybe Bill Clinton would make honorable mention in history books.

Awarding a “Lieability” statuette to a Senator would be a real dilemma as Reid, Kerry or Durbin would be at best a three-way tie. Receiving the award winner for the House of Representatives would be a cake walk for Queen Nancy Polosi. A Lieability award for just one media individual would be impossible but MSNBC would win hands down for the network category, closely followed by NBC and CNN.  

I fully accept criticism for my oversight in not giving these Socialist credit for being the worlds best at something. I do feel that other conservative bloggers, journalists, commentators, writers and the republican leaders in Congress have been remiss in not recognizing the “Lieability” of these individuals and organizations.

Shame on you Conservatives everywhere, give these people credit where credit is due. I would say call a spade a spade but I would be chastised for being a racist.

C Brewer



I would like to receive some feedback to discover if there is any other Americans sick and tired of 24/7 coverage of politics? With a full three years of watching our current President running for re-election, I am sick of watching the Republicans slaughter each other for the last year.

I really don’t care how everyone in Iowa will cast their ballots. Next we will have to listen to ten thousand hours of why people voted for a particular candidate.

Then we will be off to New Hampshire for another 24/7 analysis and repeat the Iowa boredom. Then on to South Carolina and who cares which is next until the Republican convention. Just think, that if the Democrats had any common sense they would have some stooge run against Obama, just to get free air time on Fox News. I suppose they feel that having ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, MSNBC report every movement Obama makes, except his bowels, is enough to offset Fox News.

I am even sick of watching Fox News 24/7 political coverage. Poor Carl Cameron could use a vacation and spend some time with his family. Any network that has to use Alan Colmes to report anything needs some common sense consulting. This man is so consumed with progressive BS; I actually think he believes Obama walks on water. He is beyond help and should be a resident on a funny farm (mental institution).

While discussing Fox News, my time devoted to watching has dwindled consistently over the past year. I do enjoy Fox and Friends and the first few minutes of the remaining AM programming. From noon until three I have no interest and at four I look for NCIS reruns. Bob Beckel appears to be a man with a brain and could not be as stupid as the role he plays. He should get an Emmy as the best acting newsman as no one, except Colmes and Juan Williams, could be that misinformed. I have always admired Bill O’Reilly but except for the Wednesday segment with Dennis Miller it only takes me 10 minutes to watch his entire program. Tonight it took 6 minutes and 42 seconds that were not devoted to Iowa.

For others who share my feelings, I can help you with two suggestions. One, I record the programs to watch so I can skip gold commercials and the agony of listening to Colmes, Beckel, Geraldo, Juan Williams and the lawyers that host too many programs. Two, I never watch ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR or MSNBC.

Hopefully Fox News will continue to exist. Even though I watch less and less, they still have some excellent analyst like Bill Hemmer, Neil Cavuto, Bret Baier, Sean Hannity and Jon Scott to enjoy.

C Brewer

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