A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Right to Bear Arms”


Watching the parade of Demoncrats race to get face time on the Fake-Media screaming for gun control was sickening at best. Folks, I believe the people are tired of watching a bunch of sore losers whine and cry about everything proposed by so called leaders of Congress. President Trump has stayed on theme from the first day he announced  that Washington was a swamp that needed draining and he was duly elected by our laws.

How dumb do Nancy & Chuckie (The Soros paid duo) think the American voter has become? Watching the sorest loser, Hillary, in modern America rush to climb on the gun haters wagon is sad.  This outright Communists could have forced votes on gun control back when Bill was chasing every woman in sight. “If this army of “Soros” destroyers really wanted gun control why on Earth did they avoid this issue during the recent two years the Demoncrats had control of all three branches of government? President Obummer and a majority in both the Senate and the House passed Obummercare. Why did they avoid gun control then?

Let me tell you why. They all know that running in support of gun control will never get them elected, yet. The gates to allow the millions of aliens to vote will be closed when the Federal Courts, Government employees and Congress have been purged of Soros paid traitors.

Unless you are deaf, dumb and/or a Demoncrat ,change will happen even if they eliminate Trump as they did Scalia. The “Swamp Draining” mission is underway. Unfortunately the media, including Fox News fail to report the facts that Americans fully understand and support President Trump. As weak as they show us every day the Republicans will purge the “Rinos” and Demoncrats starting next year’s election. . As Congress is currently leaderless watch some dark horses oust both McConnell and Ryan from power before next year’s elections.     sore losers whine and cry about everything proposed by the so called leaders of Congress. Mr. Trump has stayed on theme from his first day he announced th

It would be interesting to see if Nancy and Chuckie would lay out their plan for how to unite the people and keep Congress neutered from marching forward.  They have become the duo of deceit and damage. They can’t even perform without teams of lawyers and manipulated strings manned by Soros.

The media has made sure that the people understand every possible weakness with the Trump team. They do this with deleted words, omitted words, innuendos, outright lies and with a bunch of second rate actors and actresses. These pawns read the words drafted by the teams of people paid by Soros. If Soros had any honesty or kahunas he would stop hiding and run for President himself.  

If the people truly want the 1st and 2nd ammendment of the Constitution overturned and have the military take weapons of protection I am so happy I am 87 years old. Sadly several in my own family would likely approve these changes. They think they have hidden this from me so far. The brainwashing in our colleges and universities has become so intense if we were attacked by North Korea tomorrow Canada would be overrun with cowards, again.  

Every day I have left before the fat lady sings I pray that President Trump never lets up the pressure on anyone in any political party that intensifies weakening of our Constitution.

God save America from destroying itself.    C Brewer


 “You Cheated Us”      Written by Paul Genova:

I haven’t said too much about this election since the start….but this is how I feel….I’m noticing that a lot of you aren’t graciously accepting the fact that your candidate lost. In fact you seem to be posting even more hateful things about those who voted for Trump. Some of you are apparently “triggered” because you are posting how “sick” you feel about the results.

How did this happen you ask?

  1. You created “us” when you attacked our freedom of speech.
  2. You created “us” when you attacked our right to bear arms.
  3. You created “us” when you attacked our Christian beliefs.
  4. You created “us” when you constantly referred to us as racists
  5. You created “us” when you constantly called us xenophobic.
  6. You created “us” when you told us to get on board or get out of the way.
  7. You created “us” when you forced us to buy health care and then financially penalized us for not participating.
  8. You created “us” when you lied and said we could keep our insurance plans and our doctors.
  9. You created “us” when you allowed our jobs to continue to leave our country.
  10. You created “us” when you attacked our flag.
  11. You created “us” when you took God out of our schools.
  12. You created “us” when you confused women’s rights with feminism
  13. You created “us” when you began to emasculate men.
  14. You created “us” when you decided to make our children soft.
  15. You created “us” when you decided to vote for progressive ideals
  16. You created “us” when you attacked our way of life.
  17. You created “us” when you decided to let our government get out of control.
  18. “You” created “us” the silent majority
  19. You created “us” when you began murdering innocent law enforcement officers.
  20. You created “us” when you took a knee, or stayed seated or didn’t remove your hat during our National Anthem.

And we became fed up and we pushed back and spoke up and we did it with ballots, not bullets. With ballots, not riots. With ballots, not looting. With ballots, not blocking traffic. With ballots, not fires, except the one you started inside of “us”.

“YOU” created “US” and you put Trump in office.  

It really is just that simple.

My friend Dr. Peter Forrest shared this with me. I hope you will share this with every true American alive. These Liberal Socialists who are trying to create another civil war, supported by Republicans in Name Only (RINO’S) like Graham and McCain will have blood on their hands if they keep their hate campaign going. They best do their homework and discover who has amassed the guns and weapons these last eight years. Burning flags, hugging trees and destroying property will piss off enough real Americans some day they will regret causing mayhem.  C Brewer


Please read this. It is VERY important to understand our voting situation this November. We will be voting for the very security of our country.  I know some of you know this, some of you may not realize the position we are in.)  Share this with everyone on your possibly can.

If you are a Republican that won’t vote for Trump think about it this way:

a.) If Trump wins and he is a failure as President, he’ll be out in 4 years (or impeached, whichever comes first).

b.) If Hillary wins you, your children, and grandchildren will live under Hillary’s designated Supreme Court justices (and their liberal rulings) for many years to come. This is true even after Hillary is gone AND, even if she is followed by a Republican president of your liking.

Crucial – Supreme Court

Before You Say You Won’t Vote for Whomever Is Nominated Consider This….Something to think about, indeed . . .

Supreme Court of the United States…

Some people have brought up the fact that they won’t vote for the Republican nominee if the eventual nominee is not the man they wanted. I just want to put something in perspective.

Justice Scalia’s seat is vacant, and…Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, Thomas is 67.

Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.

These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.

Think about that… 7-2.

If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are viewed as lacking in mandate.

Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms.

Anyone and Everyone who is saying that they won’t vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. Hear this! If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life.

Whoever is the GOP nominee … go VOTE for the GOP Nominee!

Remember Romney? Three million conservatives who had voted for McCain did not cast a vote for Romney (for whatever reason) and, the result was four additional years of B.H.O.

If you are not convinced yet, I’ll leave with one final thought:

Hillary is already on the record as saying that her buddy, B.H.O. (Yep, that’s Barack) “would make a great Supreme Court Justice.”


The one thing that can destroy our Republic and open the door to trashing the Constitution and establishing a Socialist Democracy to abolish freedoms like “Speech”, “Bearing Arms”, and “Right to Assemble”. Even the “Radicals” we watch during major events will not be able to make fools of themselves. Allowing the Supreme Court to become controlled by extremists who ignore the law as we now watch them try. This scariest thing that has become possible in my life.

The really sad part is the Republicans in Congress are willing to allow this just to save their cushy positions. They are willing to cede power to save their butts from being replaced by those willing to serve as public servants instead of the entrenched millionaires they have become in Congress. I doubt that both of our Texas Senators will ever win again.

I would like to thank all of the great people who read my articles. I am elated to announce that I just had my 600th person subscribe and all receive an E mail copy of my postings. Growing old has many surprises that are not selective or elective. Many seniors draw a short straw and have mental issues while others suffer physical surprises. Sadly some are subjected to having both. I have Neuropathy without being diabetic and none of the medications have helped so far. I also have  two bone on bone knees that shots keep me walking. My prize is my mind that is as acute as it has ever been and my thirst for knowledge has never waned. My biggest regret is few ever take the time to comment pro or con which is a disappointment. I hope to reach 90 and see one more election cycle. I also pray I will still have the right of free speech should Hillary be elected. God Bless America.  

C Brewer  

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