A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!



NOTE: This is about the 4th version of trying to create a common format that can be used to standardize my outputs for a book. I never intend to finish writing chapters that will someday be published. This will require that someone else will  publish my work when I either get too old to write or reach the end of my life.

August 31, 1930 was the date of the beginning of my life and I was certain that January 23, 2021 was a date that ended the perceived happiness cycle for my life. After a year of living alone I decided that I could still capture the attention of family and others with a God given ability to communicate in writing. I decided earlier this summer that I would try to plan the rest of this month to see how accurate the process can be. I chose this summer when the largest variable had to be the current weather cycle, hot, hotter and beyond hot.

July 2022 has been the first time since I played my first game of golf, where the weather has been a reason to decide when to avoid playing. I played that first game in 1938. The thing I remembered most was the hundreds of Tarantulas that joined my uncle James Miller and I when he took me to play at the Mineral Wells Texas Country Club. 

The July and August 2022 heat has so far limited my golf play. The current weather forecast will limit my scheduled and planned play for the rest of August. I have invited a group to play at 8:00 am on August 31st, my 92nd birthday. Then with their wife, husband, friend, ? They are all invited to join me for my birthday lunch at 11:00 am nearby. Another small family group will join me for dinner that evening. 

My primary reason for the birthday events will be to “Remember Norma”. She would have been 84  on August 30th, the day before mine. I will always remember convincing our four children, Laurie, David, Lisa and Leah that Norma was one day older than me until Laurie started to school. 

Another event planned for the month will be on August 24th in Lufkin to celebrate Freddie Keel’s 82nd birthday. Dr. Reuffer is driving us and Freddie has invited John Booker to join us for lunch. John celebrated his 101th birthday earlier this year. This foursome played more than a few rounds of golf at Rayburn Country Club until Freddie got too old. If we have time Dr.. Reuffer and I will play a round early at Pendleton on the 24th before the drive to Lufkin and lunch.

Happy Birthday to Tadpole, Norma and myse;f. 

Clyde Brewer    8-8-2022

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