A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!


SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 Hell Week

I am still getting used to using the WordPress site to create my new articles. I hope you can remember but computers have never been one of my strengths along with spelling and typing everything I write. When I was promoted to General Foreman in 1954 until I retired in 1993 I had a secretary to make me look fully qualified to write everything I published. I have been wanting to reveal the weaknesses but I waited until after my 92nd birthday last month. My last article did have some of my mistakes. I would like to credit three, Joan, Betty, who were sisters and Dorothy who never made mistakes during my 32 years with Lockheed and Halliburton. Credits for my work during the years 1983 until she died in 2021 go to my wife Norma assisted by our daughter Laurie. These five people deserve my thanks for helping make me a success all of these years.

The last two weeks have been filled with events that you never expect or have to deal with.. I was notified that the local telephone/internet provider was coming at sometime on 9-6-22 to replace my modem with an advanced model sometime during the day. I arose at 6:oo am to play golf at 8:00 and returned home at 10:15 to see they had been here and finished their work and left a note with my housekeeper with the new router address and password. My first move was to change the TV channel and nothing happened. Then the phone rang and the caller ID did not appear on the TV screen like it has for several years. At that point I called our local TV service man, Todd, who surprised me when he was there and answered the call. He was here in 15 minutes and “Hell Week” started.. The new router had not been connected to the three TV’s, Alexia, the Chrome computer, two Chrome laptops and the upstairs Microsoft computers and four printers. Todd started and he got everything working except the Cloud equipment and the caller on the TV. the next day noise and the caller ID were still defective. Service man returned and had no noise and the caller ID was working for two days. Todd replaced a new wire and the noise stopped. The next day the noise reappeared and the caller ID again disappeared.

The next day we decided to replace the Chrome equipment that I had been trying to learn how to use for 4 years. The new Dell Microsoft computer arrived by the 12th and Todd transferred all data to the main unit and could not use the two laptops. I ordered a new HP Microsoft laptop with a 17 inch screen and a standard size keyboard the next day. The 4th telephone man arrived on the 13th and got the caller ID started and replaced some wiring and stopped the noise.’

On the 13th I signed in on the Dell computer and nothing happened. I called Todd and moved to the new HP laptop and it was great, Todd came and said the motherboard on the Dell computer equipment was defective and we notified Amazon, A replacement was shipped the next day as Todd had packaged the Dell stuff, drove to Many Louisiana to expedite delivery of a replacement. I was notified on 15th a replacement was shipped and it is due to be here Tuesday the 20th. I got an E-mail from the seller needed more information and Todd replied. It appears they are trying to charge us for the replacement of the Dell stuff.

Todd dropped by on the 17th to tell me he will be out of town all next week so it will be the 25th before he will be back. The telephone people will be here tomorrow to work on the noise that prevents me from using my emergency call system. What an adventure for a 92 year old widower and my 15 year old Poodle who is asleep in my bed at nearly midnight.

Clyde Brewer


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