A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Charities and Politicians!

I have lived beyond my expectations and I still enjoy learning for nearly 93 years. Recently I decided to review the non-requested mail and the E mail volume that usually arrives every day. I selected to keep all of the mail received from April 3rd and April 10, 2023. 

I decided to list the name from the U.S. mail, any free anything if I was being bribed to feel like I had to respond with a donation. The range of donations requested by the sender. By accident I had received 34, 2023 calendars that I had given to neighbors and friends this year. 

Mayo Clinic sent me “Some Classic Home Remedies”. They ask for a donation of $25 to $250.

American Heart Association sent me a publication, “How to get increased Benefits”.

They suggested I give $50,000 from my IRA.

Alzheimer’s Association agreed to match my donation of $11 to no limit.

American Diabetes Assn. would send me a tote bag for a donation of $15 to no limit $ donation.

Muscular Dystrophy Assn. had no gift and wanted a $15 to no limit contribution monthly.

Orbis Childrens Sight. I had never had one from them. I got a package of return address labels. They ask for a $15 to a no limit donation.

Special note. Currently I have enough Return Address Labels and stickers to use on my mail to last until 2035 if I never get any more. I have decided to put several on everything I mail to see if they quit sending more.

Baylor College of Medicine. Return Address Labels gift. Wanted a $15 to no limit donation.

American Heart Assoc. Included 2 book markers and return address labels. Want $15 to a no limit donation.

Children’s Cancer Research Fund. sent 4 Greeting cards and return address labels. They will Triple my donation of $15-$60.  

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Included a Thank You note. Asked for $15 to no limit.

Easter Seals. Included was Smile Stickers and two notepads. Wanted $10 to no limit donation. 

Alzheimer’s Assoc. Sent two notepads and Return address labels. Ask for $10 TO no limit. 

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. A nickel was included.  Wanted $35 or more donation.

American Heart Association. Sent a sheet of seals, six greeting cards and envelopes. Asked for $15 to no limit donation.

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. They have four Partner Clubs and ask for $100- $1,000 or more  donations for each one.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center asked for $25-$250 or more donation.

ASPCA sent some address labels. Asked for a monthly donation of $20 to $100.00.

Blue Star Service Dogs. Included a dog patch for Brina and asked for $25-$1,000 or more.

ASPCA. Asked for a $20 or more donation and they would match it. 

Houston ASPCA. Included one penny and asked for a donation of $15-$!00 or more.

Disabled American Veterans sent return Address labels, a Flag decal, Remember Notes and asked for $10-$20 or more.

Covenant House asked for a monthly donation of $19-$50 or more and a minimum of $10.

Wycliffe Africa Associates, Bible Translation asked for $10-$1,000 or more donation.

Meals on Wheels asked for a donation of $15-$50 or more and a monthly option.

Habitat for Humanity sent a note pad and asked for a renewal of $20 or more.

Christian Appalachian Project wanted a donation of  $25.42 or more. 

Sacred Heart Southern Missions asked for a donation $15-$75 or more donation.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America asked for a donation of $20-$100 or more.

Covenant House ask for $15-$35 are more donation.

Audubon Society asked for a donation of $20 or more. 

Habitat for Humanity sent a sheet of stickers, 10 Greeting cards and envelopes and a return note for a tote bag when I donate $20-$40 or more.

The American Legion  sent me a renewal for my membership that expired at least ten years ago. It was for a $45 membership for $25 if I renewed now.

AAA Membership Package asked me to join for $49 a year. 

The Faith and Freedom Coalition asked me for a donation of $20 or more.

Tunnel of Towers offered me a free ball cap if I donate $20-$100 or more.

Texas Law Enforcement. Sarasota Florida address. I got a one dollar bill and 2 decals.They ask for $15-$30 or other.

Arbor Day Foundation 2023 Texas Tree Survey. I received pictures of trees, return address labels. If I fill out the survey and $10-$20 or more donation I will get 3 trees and a calendar.

Tea Party Patriots Action. Asked for a donation of $25-$500.00 or more.

Wounded Warriors sent 2 paper clips and 2 stickers and asked for $15-$23 or more.

The Republican Party of Texas wanted a $25-$500 or more donation.

Governor Ron Desantis, Florida asked for a donation of $75-$3000 or more.

Texas Public PolicyFoundation asked for to secure our borders and ask for  a $25-$1000 or more donation.

The Office of Dan Crensaw asked for a donation to secure our borders. The request was for $25-$70 or more

Sarah Huckabee Sanders asking for Protect Unborn Life a donation of $35-$500 or more. 

This does not even compare with the E mails that I receive every day for donations for votes. When you understand that political donations are subjected to taxes before they are given and again when they are spent by far too many Americans that balloon our national debt.

Our government is so bloated today with too many people who are paid far above people who work until they are 67 to retire instead of retiring in their 50’s. Politicians never retire even though they are Millionaires in less than two terms for most.

God bless my friends who are all conservatives to a life serving others. I love my Liberals in my family but I would not vote for them either

C Brewer

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