A Conservative View

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Archive for the tag “Neil Cavuto”



I would like to receive some feedback to discover if there is any other Americans sick and tired of 24/7 coverage of politics? With a full three years of watching our current President running for re-election, I am sick of watching the Republicans slaughter each other for the last year.

I really don’t care how everyone in Iowa will cast their ballots. Next we will have to listen to ten thousand hours of why people voted for a particular candidate.

Then we will be off to New Hampshire for another 24/7 analysis and repeat the Iowa boredom. Then on to South Carolina and who cares which is next until the Republican convention. Just think, that if the Democrats had any common sense they would have some stooge run against Obama, just to get free air time on Fox News. I suppose they feel that having ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, MSNBC report every movement Obama makes, except his bowels, is enough to offset Fox News.

I am even sick of watching Fox News 24/7 political coverage. Poor Carl Cameron could use a vacation and spend some time with his family. Any network that has to use Alan Colmes to report anything needs some common sense consulting. This man is so consumed with progressive BS; I actually think he believes Obama walks on water. He is beyond help and should be a resident on a funny farm (mental institution).

While discussing Fox News, my time devoted to watching has dwindled consistently over the past year. I do enjoy Fox and Friends and the first few minutes of the remaining AM programming. From noon until three I have no interest and at four I look for NCIS reruns. Bob Beckel appears to be a man with a brain and could not be as stupid as the role he plays. He should get an Emmy as the best acting newsman as no one, except Colmes and Juan Williams, could be that misinformed. I have always admired Bill O’Reilly but except for the Wednesday segment with Dennis Miller it only takes me 10 minutes to watch his entire program. Tonight it took 6 minutes and 42 seconds that were not devoted to Iowa.

For others who share my feelings, I can help you with two suggestions. One, I record the programs to watch so I can skip gold commercials and the agony of listening to Colmes, Beckel, Geraldo, Juan Williams and the lawyers that host too many programs. Two, I never watch ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR or MSNBC.

Hopefully Fox News will continue to exist. Even though I watch less and less, they still have some excellent analyst like Bill Hemmer, Neil Cavuto, Bret Baier, Sean Hannity and Jon Scott to enjoy.

C Brewer

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