A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

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It amazes me how our current President, his entire horde of Czars, his communist advisers, the mainstream media and the entire Democratic Party believe that the majority of Americans are stupid. I will agree that those who voted for them are stupid but I can’t believe they are the majority of American voters. They have lied, covered up snafus, hidden written documents, misused their lawful power and are regulating us into bankruptcy with little or no resistance.

Well the “Wicked Witch of the West”, Hillary Clinton, has been caught with her panties in a knot for actually ignoring a federal law and committing a federal crime. Now we face several months of lies, smoke screens as she prepares to succeed our “Liar-in-Chief” as President.

Prepare yourself for a performance that will be so filled with drama it would win an Academy Award. If she is elected the Hollywood loons will probable give her that award after serving her eight years as President? All she has to do is keep the women’s vote and the abortion zealots in the Republican Party will make sure to help her.

I have spent the day listening to and reading articles related to Hillary’s use of a private E mail service to conduct even top secret correspondence while she was Secretary of State. That alone is a revelation of how our government has become a secret society within itself.

The most ridiculous event in the news today was that the White House counsel’s office was not aware at the time Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State that she relied solely on personal email to correspond. They admitted it was the congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack that alerted them of the crime. If that is true, why did the White House and Eric Holder’s Justice Department ignore the crime that was exposed over a year ago? Even the stupid and women know the answer, “Politics as Usual.”

Another bothersome action I read was that the State Department turned over some of her messages in connection with the Benghazi probe after she left office. They knew a year ago she had ignored federal law when the White House counsel’s office asked the State department to ensure that her email records were properly archived, according to the article I read.

Clinton announced in a late-night tweet yesterday that she wants her emails released. She asked the State Department to vet the 55,000-plus pages she handed over, leaving the diplomatic agency with the intensely politicized task of determining which can be made public. Why can’t they be released to Congress committees who have security clearance? The answer, “Politics as Usual.”

John Kerry told reporters today during a trip to Saudi Arabia that the State Department will move immediately to review the emails but cautioned it will take time. “We will undertake this task as rapidly as possible in order to make sure that we are dealing with the sheer volume in a responsible way,” Kerry said. The reason for any delay is “Politics as Usual.”

Even though they suspected something was being hidden, the committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., announced Wednesday that it has issued a subpoena to Clinton directly for all of her communications relating to Libya, including emails from her personal server, texts, attachments and pictures. If there is nothing confidential in her E mails why do they have to be screened by Kerry and why can’t Hillary give them direct access?

I just read in the Federalist that Hillary Clinton and her allies may be claiming that her private e-mail system is no big deal. “Hillary’s State Department actually forced the 2012 resignation of the U.S. ambassador to Kenya in part for setting up an unsanctioned private e-mail system. According to a 2012 report from the State Department’s inspector general, former U.S. ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration set up a private e-mail system for his office in 2011”. “Politics as Usual?”

Watching what happens will be interesting. Look for excuses that will put tears in the eyes of every American female voter both dead and alive. They have enough time to make it look like discrimination against women. We have women who are more than qualified than our last several Presidents and are capable of leading America back on a Constitutional path. It is time to give a woman a chance to prove me right but not Hillary Clinton. At least find a woman who is truthful, honest, ethical, and loves America as much as I do from either political party.

The Clintons have so many skeletons buried from the Ozark’s to the Adirondack Mountains that it will be a field day to watch NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and PBS manipulate the facts to get Hillary elected in 2016.

Honesty, truth, ethics and true love for America are no longer a requirement for the media or politicians. 


C Brewer


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