A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Bob Beckel”


I woke up this morning prepared to celebrate our 52nd wedding anniversary and the first thing I hear is a recap of Emperor Obama’s Saturday morning address to the nation. Normally when he appears or is quoted I reach for the wand to change the channel. To be honest, watching this man destroy America has forced me to record all news programs that allows me to fast forward and skip propaganda. Eliminating ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and CNBC avoids the most slanted political news in my near 82 years. Fox news used to be somewhat reasonable as Alan Colmes was only on one program that could be skipped. Now we have Bob Beckel to avoid, Juan Williams and Colmes for breakfast, lunch and all afternoon and evening. One thing positive has resulted; I play more golf than most people my age which keeps me out of the Lazy Boy. Looking in the woods and using my ball retriever to find my golf ball gets me more exercise and lot more enjoyment. My wife said she had rather watch grass grow than suffer through watching the news. We get our 98% of the news from the internet.

Back to the agony that motivated me to write this article. Two specific points were addressed by our mindless leader this morning;

1. Our roads and infrastructure are crumbling.

2. We need to make sure that every American and illegal alien child has access to a college education. I will address these two points separately but watch them oppose each other in reality.

First let me share that in the 1930’s when I was a boy we had a terrible unemployment problem. We did not have as many roads, we did not have the National or State parks to enjoy and in fact we did not have any money. There was no Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, welfare or unemployment money. Unfortunately these conditions brought us the programs that have destroyed America and Obama has us on a fast track to go bankrupt.

Franklin Roosevelt at least had the brains to accomplish something of value as America struggled through the Great Depression. Instead of borrowing money to pay people not to work, he helped create the Works Project Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps. (CCC). I doubt that anyone born after 1945 ever knew these programs existed. I feel certain that our elementary education system or colleges do not reveal this crisis era so many suffered through. For sure the media makes no mention of how WPA or CCC programs were used to create the infrastructure that we have today that is crumbling or has disappeared.

I had an uncle that joined the CCC’s to keep from starving. I did have a chance as a boy to watch a four lane highway constructed between Mineral Wells (where I was born) and Weatherford, Texas some 18 miles away. This was a hand laid brick road that provided improved travel. In addition my Dad’s first cousin built a brickyard in Mineral Wells to provide the bricks for the highway. This is how the government and private enterprise joined hands to make this country the envy of the world. People earned their money instead of sitting on their butts and expecting those who do work to pay them to do nothing. By the way the brickyard also provided jobs. This cycle also helped the grocery stores and all other businesses to create more jobs.

Paying people to do nothing is why we have 24/7/365 politicians. Finding dead people to vote has become more difficult today. If Obama wants to improve the roads and infrastructure he should study what his Progressive predecessor did in the 1930’s. Let the people on welfare, the unemployed and even the baby factory mothers do something to improve something. Even licking stamps for Congressional free mail would put thousands to something meaningful.

Now let me address the Obama dream to allow every child, American or illegal, get a college education. Probably over 75% of today’s children have been shoved through the elementary education process with programs like “No Child Left Behind” and the other gimmickry used to dumb down them down. Our entire education systems today is government controlled to separate the gifted child from the average ones. Keep the people divided at every level possible.

It is sad to read that the majority of students in some parts of this great country actually graduate from high school and still can’t read at 8th grade levels.

Providing higher education for every student that is gifted or that has actually driven themselves to learn is a noble and achievable objective. Using race and other political reasons to force incapable children to go to colleges or universities is insanity. I posted several articles on the education system failures that you can still find on this blog if you desire to see how rotten our education system is today. I encourage you to take the time to get involved with this crisis. How the governments and the unions have ruined our education system is frightening.

Now let me bring the two Obama goals together. I just read that 40% of graduating college students today can’t find a position needing their education. I wonder how many of them are doing something to survive that is below their capability. Now that Obama has mandated that they can stay at home until they are 26 years old and be covered on the parents insurance; I wonder how many are still living with their parents?; I wonder how many really don’t want a job?; I wonder how many that did not go to college still live with their parents?; I wonder how many are interrupting our live with protesting for more freebies from the people who actually work for a living?

Fast forward to having every child college educated. Will they be willing to pick vegetables in the hot sun? I’m certain they would avoid paving roads with hot tar. I wonder how many would be willing to work on constructing tall buildings? I can’t see many willing to be a tool pusher on an oil rig. How many would be willing to be a deckhand on a tug boat? Last but not least how many would be happy flipping burgers or sacking groceries at the supermarket?

Obama’s message this morning was targeted to further divide Americans from reality. Only the people on the government dole, union members, morons or the dead could possibly agree with his message this morning. Unfortunately when you add up the ones who fit this description coupled with questionable sane people who will not vote, he will probably have enough votes to get re-elected. Even Ripley would not believe this is happening.   

C Brewer 



I would like to receive some feedback to discover if there is any other Americans sick and tired of 24/7 coverage of politics? With a full three years of watching our current President running for re-election, I am sick of watching the Republicans slaughter each other for the last year.

I really don’t care how everyone in Iowa will cast their ballots. Next we will have to listen to ten thousand hours of why people voted for a particular candidate.

Then we will be off to New Hampshire for another 24/7 analysis and repeat the Iowa boredom. Then on to South Carolina and who cares which is next until the Republican convention. Just think, that if the Democrats had any common sense they would have some stooge run against Obama, just to get free air time on Fox News. I suppose they feel that having ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, MSNBC report every movement Obama makes, except his bowels, is enough to offset Fox News.

I am even sick of watching Fox News 24/7 political coverage. Poor Carl Cameron could use a vacation and spend some time with his family. Any network that has to use Alan Colmes to report anything needs some common sense consulting. This man is so consumed with progressive BS; I actually think he believes Obama walks on water. He is beyond help and should be a resident on a funny farm (mental institution).

While discussing Fox News, my time devoted to watching has dwindled consistently over the past year. I do enjoy Fox and Friends and the first few minutes of the remaining AM programming. From noon until three I have no interest and at four I look for NCIS reruns. Bob Beckel appears to be a man with a brain and could not be as stupid as the role he plays. He should get an Emmy as the best acting newsman as no one, except Colmes and Juan Williams, could be that misinformed. I have always admired Bill O’Reilly but except for the Wednesday segment with Dennis Miller it only takes me 10 minutes to watch his entire program. Tonight it took 6 minutes and 42 seconds that were not devoted to Iowa.

For others who share my feelings, I can help you with two suggestions. One, I record the programs to watch so I can skip gold commercials and the agony of listening to Colmes, Beckel, Geraldo, Juan Williams and the lawyers that host too many programs. Two, I never watch ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR or MSNBC.

Hopefully Fox News will continue to exist. Even though I watch less and less, they still have some excellent analyst like Bill Hemmer, Neil Cavuto, Bret Baier, Sean Hannity and Jon Scott to enjoy.

C Brewer

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