A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Cambodia”


Let me preface that I am not a Diplomat, Politician, elected for anything, a Progressive or a liberal Demoncrat. I am a conservative American who has lived much longer than most of you that are younger than 86. I enlisted at 17 and served in the US Navy for some five years during the Korean war. I am a retired member of Mensa and Intertel by passing exams that placed me in the 99th percentile of Intelligence  Quotient. I had a successful career serving in every level of management after 27 years with Lockheed-Martin, 5 years with Halliburton and eleven years starting 8 companies. I worked in 32 countries and 49 states. I started this blog some 5 years ago and I have published over 1000 articles. I am proud of my life and I have been married to my second wife for 56 years and currently have 46 children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren counting spouses.

I did not write the above introduction to seek anything but confidence that I am not a blowhard or braggart. I write my articles to express my feelings, share my experiences, possibly encourage others to learn something each and every day. I receive no revenue for my work and encourage anyone to share my work as nothing is copyrighted.

I want to talk about Russia and the wild excitement expressed the Demoncrats and the Republicans in name only (Rino;s) like John McCain and Lindsey Graham who are as Progressive as the Clinton’s and used every underhanded way ever designed to get Hillary elected President. These people have created the poor people and have kept them poor for 50 years. They better have their seat belts fastened when Trump is sworn in this month. They have tried to destroy Israel just for the fun of it and it is about to bite them in the butt.

They have tried to antagonize Russia and Putin which is stupid in my opinion. I hope when I finish my postulations about the world’s future it will make sense to those who have closed minds. As a paper boy I watched train loads of scrap metal leave the Bethlehem Steel plant in Corsicana Texas  every day in the late 1930’s destined to be shipped to Japan. Why, Japan was building up the arms necessary to plunder and kill thousands over most of SE Asia. If they had not attacked America they would have likely ruled all of that part of the world today.One of the main reasons Japan conquered more land mass was they were isolated and were populating too fast for future land needs.

Watching China building man-made islands in the international waters should at least spark an interest in why. The United States is watching and spying on this massive undertaking. The American media has shown no interest other than report that China captures one of our spying devices that was identified as a scientific probe of international waters.This is just another insurance that our media is owned by the White House now. They know they antagonized the new President and will soon have to rely on much lower level government moles to get their news. President elect Trump has found that he can communicate with average Americans and the world that elected him via social media like Twitter and Facebook. People and Nations will get the same news at the same time.

While the Demoncrats fight Trumps every move domestically for the next four years the China will have less pressure preparing for the next world conflict. The building of islands in the sea is likely a smoke screen of preparations to make the same move the Japanese did in the 1930’s, again when I was a boy. They will not be looking at overpopulated land areas like Japan, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines,  India or Pakistan. They will likely avoid  the Middle East unless a petroleum shortage is evident. What they will want is Malaysia and parts of Indonesia that are underpopulated and have petroleum reserves. I doubt that Mongolia or eastern Russia will be an early target as the weather at the equator is fan better than the winters in the north. This area will be secondary after they use all of the natural resources and relocate millions of Chinese immigrants to the South first.  

I feel certain the views I have shared will be scoffed at by every liberal on earth as madness. I have no problems with China but their growth does not provide an easy way to control population needs like we have seen used by Mexico.They do not have the easy way to disburse their second class citizens into the United States like Mexico and the other Central American countries have enjoyed.

I will likely not live to see if I was correct. Inside me I pray the world will never see another war that took so many young American men in my lifetime. Unfortunately if natural disasters do not slow the Worlds eventual population growth it will far exceed the ability to feed everyone. I will not overlook the world wars or even smaller wars like the Korean war I was involved with or the war with Viet Nam that were concocted  by the politicians who had their pockets filled by the banks. The banks have caused more conflicts and wars than the Romans did several centuries ago. Read my articles about our own Federal Reserve and the scary group that still exists called Tavistock.

Now go back to sleep and watch the Demoncrats and Rino;s wriggle, scream, riot, plunder, hug trees, block highways and ignore the next potential disaster. Hopefully see Donald Trump drain the Washington swamp, create jobs and skewer the media. He appears to see that Russia is a much better partner than China to ease world tensions. I hope he throws out the United Nations or at least stop funding it totally. Unfortunately he will probably be assassinated like Kennedy by powers that have never surfaced yet. The money was there somewhere.

C Brewer January 10 2017 




I read an interesting article on Townhall.com yesterday that had a topic I felt needed to be included in my series on Socialism.

Remember I wrote about Karl Marx’s contribution to Socialism and included how he was largely responsible for Russia ending up as a Communist nation. The article was written by Mike Adams and I will credit him with direct quotes and repeat some of his facts.

This will hopefully influence your perception of what Obama and the Progressive’s of both major political parties have been preparing for over 100 years. Progressives are usually non-violent, domestically, as you will see later. They want power and your money.

Mike stated, “There are more Marxists teaching in Sociology Departments in America than living in the former Soviet Union. These sociologists hold themselves out as scientists despite the fact that they fail consistently in their efforts to predict the future. In fact, most of them lack the competence to accurately predict the past.” He identifies that among the least competent and most intellectually dishonest is Gary L. Faulkner, Professor Emeritus from the University of North Carolina.

Faulkner recently claimed that Marx predicted the events we are seeing in the Occupy Wall Street movement. He also claimed that events from the 20th Century bolster the credibility of Marx as both an economist and political prophet. He further castigates Republicans for their refusal to embrace Marxism. Faulkner states, “There is something really ironic about Republican’s hatred of Marxism. Years ago Marx predicted capitalism would collapse. The reason – workers would rebel.”

That prediction came true when we watched rebellions in China, Russia, North Korea, Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. These resulted in Marxist governments that killed nearly 100 million citizens. “Marx was a violent man who unleashed racist and anti-Semitic assaults on anyone who dared to oppose the use of violence as a means of creating change.”

“Marx would have carried out violence on a larger scale. But his poor physical condition prevented him from doing so. That left the work to followers such as Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. His heavy smoking and drinking zapped his energy. His refusal to bathe – a trait also shared by Mao – resulted in boils all over his body. They brought on nervous collapse and fits of rage – both of which would have prevented him from working and earning his own living had he decided to do so.”

Marx had a passionate hatred of capitalism because he was simply unable to handle money and to organize his own financial affairs. His inability to stay out of debt explains why his theory of capital is so deeply rooted in anti-Semitism. It also explains why he stole many of his most deeply anti-Semitic passages from Martin Luther.

“Although he wrote about the need for revolution, Marx had a strange hatred for those who came from the revolutionary class. His son-in-law Paul Lafargue was from Cuba and had some black blood. He tried to keep his daughter from marrying him and later resented him for refusing to honor his wishes.” Consequently, Marx referred to him as “Negrillo” and “the Gorilla.” Would he have loved Obama?

Marx considered both work and the worker to be beneath him. He lived nearly his entire adult life off of handouts from Engels, the co-author of The Communist Manifesto.

“Marx understood that there would always be men incapable of taking care of themselves. He understood that they would resort to violence whenever they did not get what they wanted. He also understood that there would always be academics who admired gross incompetence and the propensity towards violence.”

I can quickly identify American leaders who share Marx’s beliefs and our current Attorney General is a prime one. How many of our current leaders can you identify as Marxist? Send me your list to compare with mine.

C Brewer

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