A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Korea”


Those younger than 70 probably can’t remember much about America even in the 1950”s. Those younger than 60 may have some knowledge of America the beautiful listening to their parents. Those younger than 50 likely never learned anything about World War II or for that matter really care. Those under 40 were lucky to even have two parents and most expect the government to take care of them. Those under 30 likely don’t even know America existed before their parent was born. Those under 20 are well prepared to demonstrate but really don’t know or care why.

America in the 1930’s was poor but the people loved their country and learned to help each other. The Government was broke but the churches took care of the people who could not work or could not find work. The people who were rich helped support the unfortunate and most of us were happy.

WW II was won by people who died fighting for our freedoms. Women and men too old or handicapped learned how to build and fly airplanes produce ammunition, guns and other war related necessities. America was united for a single cause to preserve our freedoms. War hero’s were admired by all and those who lived to tell their stories were revered by everyone. Few families were fortunate to have not lost a loved one during this brutal conflict.

When I graduated from high school in 1947 it was like the 1930’s again as there was not enough jobs even for the veterans who were lucky enough to survived the war. The next five years found America again one of the happiest places on earth.

After joining the Navy at 17 history will someday conclude we fought our next war to satisfy the world’s bankers when the North Koreans invaded South Korea and many of my classmates were sent halfway around the world to suffer frostbite, get killed or wounded so the world’s economy could be invigorated. If that war had defeated North Korea the world would not be preparing to fight them again to help the bankers again bolster the economy. Those who died in that war were just wasted for profits.

Then came another bankers war in Viet Nam to bolster the economy again and this time it did start the disuniting of America. Unfortunately it was not aimed at the bankers but was initiated by the first generation of American “Cowards” led by the Clinton’s, Fonda’s and the Ayres who decided to blame the military rather than the politicians and bankers. Nearly 60,000 young Americans died in vain and those who did get back home were hated by the cowards. Destruction, murders, ravaged businesses were just ignored as it was to cover up for the cowards, some who also fled to Canada.

From that point up to today Americans were and still are being threatened, bribed, coerced even thousands killed if they disagreed with the hate-filled and even powerful people like President Obama. You can call me a crazy old man but history will agree with my statements like it or not. We are still fighting other bankers wars created by the Bush family in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria because Obama and the army of Demoncrats could get richer. Watch them try to blame Trump for Syria and the banker owned media will go wild again.

Folks, we elected a new President who is doing exactly what he promised. The money grabbers and their control of the news have and will oppose everything he does if he is there eight years and after I am long gone. We now have a “Sheriff” to lead us back to unity if the money mad Liberals do not have him killed like they did to Scalia or the cowards fear they may have to fight for our freedoms again.

You can call me anything you wish but I can look in the mirror and know I was a veteran, who supports all veterans and I am proud to know I am a real American. I was no “HERO” but I am proud to say I have known and walked beside many of them in my long lifetime.

America will be great again if Trump can force an election to let the people vote to implement term limits on all elected and appointed government employees. This includes all Judges. Tenure and lifetime elected crooks is not the American way. Politics should not be a profession and again Judges included. I will be happy to debate my positions with any coward who disagrees. If you have the guts to try please comment in writing on the blog.   C Brewer    April 9, 2017


Let me preface that I am not a Diplomat, Politician, elected for anything, a Progressive or a liberal Demoncrat. I am a conservative American who has lived much longer than most of you that are younger than 86. I enlisted at 17 and served in the US Navy for some five years during the Korean war. I am a retired member of Mensa and Intertel by passing exams that placed me in the 99th percentile of Intelligence  Quotient. I had a successful career serving in every level of management after 27 years with Lockheed-Martin, 5 years with Halliburton and eleven years starting 8 companies. I worked in 32 countries and 49 states. I started this blog some 5 years ago and I have published over 1000 articles. I am proud of my life and I have been married to my second wife for 56 years and currently have 46 children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren counting spouses.

I did not write the above introduction to seek anything but confidence that I am not a blowhard or braggart. I write my articles to express my feelings, share my experiences, possibly encourage others to learn something each and every day. I receive no revenue for my work and encourage anyone to share my work as nothing is copyrighted.

I want to talk about Russia and the wild excitement expressed the Demoncrats and the Republicans in name only (Rino;s) like John McCain and Lindsey Graham who are as Progressive as the Clinton’s and used every underhanded way ever designed to get Hillary elected President. These people have created the poor people and have kept them poor for 50 years. They better have their seat belts fastened when Trump is sworn in this month. They have tried to destroy Israel just for the fun of it and it is about to bite them in the butt.

They have tried to antagonize Russia and Putin which is stupid in my opinion. I hope when I finish my postulations about the world’s future it will make sense to those who have closed minds. As a paper boy I watched train loads of scrap metal leave the Bethlehem Steel plant in Corsicana Texas  every day in the late 1930’s destined to be shipped to Japan. Why, Japan was building up the arms necessary to plunder and kill thousands over most of SE Asia. If they had not attacked America they would have likely ruled all of that part of the world today.One of the main reasons Japan conquered more land mass was they were isolated and were populating too fast for future land needs.

Watching China building man-made islands in the international waters should at least spark an interest in why. The United States is watching and spying on this massive undertaking. The American media has shown no interest other than report that China captures one of our spying devices that was identified as a scientific probe of international waters.This is just another insurance that our media is owned by the White House now. They know they antagonized the new President and will soon have to rely on much lower level government moles to get their news. President elect Trump has found that he can communicate with average Americans and the world that elected him via social media like Twitter and Facebook. People and Nations will get the same news at the same time.

While the Demoncrats fight Trumps every move domestically for the next four years the China will have less pressure preparing for the next world conflict. The building of islands in the sea is likely a smoke screen of preparations to make the same move the Japanese did in the 1930’s, again when I was a boy. They will not be looking at overpopulated land areas like Japan, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines,  India or Pakistan. They will likely avoid  the Middle East unless a petroleum shortage is evident. What they will want is Malaysia and parts of Indonesia that are underpopulated and have petroleum reserves. I doubt that Mongolia or eastern Russia will be an early target as the weather at the equator is fan better than the winters in the north. This area will be secondary after they use all of the natural resources and relocate millions of Chinese immigrants to the South first.  

I feel certain the views I have shared will be scoffed at by every liberal on earth as madness. I have no problems with China but their growth does not provide an easy way to control population needs like we have seen used by Mexico.They do not have the easy way to disburse their second class citizens into the United States like Mexico and the other Central American countries have enjoyed.

I will likely not live to see if I was correct. Inside me I pray the world will never see another war that took so many young American men in my lifetime. Unfortunately if natural disasters do not slow the Worlds eventual population growth it will far exceed the ability to feed everyone. I will not overlook the world wars or even smaller wars like the Korean war I was involved with or the war with Viet Nam that were concocted  by the politicians who had their pockets filled by the banks. The banks have caused more conflicts and wars than the Romans did several centuries ago. Read my articles about our own Federal Reserve and the scary group that still exists called Tavistock.

Now go back to sleep and watch the Demoncrats and Rino;s wriggle, scream, riot, plunder, hug trees, block highways and ignore the next potential disaster. Hopefully see Donald Trump drain the Washington swamp, create jobs and skewer the media. He appears to see that Russia is a much better partner than China to ease world tensions. I hope he throws out the United Nations or at least stop funding it totally. Unfortunately he will probably be assassinated like Kennedy by powers that have never surfaced yet. The money was there somewhere.

C Brewer January 10 2017 



Sadly I include myself in this category because we know what is right for America but we do not know how to express ourselves with modern political words. Modern liberals have perfected the ability to make “Bull S—T” sound like music to the ears of the poor, disadvantaged, illegal and gullible, especially the females of all nationalities. This opening should make enough of them mad enough to read the rest of my article.

My dear friend Phillip Sizer, who has been one of my mentors recently sent me a copy of a true conservative newspaper. This publication is the American Free Press and is published every two weeks. I highly recommend this publication and if you have a computer you can subscribe to an online rather than a copy by mail. Phil called to see if I had read a recent article and when I did read it, it motivated me to create this posting. The Article is titled, “Want More Wars?”, by Willis A Carto.

The opening paragraph begins with a statement that “Liberal TV personality Ed Schultz has a question:  

“What is going on?” he asks. Why is the U.S. involved in apparently senseless war across the globe? Why does the media go along with the State Department promoting these wars? All of our foreign interventions do nothing but create and escalate the hatred of foreigners against our country.

This appears to be the standard answer the Progressive-Liberals, especially the Democratic ones use as a reason to preach their Socialists sermons and Obama’s “share the wealth” crusade to bankrupt America.

Mr. Carto responds with “The answer is simple when you think about it.” This is where I will not argue that his facts are not accurate but the cures can be more dangerous than the causes.

Mr. Carto notes that we have irresistible forces in “our” country that want war and plenty of it. “War is extremely profitable for some. We point to the arms manufacturers, for example. These folks are good at making rifles, cannon, battleships, uniforms, shoes. The list goes on.”

He relates that, “War is a very profitable business. And their customer always pays promptly. If the customer—Uncle Sam—runs out of money, he can get unlimited amounts from the friendly Rothschild bank called the Federal Reserve, which just manufactures money when needed and adds it to the “national” debt”.

He goes on to say that, “All of these nice, very rich folks have many nice, well-paid salesmen in Washington. Some are lobbyists and some are in Congress. With the backing of the newspapers, special-interest pressure groups, armament lobbies and many members of Congress, count on them to get the job done”.

“Their bread and butter is war. Never mind what you as a taxpayer or the poor saps who join the Army—often because they can’t find a useful job at home—-want. So off they go in a nice uniform. Off they go to shoot at guys in other armies or who are desperately trying to protect their homeland no matter what it costs in lives and human suffering”.

Now this is where I draw the line and disagree with blaming American industry for promoting wars. 100% of the blame for wars is created by the friendly people like the Rothschild’s he mentions as the providers of funds. These money monsters scattered around the world are the real ones who benefit from wars. America is not the only producer of weapons of war because we have bankers in every country lapping up profits of war.

The “War Whores” are the elected politicians, like our Congress persons and government bureaucrats that seek both power and money to hang on to the government teat they are sucking dry every time they buy war supplies. We don’t have to stop buying products of war or to create products for the future like space exploration. All we need to do is stop wasting money on things we don’t need or even plan to use. Some consider this nothing more than “White Collar Welfare” and a way to entice independents to vote for Democrats.

When the military decides to close a Fort or Post the screams from Congress are deafening. When they try to cancel a weapon, aircraft, etc. that is not needed, the same screams from the politicians and bureaucrats is heard around the world. Now we have a President that is hell-bent on destroying the military systematically and with the precision of a surgeon with a scalpel.

Why do we still have American troops in Japan, Korea and Germany to maintain the peace after 60-70 years after the war?

I spent 27 years in the aerospace business that is sustained in some respects by the “War Whores” with useless and poorly managed oversight. I will always remember a sign I saw years ago that zero in on this waste and still does today. It read, “An elephant is actually a mouse built on a costs-plus, single source bid of US government contract”.

Mr. Carto also brings up our mission to force “democracy” on the benighted denizens of lesser nations. We both agree that we really need to force “democracy” on our current President and all of the Democrats right here in the good old United States of America. They are destroying our Republic, our Constitution and the Bill-of-Rights today.

One other point that Congress fails to grasp or adequately explain to the public is Mr. Carto’s statement, “Withdrawal from a policy of continual war would mean a depression for the U.S. far worse than the one of the thirties. It would mean riots by the jobless, a cutoff of welfare for the blacks as well as the whites and an unpredictable future”. This my friends is why “Common Sense” leadership is the only way out of our fiscal mess. The problem is there are no Republican leaders in sight that can win an election and the Democrats are the only party that can baffle the people with Bull S…T. They own the media and propaganda is now their message.

I want to thank Phil, The American Free Press and Mr. Willis A Carto for the motivation to write this article. We do have a Republican with fire in his belly that is capable of leading us back to common sense named Ted Cruz, unfortunately he could never win the Presidency as the media would crucify him immediately with lies, innuendoes and propaganda.

C Brewer



As we watch our President divide Americans instead of uniting us, we have another day remembered by some as the day we became free from oppression. The majority of Americans, including some of my own family, have no idea what freedom cost in American lives to gain our independence. Some like myself do remember how many lives were lost to protect these freedoms in two world wars.

Most Americans today celebrate it as a holiday to avoid work. These same people look at war during their lifetime as a waste of money created by politicians to get re-elected and sadly they are correct when you study Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Unfortunately we have lost thousands of American lives fighting these political wars. If we were attacked tomorrow like we were when I was a boy of eleven by the Japanese, America would lose. A country so divided by Obama would never get off welfare to build weapons and God forbid, who would volunteer to risk their life like the young men I watched as a boy. Some 500,000 never got back in WWII.

God bless our military that risk their lives to make sure half of America survives from the hard work of the other half who work and serve our country. Just keep ignoring the threats that will materialize or look forward to the civil war our President desires.

To celebrate the 4th of July 2014 I beg you to at least read every word what follows. I don’t know who wrote “THE FINAL INSPECTION” but they have my full respect. I hope this circles the globe. If it weren’t for the United States military, there’d be no United States of America.




The Soldier stood and faced God,

Which must always come to pass.

He hoped his shoes were shining,

Just as brightly as his brass.

‘Step forward now, Soldier,

How shall I deal with you?

Have you always turned the other cheek?

To My Church have you been true?’


The soldier squared his shoulders and said,

‘no, Lord, I guess I ain’t.

Because those of us who carry guns,

Can’t always be a saint.

I’ve had to work most Sundays,

And at times my talk was tough.

And sometimes I’ve been violent,

Because the world is awfully rough.

But, I never took a penny,

That wasn’t mine to keep.

Though I worked a lot of overtime,

When the bills got just too steep.


And I never passed a cry for help,

Though at times I shook with fear.

And sometimes, God, forgive me,

I’ve wept unmanly tears.


I know I don’t deserve a place,

Among the people here.

They never wanted me around,

Except to calm their fears

If you’ve a place for me here, Lord,

It needn’t be so grand.


I never expected or had too much,

But if you don’t, I’ll understand.

There was a silence all around the throne,

Where the saints had often trod.


As the Soldier waited quietly,

For the judgment of his God.

‘Step forward now, you Soldier,

You’ve borne your burdens well.


Walk peacefully on Heaven’s streets,

You’ve done your time in Hell.’

~Author Unknown~


It’s the Soldier, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press.

It’s the Soldier, not the poet who has given us the freedom of speech.

It’s the Soldier, not the politicians that ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

It’s the Soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag.

If you care to offer the smallest token of recognition and appreciation for our Military, dead and alive, please tell every freedom loving American you know to read this this.





Did anyone watching the State-of-the-Union last night here one word on why we can’t make these things in America again? No!

Our President and Congress ignore the problems which are “REGULATIONS, UNIONS and POWER”. They just love to soak it to the energy industry so we can make OPEC  and AL Gore richer.  C Brewer


Men looking for work, start the day early using an alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN).

Next they plug in the coffee pot (MADE IN CHINA).

They shave with an electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG).

They put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA).

After cooking breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) he sits down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today.

After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he gets in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) filled with GAS (from Saudi Arabia) and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.

At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (made in MALAYSIA), he decides to relax for a while.

He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL), pours himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turns on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and  wonders why he can’t find a good paying job in AMERICA


ANON…..Thanks Ron

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