A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Christian Nation”



I am not a member of the Catholic church but I have many close friends who are devoted members. I deeply respect any religion that helps all people and supports freedom for its members. I have no idea who created this message that I received from my friend Jim Heck who lives in Lufkin Texas. The depth of this “factual” accumulation has an awesome impact on the upcoming election and is just one more reason to elect Donald Trump. The people must ignore the biased media, progressive destruction of our freedoms and stop Washington gone mad. Watching the rich and powerful, Congress, our own Government leadership, the media and even the Supreme Court ignore the laws must be ended. The rush to bring in millions of Muslims is misguided madness. Please share this message before the November elections.   C Brewer 

Charity Hospital run by the Sisters of Charity in New Orleans, along with the Upjohn company developed the plasma system in the 1930’s that saved so many lives in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and in the Middle East now.

During the Civil War most of the nurses were nuns.

Even if you are not Catholic, this is eye-opening:

When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no hospitals. Today, one out of five people in this country receive their medical care at a Catholic hospital.

When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no schools. Today, the Catholic Church teaches 3  million students a day, in its more than 250 Catholic Colleges and Universities, in its more than 1200 Catholic High Schools and its more than 5000 Catholic grade schools.

Every day, the Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other organization in the world.

The new Obama Health Mandate could end all this and the taxpayers would have to make up the loss.

Also, all Catholic adoption services will come to an end… a human disaster.

There are more than 77 million Catholics in this country.  It takes an estimated 50 million Catholic votes to elect a president.

I am asking all of you to go to the polls in 2016 and be united in replacing all Senators and Reps with someone who will respect the Catholic Church, all Christians, and all Religions with perhaps the exception of Islam.

Mr. President, you said, “The USA is not a Christian Nation”. You are wrong – we are a Christian Nation founded on Judeo-Christian values allowing all religions in America to worship and practice freely… something that Islam will never do.

Oh, by the way, on MUSLIM HERITAGE IN America …. Have you ever been to a Muslim hospital, heard a Muslim orchestra, seen a Muslim band march in a parade, know of a Muslim charity, ever seen Muslims shaking hands with a Muslim Girl Scout, or ever seen a Muslim Candy striper volunteering in a hospital? Have you ever seen a Muslim do much of anything that contributes positively to the American way of life?

Let’s circulate this to as many as possible. And remember the elections coming up in 2016!

One more note…..  in every church or synagogue, I have ever been in, in the United States, I have always seen an American flag.

No mosque in the United States displays an American flag!    ANON

Folks this is America. “Land of the free and home of the brave” or it used to be! CB



Watching the news  today is like watching a country that was created to be a Christian nation of laws systemically racing to destroy itself. I was born in 1930, a time when politicians and misguided leadership had plunged America into what history has named the “Great Depression”. I am sure there are thousands of similar stories but one happened to my Dad. He was born in 1902 and was too young to be in the first world war and  reached manhood when America was trying to help returning veterans return into the labor force. Faced with only having a high school education he found employment helping build railroads across west Texas. For those unaware of west Texas even today is a vast area and in the early 1920’s was sparsely populated except for rattlesnakes, scorpions, tarantulas and horned toads. If that was not enough this area of Texas is noted for really hot weather and dust storms that you would never believe unless you have seen one.

The bottom line is that by 1929 he had saved over $3000 and met, courted and married the greatest lady I ever knew, my mother. Shortly after they married the banks failed and my father lost everything he had worked so hard for overnight. Should your reading this article spark any interest of reading why these events happen,or why we have had all wars, read deeper. I have written some of the thousands of articles about the clandestine creation of  the Federal Reserve that is still a secret assemblage who operate with secret meetings. If that sparks any further thirst for knowledge read the articles I have written about another secret society named “Tavistock”, When you can understand that our world is controlled by secret societies and power is associated with wealth you can more clearly understand how we the people are controlled.

I have actually lived in  what history will acknowledge was the turning point for America to be the greatest nation on earth. The agony and loss of so many young men and the emergence of the working woman during the second world war changed America and created the emergence of a “middle class citizen. the 1950’s was the greatest era America had ever seen and will never be repeated. This exciting era actually lasted until the death of John Kennedy allowed the emergence of what has today near created the possibility of a second “Civil War”. The architect of this possible destruction of our Republic form of government was President Lyndon B Johnson. He does not deserve any accolades as he was not that intelligent. In fact he was so gullible he let the Progressives control his every action that has us so close to self-destruction today.

 President Carter and Nixon were eras of letting the Progressives gain power and the loss of influence in the world. Iran would still be a great nation headed for changing the Middle East into a 20th century society if Carter had not let the radical religious zealots gain control of the country. This caused the rise of power and the emergence of what is now called ISIS.

President Reagan was the reason there is a vast portion of Europe freed  from Communists control. This era was the last one that actually  slowed the Progressive control of America and their march toward changing America into a Socialist Democracy. If Hillary Clinton is elected President we are destined  to see the emergence and acceptance of being a monarchy and an “Elite Class” that we now actually have allowed to exist today. When this form of government is in place the minorities and “freebies” who the Demoncrats have amassed to elect them will wake up to a new world of “responsibility”.

For those who desire to see what form of government Hillary and the Progressives have in mind read my article on the Socialist Democracy with a monarchy in Denmark. I perceive this to be the goal of the America Progressive movement. The people are totally controlled by a central government in every facet of their life. They have a fantastic but government system of healthcare that everyone pays into with 8 percent of your earnings. By the way everyone who is able has to work. One plus for me as an individual  will be watching movements like “Black Lives Matter” and the army of people who are able having to work for their supper instead of sitting on their butts doing nothing.    

I am unafraid as my time watching America destroyed is about over. I have no horse in this race as an individual but I feel so sorry for the current 46 children, grand children and great grand children in my family. The Progressives have amassed the biggest spending spree in history to support Hillary and sink the Trump desire to revive the America I so dearly love. We will all know in November, if Trump is not eliminated like Justice Scalia. The Clinton’s have a history of strange events happening to people in their way. What has amazed me is that Dick Morris is still alive and firing cannons at the Clinton’s.

If Hillary is elected, history will reveal that the Progressive movement was sparked by Teddy Roosevelt in the land grab era and ended by Obama. Even Obama was duped to cause this possible event as he desired to jump directly into Communism. I do not believe that all of the Progressives have that in mind, yet. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong with facts. So vote for what you want in November as it could well be the last vote you ever make.   C Brewer    

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