A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Reagan”


I will be the first to admit that I would love to see America “United” again before I croak. In my life I watched as a boy when the people banded together and unbelievably won WWII only because we were united. I served in the US Navy during the Korean war when again the people were united. I watched America live through a great depression when again too many people were dirt poor but few gave up. Then unfortunately LBJ assumed the Presidency when John Kennedy was assassinated less than 15 miles where I was working that infamous day in Dallas. This was the beginning of the downhill slide in the 1960’s when American cowards surfaced and started the revolutionary mission to destroy the United States of America. A war in Vietnam was fought to help the politicians and bankers gain more control over the people. We paid with some 60,000  young American lives and ended up with eight years of the Clinton’s and eight more with the Obama’s.

Along came Reagan and some sanity surfaced and America again gained stature worldwide. The people again united to strengthen our Republic and we had a few years of prosperity and peace with Reagan, our last great leader until January 20, 2017. We still have wars in three Muslim countries that have killed a few more thousand young Americans to help the politicians and bankers. We can stay and fight in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq for a thousand years and it will never help the United States, Europe or anyone. Anyone, and I have, who spends time in the sandy expanse called the Middle East can see in a heartbeat that these people will never become westernized or Christians. Hell will freeze over before anyone will change there folks. Ask the Russians who were happy to see us bog down like they did in Afghanistan.  

Then the people voted to hope that Donald Trump could force Congress, the Supreme Court and the bloated Federal Government to again follow our Constitution and create jobs for Americans. For the last several years the Washington hierarchy  has decided that our Federal laws only apply to selective citizens and politicians. Even Presidents, especially Obama who even issued orders to ignore certain laws while our Judicial Branch sat on their Royal Robed butts and did nothing. Even worse Congress watched the laws they enacted ignored and decided to do nothing.

The Republicans won the whole taco, the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The only problem is they are about as organized as one-legged man at an ass kicking contest. At first they appeared ready to kick ass and take names. Unfortunately they discovered that they are leaderless. Paul Ryan is trying hard to help Trump get things done that he promised the folks. With the exception of a few dissidents the House is boldly moving forward. They have listened to the people who want action not stagnation. The folks want jobs. Ryan is leading the conservatives on a path back to common sense. Unless their wheels fall off the House, backed by the President are on the “GO”

The Senate, never a group to understand anything the past several years, is actually a body of pompous, arrogant and for most part useless debaters who could not even agree what day it is  unless someone bombed an American city again. They are equally divided into three segments. The Republicans are divided into some “Go’s, and some Whoa’s and the Democrats who have become 100% “no’s and continue to make the GOP look as stupid as they have become. God almighty could not get these Republicans to sing from one song book unless they were voting to increase their own salaries or retirement benefits. The RINO’s (Republicans in Name Only) are getting braver each day and I hope Trump helps every one of these dissidents defeated in their next election cycle. The two main screamers, McCain and Graham should be honest and join the Demoncrats who they best support. Others are getting braver and need to be axed.

Hopefully Donald Trump will full fill his promise to drain the Washington swamp. I have no doubt he will change the way our government does business unless he is murdered like Justice Scalia. It would be nice if all of the Demoncrats were shipped to California, Oregon and Washington States. Then let them secede from the union This would allow the 13 million illegal aliens to be together again where they are accepted. Like an old saying about the the slaves which was “We should have picked our own cotton”, we should mow our own yards and harvest our own vegetables.   C Brewer    




Watching the news  today is like watching a country that was created to be a Christian nation of laws systemically racing to destroy itself. I was born in 1930, a time when politicians and misguided leadership had plunged America into what history has named the “Great Depression”. I am sure there are thousands of similar stories but one happened to my Dad. He was born in 1902 and was too young to be in the first world war and  reached manhood when America was trying to help returning veterans return into the labor force. Faced with only having a high school education he found employment helping build railroads across west Texas. For those unaware of west Texas even today is a vast area and in the early 1920’s was sparsely populated except for rattlesnakes, scorpions, tarantulas and horned toads. If that was not enough this area of Texas is noted for really hot weather and dust storms that you would never believe unless you have seen one.

The bottom line is that by 1929 he had saved over $3000 and met, courted and married the greatest lady I ever knew, my mother. Shortly after they married the banks failed and my father lost everything he had worked so hard for overnight. Should your reading this article spark any interest of reading why these events happen,or why we have had all wars, read deeper. I have written some of the thousands of articles about the clandestine creation of  the Federal Reserve that is still a secret assemblage who operate with secret meetings. If that sparks any further thirst for knowledge read the articles I have written about another secret society named “Tavistock”, When you can understand that our world is controlled by secret societies and power is associated with wealth you can more clearly understand how we the people are controlled.

I have actually lived in  what history will acknowledge was the turning point for America to be the greatest nation on earth. The agony and loss of so many young men and the emergence of the working woman during the second world war changed America and created the emergence of a “middle class citizen. the 1950’s was the greatest era America had ever seen and will never be repeated. This exciting era actually lasted until the death of John Kennedy allowed the emergence of what has today near created the possibility of a second “Civil War”. The architect of this possible destruction of our Republic form of government was President Lyndon B Johnson. He does not deserve any accolades as he was not that intelligent. In fact he was so gullible he let the Progressives control his every action that has us so close to self-destruction today.

 President Carter and Nixon were eras of letting the Progressives gain power and the loss of influence in the world. Iran would still be a great nation headed for changing the Middle East into a 20th century society if Carter had not let the radical religious zealots gain control of the country. This caused the rise of power and the emergence of what is now called ISIS.

President Reagan was the reason there is a vast portion of Europe freed  from Communists control. This era was the last one that actually  slowed the Progressive control of America and their march toward changing America into a Socialist Democracy. If Hillary Clinton is elected President we are destined  to see the emergence and acceptance of being a monarchy and an “Elite Class” that we now actually have allowed to exist today. When this form of government is in place the minorities and “freebies” who the Demoncrats have amassed to elect them will wake up to a new world of “responsibility”.

For those who desire to see what form of government Hillary and the Progressives have in mind read my article on the Socialist Democracy with a monarchy in Denmark. I perceive this to be the goal of the America Progressive movement. The people are totally controlled by a central government in every facet of their life. They have a fantastic but government system of healthcare that everyone pays into with 8 percent of your earnings. By the way everyone who is able has to work. One plus for me as an individual  will be watching movements like “Black Lives Matter” and the army of people who are able having to work for their supper instead of sitting on their butts doing nothing.    

I am unafraid as my time watching America destroyed is about over. I have no horse in this race as an individual but I feel so sorry for the current 46 children, grand children and great grand children in my family. The Progressives have amassed the biggest spending spree in history to support Hillary and sink the Trump desire to revive the America I so dearly love. We will all know in November, if Trump is not eliminated like Justice Scalia. The Clinton’s have a history of strange events happening to people in their way. What has amazed me is that Dick Morris is still alive and firing cannons at the Clinton’s.

If Hillary is elected, history will reveal that the Progressive movement was sparked by Teddy Roosevelt in the land grab era and ended by Obama. Even Obama was duped to cause this possible event as he desired to jump directly into Communism. I do not believe that all of the Progressives have that in mind, yet. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong with facts. So vote for what you want in November as it could well be the last vote you ever make.   C Brewer    




California, New Mexico, Mississippi, Alabama, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, New York, Maine and South Carolina.

These 11 States now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed!!!

Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2012, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S. Household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support. What’s the problem with that much support?  Well, the median household income in America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day.

To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for 40 hour week, while the average job pays $20.00 an hour.

Furthermore:  There are actually two messages here. The first is very interesting, but the second is absolutely astounding – and explains a lot.  A recent “Investor’s Business Daily” article provided very interesting statistics from a survey by the United Nations International Health Organization.

Percentage (%) of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis:

U.S. 65%,  England   46%,  Canada   42%

% of patients diagnosed with diabetes -received treatment within 6 months:

U.S. 93%,   England  15%,  Canada 43%

% of seniors needing hip replacement who received it within six months:

U.S.   90%,   England  15%,  Canada 43%

% referred to a medical specialist who see one within one month:

U.S.   77%,   England   40%,  Canada   43%

Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people:

U.S.   71,      England   14,     Canada   18

% of seniors (65+), with low income, who are in “excellent health”:

U.S.     12%,   England    2%,   Canada    6%

And now…for the last statistic:   National Health Insurance?

U.S.               NO

England         YES

Canada         YES

Check the last set of statistics!!

The percentage of each past president’s cabinet… Who had worked in the private business sector…prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You know what the private business sector is; a real-life business…not a government job.  

Here are the percentages.

38%   T. Roosevelt

40%   Taft

52%   Wilson

49%   Harding

48%   Coolidge

42%   Hoover

50%   F. D. Roosevelt

50%   Truman

57%   Eisenhower

30%   Kennedy

47%   Johnson

53%   Nixon

42%   Ford

32%   Carter

56%   Reagan

51%   GH Bush

39%   Clinton

55%   GW Bush

   8%   Obama

Unless you are blind or mindless I hope this helps explain the incompetence of this administration: ONLY 8% of them…have ever worked in private business! That’s right!   Only eight percent—the least, by far, of the last 19 presidents!

And these people are trying to tell our big corporations how to run their business? How can the president of a major nation and society, the one with the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when he’s never worked for one? Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And, when it’s the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers?

They’ve spent most of their time in academia, government, and/or non-profit jobs. Or…   As “community organizers.”

Please share this!

No wonder we are going broke as profit is not a requirement for government service. By the way common sense is the factor that seems to be the missing element. It would be nice to see similar statistics for the 535 members of congress who have gone stark raving mad spending money we don’t have.

Thanks Dan for sharing these facts which seems to be overlooked by both the main stream media, women, brainwashed students, Progressives in both parties, Liberals, and all Demoncrats. C Brewer

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery” -Winston Churchill


Words can’t possibly express my happiness that a majority of Americans believe our government is too big. Watching the Liberal-Democrats race to destroy our Republic form of government the past six years has been the saddest part of my 84 years. Any free thinking American who lives long enough will understand that freedoms are the greatest rights possible.

In my travels that took me to 32 countries the saddest event to watch was people who had never been free and never would be. The event that had the biggest impact on me was a visit to Hong Kong in 1990. We had the same driver for the four day visit who was distressed that the impending transfer of his country from British rule to China would remove his freedoms. This experience had a lasting impact on my wife and me and cemented my conservative beliefs.

Now can the Republicans wake up and quickly agree on one individual who they can all support as a leader. Watching the Republicans implode in 2012 by attacking each other during the senseless debates was like watching a rerun of a Three Stogie’s comedy. While they amused the people by slaughtering each other the Democrats closed ranks, and let them squander a golden opportunity to win the Presidency.

I watched several of the interviews last night and sure enough the battle for power we will see unfold is headed for a repeat performance. My Senator, Ted Cruz, when asked if he would support McConnell for Senate leader was quite evasive and non-committed. It appears we have another field of Republicans lining up to have a donkey BBQ and end up shooting the elephant in the foot again.

If they ever wake up and decide to lead America back on the freedom path, they can improve our lives like we saw Reagan do. Uniting themselves before they even try to re-unite Americans seems to be a common sense plan. In my opinion the massive egos of the younger Republicans will again create the same conflict we watched in 2012. They are not capable of compromise and our Congress is still as divided as it has been in my lifetime.

The real reason our country is so divided was not caused by politicians that most people would blame it on. What has fostered the hatred and the division of the people is our universities and colleges. The majority of the states are now being managed by Republican Governors and Legislatures. If these people are real leaders they will clean out the radical Progressive professors who have created our civil unrest. They created the ACLU and individual despots that are hell-bent on destroying all freedoms.

It amazes me that the media just ignores the core reason we hate each other and just watch the tenured crackpots poison the minds of our youth. If anyone over 40 were to monitor an actual classroom in most of these institutions they would throw up. I finished my Masters at 47 and had a chance to see this first hand.

I am proud to say I am a conservative American who appreciates the education and life I have enjoyed as a free man. It hurts me deeply that some of my own grandchildren were brainwashed by these tenured professors at some of Texas finest universities. Now they are twisting and impacting the minds of my great grandchildren to further divide our country.

What do you think will happen?

C Brewer


If Obama gets re-elected “it’s all over but the crying”  

When we get 100,000,000, thats one hundred million willing Christians to BOND together, voice their concerns and vote, we can take back America with God’s help, become one of the One hundred million, and then let’s get 200 million. It can be done by sending this to your friends. Do the math. It only takes a willing heart and a fed up soul. God Bless America and Shine your light on Her. In 1952 President Truman established one day a year as a “National Day of Prayer.”

In 1988 President Reagan designated the First Thursday in May of each year as the National Day of Prayer.

In June 2007 (then) Presidential Candidate Barack Obama declared that the USA “Was no longer a Christian nation.”

This Year President Obama canceled the 21st annual National Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse of “not wanting to offend anyone”

BUT on September 25, 2009 from 4 AM until 7 PM, a National Day of Prayer FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION was Held on Capitol Hill, beside the White House.

There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day.


I guess it doesn’t matter if “Christians” are offended by this event – We obviously don’t count as “anyone” anymore.

The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated.

This is not a Rumor – Go to the website

To confirm this info: http://www.islamoncapitolhill.com

Share this with as many Christian people as possible to let them know. The media will never touch this subject as they have no interest in Christian religion anymore. I wonder why?

“God Save America”

C Brewer



 Before the Wisconsin debacle that has dominated the recent news, my interest and knowledge about “Unions” was limited to the private business sector. I am fully aware that “Unions” have created the loss of manufacturing jobs that plague the country and why we have to import most of the consumer product we buy today. When you couple “Union” pressured trade barriers with the regulatory pressure of the “Tree huggers”, we have made conducting business in America nearly impossible. I have created businesses in Canada and the United States and without a doubt the Canadian government is far more business friendly. They actually help you get started and survive.

The “Wisconsin Disaster” unveiled another “Union” situation that has been off the radar since Reagan fired the air traffic controllers a long time ago. Unionization of government employees is one of the dumbest things I have seen evolve in my 80 years as an American. Can you just imagine that as this practice expands, we could see the “Unionization” of Congress, the Judicial and Executive branches of American government?

 We have some union type demands already in place like the lifetime terms for Federal Judges and the Supreme Court (tenure). There are no measurements of performance and they can’t be terminated. Congress uses seniority (tenure) as the basis for power and committee appointments. Thank God they can be terminated as we witnessed last November.

 With Obama’s passion for European style Socialism, visualize the potential of “Unionizing” the Executive branch of government. The President and his army of czars could go on strike for better pay and fringe benefits. Who could stop them? What would happen if the Supreme Court decided to strike? If Congress went on strike and refused to function, who could stop them? I could drive you insane with the possibilities of what an uncontrolled government could do. If you wish to see what idiots who mesmerize the populace can do, read what Chavez has done in Venezuela. See how he used the unions to get elected and gain dictatorial powers. Why can’t this happen here? 

Before you accuse me of insanity, look at what is happening in the real world today. All democratic State Senators in Wisconsin left the State to avoid doing state business. The Governor has not been able to get them to return. The media legal eagles have stated that there is no law being broken and no one has the power to arrest them for anything.  

I would like to say that if a quorum of Congress were to do the same thing, it would be tragic. Unfortunately it could probably be an improvement over the idiotic regulations and Obamacare they raced to impose before the last election. Congress has allowed the Executive branch to run wild for over two years. If the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) alone is not abolished soon, we just think energy prices are high today. Locally the price for gasoline has jumped about 9% in the last week. Coupled with out of control spending, we are watching America destroyed from within. Our current government in action at all levels is like watching cartoons. 

I am now compiling data and facts of what “Unionization” of the teachers in Wisconsin has cost the citizens. The questionable legality of how they are provided insurance alone will amaze you. The teachers own the insurance company and collective bargaining is how they have screwed the taxpayer. Stay tuned for a series on public service unions nation-wide.

C Brewer




A Common Sense Education Recommendation.

The following article was published on Big Government.com, Sunday 1-23-11. I have read this over and over and someone should give Kyle Olson a Nobel Prize for this work. I have replaced the Teachers with Congress, every union and every branch of the US and State government and agencies, except the Military and get the same results. They are all idiots, but they are smarter than the idiots that elect them, us, you and me.

Can you imagine that our military would promote the ranks based on seniority, rather than skill and results. We have survived over 200 years with the best military ever assembled. Had they used seniority as the basis for promotion we would likely still be part of England. It could be worse, just try to imagine if the military not ignored the rule of seniority we would likely be speaking German after WW1. The progressive movement started the hard right turn with T. Roosevelt. Woodrow Wilson then started the big left turns after WW1. There was a period of a few years that sanity returned then we got F Roosevelt and the race for Socialism reached overdrive again. Still our military stayed with results instead of tenure, thank God.  After WW11 the dramatic swing toward seniority as a business model took large left turns and empowered the unionization of government workers that removed all common sense from our government.

The only eight years of reality returned with Reagan. He at least had the courage to fire the Air Traffic Controllers, who were shutting down air travel. The skew to the left was revived after Reagan, with Bush 1, Clinton, and Bush 2 and went nuts when Obama was elected.

If all businesses were to use tenure/seniority as the tool to advance people, do you honestly believe we would survive? Results drive people to be better, if the rewards are for achievement. If tenure is the accepted measure of advancement, why would anyone desire to improve themselves or anything?

Folks, the reason is it doesn’t work and someday Washington will wake up, I pray.  CB

The article follows:

Add NFL Team With Tenure, Seniority

by Kyle Olson

American Federation of Teachers’ President Randi Weingarten has been doing her best to make sure Big Labor has a say in education reform.  She wants to drive the train.  The National Education Association, on the other hand, is taking the tact of putting dynamite under the tracks.

While Weingarten says all the right things and uses all the necessary poll-tested phrases, she really wants to maintain the status quo.  No tenure reform.  No need to judge teachers by any measure other than seniority.

But in an interview with Newsweek, she made this curious statement, in response to Bill Gates saying, “We need to measure what they do, and then have incentives for the other teachers to learn those things:”

“Football teams do this all the time,” Weingarten responded. “They look at the tape after every game. Sometimes they do it during the game. They’re constantly deconstructing what is working and what isn’t working. And they’re jettisoning what isn’t working and building up on what is working, and doing it in a team-like approach.”

That’s correct – they do. It’s too bad that public education does not operate more like the NFL.

Here’s an idea. Let’s have the NEA and AFT become the owners of a new NFL franchise. For a lack of a better name, we’ll call the new team the Thugs.

Players on the Thugs’ roster would receive tenure after two years, like they do in New York City Public Schools.

They can play on the Thugs as long as they’d like, regardless of their skill level.  And players would be judged not for their ability to score touchdowns or sack quarterbacks, but the number of years they’ve been in the NFL.

Over time, the Thugs’ roster would be filled with 50- and 60-year old players, raking in the big bucks while losing game after game.

Does anyone believe that the hypothetical Thugs, with their incredible job security, would be competitive with the teams that compensate players based on their performance and frequently alter their rosters to maintain an edge?

It would be wonderful if public education would operate more like the NFL, where you get paid for results and released for incompetence. Maybe then American K-12 students would receive the instruction they truly deserve.

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