A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

APOPTOSIS (āp’əp-tō’sĭs, āp’ə-tō’-)

I actually spent more time looking for a way to capture your attention by searching for a real term to discuss what is actually happening in America. I was fascinated to discover that “Implode”, “Self-Destruct”, and other terms being used to describe what is happening in the United States today are poorly defined by the dictionaries available. After deeply reading and writing about what is happening from within to destroy the greatest country ever created by man I pray that Donald Trump can continue to wake up this sleeping giant.

Before I try to explain why I choose this word it reminded me of the “progressive” movement that has been underway in America. The Progressives really have no singular political affiliation. My reading has revealed that the father of this movement was Theodore Roosevelt. His edicts and actions allowed the taking over millions of acres of land by every way possible to enhance the power of the central government. Every Progressive since has made federalizing more assets to continue to empower centralized control as a replacement for “States Rights”.

To try to make the analogy fit my chosen title let me wordsmith the definition of Apoptosis to what has and is continuing to happen in America. This term is defined as a “natural process of cell self-destruction that is genetically programmed to have a limited life span or is damaged. Apoptosis can be induced either by a stimulus, toxic drugs, or by removal of a repressor agent. The cells disintegrate then eliminated by phagocytosis, also called programmed cell death. Should you choose to dig deeper with an open mind you would find that all freedom loving Americans would perceive that Trump is our last hope to be our phagocytosis. If you intend to vote for Hillary or Bernie don’t waste your time trying to understand my thesis. You will just end up chasing your tail like a mindless puppy. Funny I used this analogy as anyone who could possibly vote for either of these Demoncratic and fiercely Progressive candidates is either mindless or brainwashed.

Trump is the first American to run for President who is either not owned by the Progressives or is too dumb to know he is being used like marionette. Carter was the first in my lifetime and Obama has proven he is so self-centered and hate filled he has accelerated the movement to self-destruct at the speed of light.

Folks America is broken. Our central government is hell-bent on eliminating all States Rights. Obama has misused Executive Orders to accelerate enough hatred to incite both the black Americans and Hispanic illegal aliens to increase rebellion, destruction of property and eventually mass bloodshed to start another civil war. He has decimated the most senior leadership of our military. He has choked the development of advanced weapons. He armed the Mexican cartels with weapons to incite insurrections. He applauds the actions of destruction of personal property by those he has induced to hate successful Americans.

Obama is just another puppet for the Progressives and does not even care or know why. He hates America, freedoms and white people. He has scared Congress so bad they just sit on their hands and watch as there is no leadership today. He has total control of a totally biased Justice Department today. After eliminating Justice Scalia, we have a leaderless Supreme Court that today uses compassion and Progressive objectives to enact decisions rather than our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The scariest possible thing I have written about before is the damage that will happen should Hillary or Bernie be elected President. The next President will be nominating replacements for the Supreme Court that will control America’s destiny for the next 100 years if not forever and/or total self-destruction.

Unfortunately the people who will be hurt the worse will never read this and even a babbling idiot understands that a welfare society is only possible if you have a never ending supply of ducks that lay golden eggs. You can tax the rich until they have no more but somebody has to work to survive. Our central government has destroyed one of the best educational systems in the world with unionization and greed. Taxes have driven our most productive and inventive manufacturing organizations to move to other countries to survive as they can’t compete with American labor demands.

Donald Trump can be our Pied Piper and clean up the Washington swamp if enough American people are fed up with watching our country drown in regulation, insane climate propaganda and welfare ourselves to the poorhouse.

We faced a similar fate when I was a boy in the 1930’s and woke up when the Germans and Japanese Progressives tried to conquer the world. The Progressives forced the depression just like they are using Obama today to bankrupt the country so the Progressives can increase their power.

As I am in the last years of my life Obama has just made my retirement more of a challenge that I had planned for. What really disturbs me is that my 46 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will face the rest of their lives a slave to a federal government that just keep destroying the freedoms I have loved so much.

As next Monday is Memorial Day let me wish all of my fellow veterans of military service a wonderful life. America was the greatest and can be the greatest nation again if enough people will vote for Donald Trump. There will never be another chance if the Progressives get four more years.

C Brewer   5-27-16

Happy Birthday today to my oldest child, Sue Albright, Love Dad.  

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