A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “law enforcement”



Just in my 84 years the centralized power of our government has increased to control about every aspect of Americans rights provided by our Constitution. We have an Energy Department that can override state laws. We have an Education Department that uses money to force states to follow federal guidelines to decide what our children can learn.

We can’t buy a gun anymore without federal registration. Soon the same will apply to ammunition. We are told what kind of vehicles must be designed to meet on energy standards  that are based on environmental standards with no scientific reason and just increase costs to the consumer. By stopping pipelines and scaring people with irresponsible dangers of new technology the government will stop the success of using our own oil now instead of buying it from our enemies. Oil will be outdated someday so why waste our advantages today?

Homeland Security is now responsible for our borders, enforcing our immigration laws and doing neither as our President and Attorney General don’t like the laws. The Hispanics will work so Americans on welfare and bogus disability can continue to create more civil disobedience and divide the Americans to hate each other more.

There seems to be no end to the thousands on actions by over zealous government employees like the IRS, EPA and our Department of State that have caused America to be a buyer of products rather that an exporter.

This week we have watched the government caused riots, plunder, damage and pain because Obama, Eric Holder and Al  Sharpton did not agree with a legally empale a Grand Jury that was not even necessary to determine that local law enforcement had done their job within the local and State laws. The damage was allowed as the National Guard was withheld from doing their duty for purely political reasons.

Now we have watched Obama begin a plan and send Eric Holder on his last mission as Attorney General to set in motion controls to take over local law enforcement and tell Mayors, Sheriffs and Police Chiefs how they must manage your local law enforcement operations.

If the government would start a program to show farmers and ranchers how to use and dispose of bull dodo, they unquestionably have the education and experience to be involved The IRS failure when they took over a bar and legal brothel in Nevada and make a profit, should have caused Americans to stop this mismanagement a long time ago. The TVA, Amtrak and the Postal Service are great  examples of government managed for profit services.

You would think that destroying the greatest healthcare program in the world would have been enough for the Democrats but they will never give up until they can tell you what to eat, what to wear, what you can learn and take all of your money and even tell you when you can go to the bathroom. Laugh at me but remember my words if you don’t wake up. C Brewer


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