A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Vererans”


Why do the people sit on their hands and watch the most inept array of supposedly the best people in America run amok? With Memorial Day approaching I wish every American alive could read and comment on this article. While some of us will remember our veterans as hero’s our President will probably play golf on this paid holiday for all government employees. Remember real hero’s don’t wear capes, they wear dog tags.

Why are the majority of Democrats and a few Republicans pleased with an Attorney General who refuses to obey our own laws? He approves the release of thousands of convicted aliens who were rapists, murderers, and thieves from detainment. He sues the states for trying to enact and maintain common sense laws we need to eliminate fraud. Who cares, I do, do you? The sad part is if Obama could shut down Fox News we would not even know most of this lawlessness.

Why are all Democrats happy with the lawless operations of the IRS that Obama, Harry Reid and Queen Nancy Pelosi sweep under the cloud of deception?

Why are most Democrats pleased that the government records and listens to your phone calls, reads your E mails and records it all?

Why do most Democrats and far too many Republicans waste trillions of tax dollars on the Departments of Education and Energy they have continually failed to improve education standings or reduce our dependence on foreign oil?

Democrats who properly forced Richard Nixon to resign for secret probing of other Americans are now fat dumb and happy that our President and Secretary of State sacrificed the lives of four true American hero’s in Benghazi, Libya to get Obama re-elected. The action itself was inhuman and unprecedented in our history. Lying and hiding the facts is inexcusable to everyone but Democrats. At least Nixon did not kill or sacrifice other Americans but was at least replaced. I wonder if all of the people who voted for Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the other mindless Democratic leaders are happy with the Benghazi political cover-up.

I have not been writing much lately as I have just stopped watching the news or reading the Beaumont Texas Enterprise, the only newspaper available here in deep East Texas. This newspaper is so liberal biased even the crossword puzzles seem slanted left. What motivated me to write this article is watching the tragedy happening this past week about how our veterans are being sacrificed so that the Veterans Administration (VA) operations appear positive.

This is the last straw for any American to have to endure. I am a veteran as I enlisted in the US Navy Reserve at 17. I spent nearly five years, 3.5 on active duty, and fortunately for me I never faced anything more dangerous than traffic getting to and from the base. I was Honorable Discharged at 22 and I have never needed or asked for any healthcare from the VA.

Watching Obama and his Democratic leaders lie, sweep things under the rug, ignore our laws, waste our money, sacrifice other Americans for political gain is horrible and history will someday record these events.

If Congress and the American people allow the facts to be hidden about the way our veterans have been allowed to die to make reports be favorable, we have failed as humane people.

Do you wonder why the Veterans Administration is not managed by veterans instead of bureaucrats? I do. We pay to expertly educate our military officers to be doctors, nurses, lawyers, administrators and accountable leaders. It seems to be common sense that we utilize these professionals to not only lead but to manage all VA operations instead of bureaucrats.

Please tell me how you feel, agree or disagree with my facts and I will post your comments on this article. It will take you less than five minutes to get involved. Hopefully you are as concerned about our veterans as I am?

C Brewer

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