A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Koch brothers”


My old and dear friend Bob McGraw sent me these facts that someone compiled which are the reasons people like myself have chosen to support Trump with record breaking votes. When you realize that the next President will be able to shape the Supreme Political Court for the next 100 years it is hard to see why so many supposedly conservative republicans are rabid Trump haters. It is sad that the leadership like Romney, Ryan, McConnell and hundreds of others have joined George Soros, the Clintons and every Progressive Liberal Democrat and Republican to try to defeat a shoo-in like Trump and accept the largest loss of power in history.

I truly believe that the American people are sick and tired of both political parties and agree it is time for term limits and cleaning out the Congressional, Presidential and Judicial branches of government. I actually pray that my perceptions are correct. What do you feel needs to happen? Review the following and send me other power brokers names you feel need to be added?

Obama is against Trump… Check

The Media are against Trump… Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump… Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump… Check

The Lobbyists are scared of Trump. Double Check

The Pope is against Trump… Check

The UN is against Trump… Check

The EU is against Trump… Check

China is against Trump… Check>

Mexico is against Trump… Check

Soros is against Trump… Check

Black Lives Matter is against Trump… Check

Move on Dot Org. is against Trump… Check

The Koch Brothers are against Trump… Check

The Bushes are against Trump … Check

Planned Parenthood is against Trump….Check

Hillary & Sanders are both against Trump … Check

Illegal aliens are against Trump … Check

Islam is against Trump … Check

Kasich & Cruz are against Trump … Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump… Check


It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have.

If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES all SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!!

Most of all, it will be the People’s Choice…

PLUS He’s not a Lifetime Politician…Check

He’s not a Lawyer…..Check

He’s not doing it for the money…Check

He’s a Natural Born American Citizen born in the USA from American parents Bonus points!

Whoopi says she will leave the country…

Rosie says she will leave the country…

Sharpton says he will leave the country…

Gov. Brown says California will build a wall…

Cher says she will leave the country…

Cyrus says she will leave the country…

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail again….

Hillary will go to jail…..

The budget will be balanced in 8 years….

Americans will have first choice at jobs…..

You will not be able to marry your pet….

You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify (Not a criminal, etc.)

Only Live Human American Registered Citizens can vote….

You can have and keep your own Doctor again…..

You can say what you want without being called a racist….

Trump will make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP!

Americans please wake up and help clean out the dead wood in Washington, every State Capital, County and City in the United States. C Brewer


Like many Americans born in the 1920/30 era, I was born a Democrat. In Texas, and most of the south, until the early 1960’s we did not even have a Republican as the Democratic Party was the most “conservative”.

Since then the Republicans became the Party to represent the bible believer, gun toting, freedom loving, military volunteer, hard-working new middle class Americans.

Then along came “Roe vs Wade” and the split started dissolving the cohesion within the Republicans that resulted with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama moving the Democratic Party so far left we are facing moral and financial bankruptcy, and soon. Another Clinton will assure America becoming a Socialists Democracy first, then a Muslim Sharia Law extension of what was once a free Europe.

John McCain, Lindsay Graham, George and Jeb Bush, Bill Crystal, the Koch brothers, Mitt Romney to mention just a few of the Republicans in Name Only or “RINO’S have overtly assured all of their followers that they will not vote for or support the apparent Republican nominee for President, “Donald Trump”.

The real shocker was a story that Paul Ryan, who I omitted as a RINO above, has actually become a Muslim follower officially. This brings up some real questions as he can’t defend Constitution he swore to do if he is of the Muslim faith. This does clear up why he has so strongly supported the relocation of the Syrian refugees and the billions it will costs instead of allocating the borrowed money to help American military veterans in need.

Every American voter should know that one of Donald Trump’s priority pledges has been to help our veterans now. He has promised to shake up the useless Veterans Administration and help veterans have medical service at least equal to illegal aliens. Every American alive who opposes this issue should pack up and leave.

Curiously both Graham and Jeb Bush will not honor their pledge they both signed when candidates for the Republican nomination to support anyone who wins the nomination. In Texan talk, “lying” is worse than cheating on your wife, abusing a child or dodging the military during times of war. Any man whose word is not “Bond” is the enemy as he should be. Unfortunately if not being “100% truthful” was a crime we would be voting for the full 535 members of Congress in November. Our current President, “Obummer” has taken lying to a new level even for American politicians. History will prove this as the current media could care less.

I have been ecstatic reading about all of the Muslim loving, military veteran haters who have announced packing up and leaving America, may have to eat crow or actually move. Lying is their specialty. We should develop a list of every media individual who has lied, omitted facts, twisted words to face deportation to Mexico. This includes all individuals in newspapers, television, radio and even blogs. As they can’t be honest they will fit nicely into the Mexican lifestyle.

Anyone claiming to be or elected as a Republican that fails to support the Party nominee should be banned from calling themselves a Republican. Trump has already gained more votes than any Republican in history. He has already convinced more independents and dissatisfied Democrats to vote Republican in November than anyone in history.

The brilliant reason is he has listened to the people rather than the pundits who are running for cover. He has done more to wake up the voters on just how screwed up Washington DC has become. He will drain the swamp and unite the people if enough Americans are fed up with politics as I am vote for him.

C Brewer May 11, 2016


Donald Trump has captured my attention deeper than any human I ever voted for since Ronald Regan. I was skeptical of Reagan at first because of his being Governor of LaLa land, the home of fruits and nuts. What he did for America has steadily been destroyed by Bush, Clinton, Bush and totally wrecked by Obama. I can’t bring myself to address Obama as Mr. or President as I have absolutely no respect for him as a man or what he has done to destroy our Constitution and States Rights.

Do I like Donald Trump? Liking him is not a leadership factor and I have never met the man. What I do respect is his proven no-nonsense leadership and a burning desire to clean up the out-of-control mess in Washington. Several of the others say they will do the same but only one, Ted Cruz, has the determination to do what the Donald has promised. Cruz will never get the nomination as he no big money supporters and will not be able to buy the nomination. He would make the perfect replacement for Joe Biden and be President after he and the Donald shake up America like it has never been done before. Everyone in politics and the sugar daddies, Soros, Buffett, the Koch’s and hundreds more who actually run the government  are scared to death of the Donald and Cruz.  In this series I am working on you will see facts that many didn’t know about him, including me..

Some love Trump and far too many spew hate but no one can deny he is thought-provoking, and clearly deserves a chance to be the Republican nominee. I hope you will read all of the articles I am working on before you write Trump off. He is abrasive and unfortunately he is the enemy of all of the others running, except Cruz.  Remember how the politicians made fun of Ronald Reagan. Reagan did not have to combat the Republicans and the 100% negative press by the networks who all also hate his guts, including Fox. 

Trump has stirred up the RINOs, like McCain, Graham, Boehner, McConnell and many more. This will be obvious in the evident during the GOP debates ( really donkey barbecues)  that are underway today. What is so obvious are the charges made and the criticisms of Trump that are amazingly unproven cheap shots. So far the Republicans, Democrats or the rabid major networks can’t find any ​negative facts from his employees or others who have done business with him. Rest assured they will dig up dirt and any highly successful person will make enemies from the zealousness of losers and ex-wives. 

I just read a great article that related some facts about the Donald that impressed me deeply, I will share them with you. “His long-term employees call him a strong and merciful leader and say he is far more righteous and of high integrity​ than people may think​. While it may surprise many, he’s actually humble when it comes to his generosity and kindness. A good example is a story that tells of his limo breaking down on a deserted highway outside of New York City. A middle-aged couple stopped to help him and as a thank you he paid off their mortgage, but he didn’t brag about it”. Generous and good people rarely discuss any charity they bestow on others”. Take the time to absorb some on the “facts” you will read. I will start off with his position regarding the military.

Trump has no desire to take military action in any other country’s problems unless we are compensated for doing so. Risking our military lives or incurring major expenditures must also be compensated.  He has cited that the Iraq War was a huge monetary expense to American taxpayers (over $1.5 trillion, and possibly much more depending on what sources are used. The loss of American lives can never be compensated and the loss of Iraqi lives was horrible. Trump has made it clear that Iraq should have been required to compensate America with oil for all of the expenses we incurred. Trump added another debt that Iraq should pay for, includes the medical costs for our military and $5 million for each family that lost a loved one in the war and $2 million for each family of soldiers who received severe injuries. How many of you knew this? I did not.

Trump is committed that America must have a strong military again. His number one priority for the federal government is national defense. He has stated that we need to groom military leaders like General Patton or General MacArthur to rebuild our military back to the strength it must be. That’s all for today, the remaining articles will address how Trump views other issues. The need for an Executive branch of government that will “Kick ass and take names” will be decided in 2016. I hope you will join me in electing Trump/Cruz.  

C Brewer  


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