A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “McCain”


I will be the first to admit that after the Liberal-Progressive sixteen years of George Bush and Mr. Obummer I have been critical in my writing. I omitted the eight years of Bill Clinton as he at least did not cripple the economy and wreck retirement for deserving Americans.

When I decided to retire in 1993 I believed I had saved enough to have a decent retirement. I programmed my savings like as others had done for many decades to supplement my meager pension and Social Security with the interest from my savings. Fortunately Bush and his wars for the bankers did not destroy my savings but Obummer took little time to wipe out any gains I had enjoyed with his destruction of my investments.

This series of events were instrumental in my writings and after the urging and help of my friend Freddie Keel, my blog on facebook was created. I am nearing 1050 articles since this decision was made and with a few friends and family nearly 61,000 people have actually logged on on to read my work and nearly 700 people subscribe.

Over the past two years of watching the liberal media, the senseless Democrats, including 100% in Congress, and the hidden money sources who have stooped lower than a snake’s belly, I am pissed off. The recent underhanded way these freedom thieves have threatened sponsors, with the Murdock family help, and with lightning speed, have destroyed the only conservative media outlet on TV, FOX News. This will be recorded as the biggest defeat of freedoms for Americans in the history of this country. The Progressives, assisted with many supposed conservatives like McCain and Graham, have finally silenced the only nationwide conservative news outlet we ever had.  

These cowards have finally captured every national media outlet just like what happened in the 1930’s in Germany. When all of the money is behind the Progressive push to Socialize America the people will hopefully stay awake and help Trump drain the swamp. There will not be a second chance and as I have written many times. If they eliminate Trump like they have been eliminating key conservatives like Justice Scalia, watch you freedoms disappear just like Germany lived through when I was a boy.

Even a babbling idiot should recognize what is happening and those who depend on the news media are being systematically brainwashed. I wrote two articles about an organization named Tavistock that if you wonder what is happening and why, read them. The world revolves around money and money can buy apparently anything, including a political party. The Democrats in Congress march lock stepped like the Gestapo.

Trump has caused these animals to panic as the only ways he can stop them is with the Supreme Court and the military. This Court can force them to follow the Constitution unless more of them are eliminated. The other fear is the military that Clinton and Obummer nearly destroyed. Watch the resistance as Trump tries to rebuild our military strength.

If these traitors continue their attacks on our freedoms the only thing they can’t buy yet is enough American voters to complete their mission. I was even amazed to see their were enough Americans who could see what was happening and elect Trump. Hopefully we still have enough Americans to help Trump stop the “Socialists Train” racing to destroy our Republic. Read this carefully and unless you already “Brainwashed” I pray you get your news on the Internet until or if Trump keeps sinking these liberals with facts. Unrestrained he will slowly fill the Federal Prisons with these traitors, like Midas, who sold their souls for a few pieces of gold.

Sadly there are maybe a dozen people who will actually read this article and maybe two who will share it with others. The Progressives know that there are not enough Americans who get their news on the via the Internet so they are gloating over ownership of 100% of the National news media. How do you feel about the future? I will share your comments pro or con if you take time to comment.

C Brewer  


Please read this. It is VERY important to understand our voting situation this November. We will be voting for the very security of our country.  I know some of you know this, some of you may not realize the position we are in.)  Share this with everyone on your possibly can.

If you are a Republican that won’t vote for Trump think about it this way:

a.) If Trump wins and he is a failure as President, he’ll be out in 4 years (or impeached, whichever comes first).

b.) If Hillary wins you, your children, and grandchildren will live under Hillary’s designated Supreme Court justices (and their liberal rulings) for many years to come. This is true even after Hillary is gone AND, even if she is followed by a Republican president of your liking.

Crucial – Supreme Court

Before You Say You Won’t Vote for Whomever Is Nominated Consider This….Something to think about, indeed . . .

Supreme Court of the United States…

Some people have brought up the fact that they won’t vote for the Republican nominee if the eventual nominee is not the man they wanted. I just want to put something in perspective.

Justice Scalia’s seat is vacant, and…Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, Thomas is 67.

Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.

These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.

Think about that… 7-2.

If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are viewed as lacking in mandate.

Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms.

Anyone and Everyone who is saying that they won’t vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. Hear this! If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life.

Whoever is the GOP nominee … go VOTE for the GOP Nominee!

Remember Romney? Three million conservatives who had voted for McCain did not cast a vote for Romney (for whatever reason) and, the result was four additional years of B.H.O.

If you are not convinced yet, I’ll leave with one final thought:

Hillary is already on the record as saying that her buddy, B.H.O. (Yep, that’s Barack) “would make a great Supreme Court Justice.”


The one thing that can destroy our Republic and open the door to trashing the Constitution and establishing a Socialist Democracy to abolish freedoms like “Speech”, “Bearing Arms”, and “Right to Assemble”. Even the “Radicals” we watch during major events will not be able to make fools of themselves. Allowing the Supreme Court to become controlled by extremists who ignore the law as we now watch them try. This scariest thing that has become possible in my life.

The really sad part is the Republicans in Congress are willing to allow this just to save their cushy positions. They are willing to cede power to save their butts from being replaced by those willing to serve as public servants instead of the entrenched millionaires they have become in Congress. I doubt that both of our Texas Senators will ever win again.

I would like to thank all of the great people who read my articles. I am elated to announce that I just had my 600th person subscribe and all receive an E mail copy of my postings. Growing old has many surprises that are not selective or elective. Many seniors draw a short straw and have mental issues while others suffer physical surprises. Sadly some are subjected to having both. I have Neuropathy without being diabetic and none of the medications have helped so far. I also have  two bone on bone knees that shots keep me walking. My prize is my mind that is as acute as it has ever been and my thirst for knowledge has never waned. My biggest regret is few ever take the time to comment pro or con which is a disappointment. I hope to reach 90 and see one more election cycle. I also pray I will still have the right of free speech should Hillary be elected. God Bless America.  

C Brewer  


Can you understand the reason to pass on this legacy to two daughters who will suffer the most from two hate filled parents, I can’t?

I have been wandering around the Internet reading about the death of the longest serving member of the US Supreme Court. Folks if you still believe America is “United” you have questionable sanity. I have been accused and plead guilty to being a Conservative all of my 85 years. I started as a Democrat because my father and grandfather were Conservative and in the 1950’s Texas was almost 100% Conservative and that lasted until LBJ stole a Senate seat with stuffed ballot boxes.

I watched the Republican Party grow as they took over the Conservative banner and became powerful until Reagan retired and a new group of “Republicans in Name Only” or (RINO) Progressives took control of the power and virtually gave the Presidency to Obama by continuing to start wars to accomplish nothing but discontent. This was the opening for RINO’s like Bush, McCain, McConnell, Boehner, Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, etc, to take over and give the Presidency to Obama on a silver platter. He expanded the welfare system, unemployment programs and mesmerized the women to re-elect him again. He may not bankrupt America by next January but what he has in place will if we try again to elect Rino’s like Bush 3, and the army of clones who will do nothing.

To share what seemed to support my “HATE” comments read some of the following “HATE” from both Republicans and Demoncrats. What they really hate is the US Constitution but spew their venom toward honest people who pledged to follow this document. The four or five Supreme Court Justices that represent these dissidents just ignore the Constitution to satisfy the Americans that hate the document and blame it on the ones who follow the law of the land. Change the document instead of  hating Americans that follow the law. Our President hates the Constitution and spews hate just like the ones who are so happy Scalia is dead

Glenn Beck Thanks God for Scalia’s Death: It ‘Woke the American People Up’ to Support Cruz”. Beck, a supposed Christian who praises God” for taking a life for political purpose. Beck was a man I admired until he spewed this hate.

Usmann Rana @usmannrana I know Hitler ACTUALLY killed millions whereas #Scalia was a bigot in speech. But their speech often leads to actions. Hence the comparison

John Iadarola @jiadarola If Scalia’s death is sad, the thousands who will die as a result of his suspending Obama’s greenhouse gas emissions rule is far, far sadder.

Serenity @nschim Scalia the best Supreme Court Justice money could buy. I hear the Koch brothers are in mourning. Oh well, they still have Clarence Thomas.

George freeman @Numbers28 This is going to sound cold, but one down, one to go. Uncle Ruckkus (Clarence Thomas) needs to go next. Then our country can start healing.

J @piercepenniless Perhaps we can hope Clarence Thomas, by instinct and habit, will join him.

Larry Elder @larryelder The #Liberal Racists rejoice over death of #AntoninScalia–and are unleashing their bigotry against #ClarenceThomas.

Tomás Río @TheTomasRios Scalia was a monster and no one’s job entitles them to respect.

Glenn Greenwal @ggreenwald Don’t even try to enforce the inapplicable don’t-speak-ill-of-the-dead “rule” for the highly polarizing, deeply consequential Antonin Scalia.

David Ehrlich, again. He is staff writer for Rolling Stone, couldn’t contain his open glee for Scalia’s passing, even mocking his pro-life views. “Hold your Fetus Poster at Half-Mast” outside of Planned Parenthood.

Silvia Killingsworth, Managing Editor for The New Yorker actually joked that Scalia was in Hell, and mocked how he died. How “American” for Scalia to die at a ranch in Texas!

Feminist politics writer for Salon, Amanda Marcotte: “God approves of abortion.” “Marcotte then wondered, was it fate?

Dave Zirin, “Ugly Truths” in Scalia’s Legacy, like Reagan: Dave is Sports Editor for the Nation and frequent MSNBC guest managed to slam both Scalia and Reagan in one punch: Zirin also played the “pity Scalia’s victims”.

Glenn Greenwald, the radical left-wing journalist tweeted that he doesn’t think the “don’t speak ill of the dead” rule applies to Scalia.

Gabriel Arana, Huffington Post Senior Editor for HuffPo: Scalia’s no “saint”. She echoed Greenwald’s sentiment, linking to an article Greenwald wrote after Margaret Thatcher’s death, essentially bashing both Thatcher and Scalia as undeserving of respect.

Anyone who believes the “United States” is united must be the ones on welfare, unemployed, 2 million added to SSI since Obama was elected, the 12- to 18 million illegals, the hundreds of thousands Muslims Obama has added to the welfare rolls and the dead. That will add up to enough votes to allow Illinois to have its first free election in a hundred years.

Two people running for President know what needs to be done and that is why both sides hate Trump and Cruz. It is a shame they apparently can’t support each other as they would make a great team. Both should have recognized that the RINO’s have created the hate so that hopefully neither will get nominated. Trump should have know better and Cruz is too green to see how he got sucked into the war of words neither can win. Both need to engage their brain before thay open mouth and insert both feet

Two things are certain; 1. Donald Trump got two votes yesterday in the Texas Primary that will likely be canceled by my own children and grandchildren. 2. When they have to pay for this “Government Gone Wild” spending spree, about the time, some hope to retire, they will wish they had paid attention to this old man (not applicable to the lawyers and some of the of well educated granddaughters and the one Daughter who already dislikes me).

None of them every learned hate from me. Disgust and mistrust of some separated some of us but hate is a feeling I never experienced, even for the Obama’s. Pity would be a better description of my emotions, including the misguided voters who elected Obama twice.

C Brewer “GOD SAVE AMERICA.” “God Bless Antonin Scalia.” Wake up America.”


Donald Trump has captured my attention deeper than any human I ever voted for since Ronald Regan. I was skeptical of Reagan at first because of his being Governor of LaLa land, the home of fruits and nuts. What he did for America has steadily been destroyed by Bush, Clinton, Bush and totally wrecked by Obama. I can’t bring myself to address Obama as Mr. or President as I have absolutely no respect for him as a man or what he has done to destroy our Constitution and States Rights.

Do I like Donald Trump? Liking him is not a leadership factor and I have never met the man. What I do respect is his proven no-nonsense leadership and a burning desire to clean up the out-of-control mess in Washington. Several of the others say they will do the same but only one, Ted Cruz, has the determination to do what the Donald has promised. Cruz will never get the nomination as he no big money supporters and will not be able to buy the nomination. He would make the perfect replacement for Joe Biden and be President after he and the Donald shake up America like it has never been done before. Everyone in politics and the sugar daddies, Soros, Buffett, the Koch’s and hundreds more who actually run the government  are scared to death of the Donald and Cruz.  In this series I am working on you will see facts that many didn’t know about him, including me..

Some love Trump and far too many spew hate but no one can deny he is thought-provoking, and clearly deserves a chance to be the Republican nominee. I hope you will read all of the articles I am working on before you write Trump off. He is abrasive and unfortunately he is the enemy of all of the others running, except Cruz.  Remember how the politicians made fun of Ronald Reagan. Reagan did not have to combat the Republicans and the 100% negative press by the networks who all also hate his guts, including Fox. 

Trump has stirred up the RINOs, like McCain, Graham, Boehner, McConnell and many more. This will be obvious in the evident during the GOP debates ( really donkey barbecues)  that are underway today. What is so obvious are the charges made and the criticisms of Trump that are amazingly unproven cheap shots. So far the Republicans, Democrats or the rabid major networks can’t find any ​negative facts from his employees or others who have done business with him. Rest assured they will dig up dirt and any highly successful person will make enemies from the zealousness of losers and ex-wives. 

I just read a great article that related some facts about the Donald that impressed me deeply, I will share them with you. “His long-term employees call him a strong and merciful leader and say he is far more righteous and of high integrity​ than people may think​. While it may surprise many, he’s actually humble when it comes to his generosity and kindness. A good example is a story that tells of his limo breaking down on a deserted highway outside of New York City. A middle-aged couple stopped to help him and as a thank you he paid off their mortgage, but he didn’t brag about it”. Generous and good people rarely discuss any charity they bestow on others”. Take the time to absorb some on the “facts” you will read. I will start off with his position regarding the military.

Trump has no desire to take military action in any other country’s problems unless we are compensated for doing so. Risking our military lives or incurring major expenditures must also be compensated.  He has cited that the Iraq War was a huge monetary expense to American taxpayers (over $1.5 trillion, and possibly much more depending on what sources are used. The loss of American lives can never be compensated and the loss of Iraqi lives was horrible. Trump has made it clear that Iraq should have been required to compensate America with oil for all of the expenses we incurred. Trump added another debt that Iraq should pay for, includes the medical costs for our military and $5 million for each family that lost a loved one in the war and $2 million for each family of soldiers who received severe injuries. How many of you knew this? I did not.

Trump is committed that America must have a strong military again. His number one priority for the federal government is national defense. He has stated that we need to groom military leaders like General Patton or General MacArthur to rebuild our military back to the strength it must be. That’s all for today, the remaining articles will address how Trump views other issues. The need for an Executive branch of government that will “Kick ass and take names” will be decided in 2016. I hope you will join me in electing Trump/Cruz.  

C Brewer  



The more I read the more I believe that Trump is the only hope Americans have to stop the wrecking of the Republic. He has faults, he is human, a braggart, is short-tempered just like most successful people I have ever read about. I have most of his traits myself. The trait that no one can deny is he loves America. He will stop the Liberal-Progressive tactics we have watched our President unleash to force America to self-destruct. Obama despises success, freedoms, States Rights and abets our foreign friends and foes equally to hate America and Americans. He actually wants us to hate each other and eventually cause anarchy in the streets.

I just read an article in the “GOPUSA Eagle” written Friday that you can read at their website or contact them at eagle@gopusamedia.com. The title of the article is “Donald Trump’s Greatest Hits” What I want to share are a cross-section of the comments that have been posted after people read the article. The opening paragraph should reveal my feelings about the man, not the article. Anything you see in Italic script are my words

#1. Support a not so politically correct Donald Trump who has cajones and will tell it like it is, 🙂 who is NOT a lying, spineless, wimpy, corrupt self-serving political politician.

#2 As soon as he gets in the White House he can call it the “Trump Palace.” Go Donald. You have more support than you know.

#3 Hate to be the skunk at the garden party, but Donald Trump has higher “Unfavorable” numbers than Hillary Clinton and he LOSES to her by 12 pts. in General Election, according to Quinnipiac and other polls. So far, only 3 Republicans beat her, including my favorite, Gov. Scott Walker, who beats her by 9 pts. Others by less.

#4 The polls on The Donald are skewed. The media is having a hard time bringing Trump down, so manipulating polls are about the only thing they can do.

#5 Is it true Trump’s companies applied for over 1,000 visas for immigrant employees? This could be a problem.

#6 “Is it true Trump’s companies applied for over 1,000 visas for immigrant employees?” Huh? Do you not see the difference between applied for visas legally and the attempt of Tinkerbell Obama to grant amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrant?

#7 Newt got standing ovations when he dished it back to the press. Trump is getting standing ovations for the same thing. The press knows they’re hated and Rino’s know they’re hated and they don’t give a damned. It’s time the American public throws them out of the picture. They are the reason America is failing and the constitution is shredded.

#8 It is the fault of the American people who voted in, and in many cases continues to vote in the *** individuals that you speak of. Kind of like the old Pogo line, “We have met the enemy, and they are us!”

#9 Yes, they were voted in because they promised to deliver and up until now they were all we had to choose from. NOW we have Trump who may or may not ultimately deliver. But at least he is talking the talk that millions want to hear. Unlike Obama I believe Trump is honest. We shall see.

#10 The head of the RNC has to go, with the rest the RINOS in Congress. Reince Priebus is nothing but a politically correct hack, who has no clue on how a Presidential nominee should run a campaign. John McCain and Mitt Romney ran terrible campaigns. They might as well have been zombies in The Walking Dead. The Republicans need someone who will attack the liberal socialist media and attack the DemoRAT Party when the DemoRATS play the war on women card, the Al Sharpton race card and the rich are not paying their fair share card!

#11 (a comment on number 10) Waking zombies… Perfect description of those two. McCain deliberately threw that election. And McCain has the nerve to show his nasty face and open his stupid mouth. Obama’s administration has been such an outrage, it’s going to take an outrageous Trump to fix it.

#12 (a comment on number 10) McCain ran one of the poorest campaigns I can ever remember. He acted as if he was on tranquilizers. There was no life to him and left Sarah Palin mauled by the media sharks. I listened to Romney’s 47% speech again. He said absolutely nothing wrong but once attacked he didn’t have the strength or spirit to fight back. There was zero support from his party and he gave the same exact speech in every city/town in the last 48 hours to the election. It is becoming clearer we have a one party system and Trump demonstrates he’s not part of it. The GOP doesn’t deserve another dime or support unless they clean house and build a conservative base again. Stick a fork in it!

#13 I really am waiting to see the Trump – Hillary face off. I hope he leaves her in tears, I know he can take her old man in a street fight if he is stupid enough to try to defend her.

#14 surprisingly, this might be one of the FEW times i actually willfully tune into a Political debate. Just to see Trump crush all the others.

#15 Donald Trump is not my first pick…but if he can handle this first debate as well as he has handled the media…he may very well become my first pick. I, like many others, are tired of the milk toast all talk and no action Republicans who cower to the media and constantly somehow believe they will win them over. Trump is a realist and calls them out on their BS and little gamesmanship. They have done enough damage to this country with their pretending to be unbiased but slant everything so carefully as to make conservatives and tea party people look like uncaring racial bigots who ruin the environment, shoot everyone and constantly abuse poor people. Geez…enough damage has been done to this country. THANK YOU DONALD for standing up and saying what we all have been saying for a long time…but only can voice our frustrations on forums like this one.

#16 (a comment on #15) the republicans are wimps and you hit it right on the head when you said the republicans cower to the media and somehow believe they will win them over. That’s the classic definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Trump is fresh and bold and pushes back. Go Trump Go!

#17 (Comment on #15 also) I, like many others, are tired of the milk toast all talk and no action Republicans who cower to the media and constantly somehow believe they will win them over….They have done enough damage to this country with their pretending to be unbiased but slant everything so carefully as to make conservatives and tea party people look like uncaring racial bigots who ruin the environment, shoot everyone and constantly abuse poor people…So, then why isn’t Trump your first pick? It sounds like you’ve got the elite Repubs pegged.

#18 Do you know how many years I’ve dreaded watching the news now? At least 7! Sometime I have to stay away from the news for a week or two because I’m so disgusted and ashamed of my country that I get depressed hearing it.

Now I sweep the stories every day hoping for another Trump smack down story. When he smacks the RINO’s I cheer all the more! Trump has injected life into a dying party. He has injected truth into a lying party. I think a Trump/Cruz ticket would be just about perfect. Then if we could get congressional term limits we might have a shot at getting America strong again and keeping America strong. Man, do I agree with this. CB

Go Trump Go!

#19 The media have crawled back into their holes after boosting Trumps popularity on national TV. I believe Donald has found a tune that many of the apathetic white folks are hearing. The white vote is huge and Trump is talking directly at them. White votes matter.

#20 All people here legally lose jobs because of illegals, but legal Hispanics lose more than whites, and blacks lose most of all. Young people lose because illegals take entry-level jobs, again its black young people who lose the most and have done the worst under Obama. All Americans would benefit from closing the border and from better policies all around.

There are 13 more pages of comments I would like to include but if you can’t see that people are fed up, you’re either blind, have a closed mind, dumb, inflexible, illiterate or an illegal alien. Holy smokes I just defined a DemoRat.

I have never in my 85 years seen a candidate for President that is being attacked by both political parties. Even Fox News has joined the liberal news media and every right-wing nut who can write his name by piling on “The Donald”. The first debate Thursday will be programmed by Fox to attempt to destroy Trump with old news stories. The media only publishes or broadcasts negatives like interviews with someone’s ex-wife in an attempt to smear those like Trump. Maybe that’s why I never chose to be a politician?

I hope you enjoyed my 847 articles as I am having some old age health issues that could impair my ability to continue. I certainly hope not but one never knows! C Brewer


Well Boehner and his team of “RINOS”, Republicans In Name Only, have caved in again. Claiming they saved the chaos of a government shutdown, they gave in to the Senate democratic leaders and RINOS like McCain, Graham and other Progressive-Liberal members of Congress and will allow more wasteful spending.

Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, is urging Republican legislators to “stand firm” in opposing any budget deal that would increase spending.

“Otherwise, congressional Republicans are joining liberal Democrats in breaking their word to the American people to finally begin reining in government over-spending that has left us over $17 trillion in debt,” he said.

The news media is making everyone aware to show that the Progressives have increased their power and they all are happy. Well, I am not, how do you feel?


What you will not read about in the main stream news or even on Fox News, concerns the back room activity on Amnesty.

Reading the conservative blogs will reveal what is happening in the dark shadows of Congress meeting rooms. I will share some of these facts with you. John Boehner is working behind the scenes to hand Amnesty to Barack Obama on a silver platter.

One source went so far as to clearly imply that once the filing deadlines have passed for potential conservative challengers to “primary” entrenched Republicans, Boehner will move full-speed-ahead with legislation to grant Amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. This move would prevent the Tea Party from challenging GOP lawmakers who support amnesty in 2014.”

Unless patriotic Americans like you can scream loud enough to stop this Progressive plot this will happen. Send messages to your Congressmen and Senators to stop this madness now.

Boehner has just hired a “Professional Amnesty Advocate” to spearhead efforts to pass amnesty.

Most true conservatives have been happy as John Boehner had repeatedly stated, without equivocation, that the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” Amnesty bill was dead on arrival in the House.

The Hill reported in November: “For months, the Speaker has vowed that the House would neither take up the Senate Gang of Eight bill nor consider a similar ‘comprehensive’ piece of immigration legislation.”

Boehner even stated: “The idea that we’re going to take up a 1,300-page bill that no one had ever read, which is what the Senate did, is not going to happen in the House. And frankly, I’ll make clear we have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill.”

To save you time the “Gang of Eight” are Republican Senators Rubio, Flake, McCain and Graham along with Democratic Senators Durbin, Menendez, Schumer and Bennett.

Secretly last week, Boehner hired Rebecca Tallent – a woman who Mark Krikorian, head of the Center for Immigration Studies, called a “professional amnesty advocate” – to spearhead “immigration reform” efforts in the House of Representatives. Progressive-Liberals are jumping with joy over this selection and Amnesty advocates cheered the move as a sign of Mr. Boehner’s dedication to action.”

Rebecca Tallent is more than just an amnesty advocate. She was one of the architects of the failed Kennedy-McCain Amnesty push that patriotic Americans stopped years ago.

Quoting Daniel Horowitz with RedState.com: “Let this seep in for a moment. The most important immigration policy staffer on the Republican side not only shares the views of the opposition, but actually worked to craft the very legislation they seek to pass as Obama’s crowning achievement.”

Please share this message with every conservative possible to make sure this betrayal of our so-called political leaders know, in no uncertain terms, that your unhappy with these secret sell-outs to Obama.

C Brewer

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