A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “lying”


Like many Americans born in the 1920/30 era, I was born a Democrat. In Texas, and most of the south, until the early 1960’s we did not even have a Republican as the Democratic Party was the most “conservative”.

Since then the Republicans became the Party to represent the bible believer, gun toting, freedom loving, military volunteer, hard-working new middle class Americans.

Then along came “Roe vs Wade” and the split started dissolving the cohesion within the Republicans that resulted with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama moving the Democratic Party so far left we are facing moral and financial bankruptcy, and soon. Another Clinton will assure America becoming a Socialists Democracy first, then a Muslim Sharia Law extension of what was once a free Europe.

John McCain, Lindsay Graham, George and Jeb Bush, Bill Crystal, the Koch brothers, Mitt Romney to mention just a few of the Republicans in Name Only or “RINO’S have overtly assured all of their followers that they will not vote for or support the apparent Republican nominee for President, “Donald Trump”.

The real shocker was a story that Paul Ryan, who I omitted as a RINO above, has actually become a Muslim follower officially. This brings up some real questions as he can’t defend Constitution he swore to do if he is of the Muslim faith. This does clear up why he has so strongly supported the relocation of the Syrian refugees and the billions it will costs instead of allocating the borrowed money to help American military veterans in need.

Every American voter should know that one of Donald Trump’s priority pledges has been to help our veterans now. He has promised to shake up the useless Veterans Administration and help veterans have medical service at least equal to illegal aliens. Every American alive who opposes this issue should pack up and leave.

Curiously both Graham and Jeb Bush will not honor their pledge they both signed when candidates for the Republican nomination to support anyone who wins the nomination. In Texan talk, “lying” is worse than cheating on your wife, abusing a child or dodging the military during times of war. Any man whose word is not “Bond” is the enemy as he should be. Unfortunately if not being “100% truthful” was a crime we would be voting for the full 535 members of Congress in November. Our current President, “Obummer” has taken lying to a new level even for American politicians. History will prove this as the current media could care less.

I have been ecstatic reading about all of the Muslim loving, military veteran haters who have announced packing up and leaving America, may have to eat crow or actually move. Lying is their specialty. We should develop a list of every media individual who has lied, omitted facts, twisted words to face deportation to Mexico. This includes all individuals in newspapers, television, radio and even blogs. As they can’t be honest they will fit nicely into the Mexican lifestyle.

Anyone claiming to be or elected as a Republican that fails to support the Party nominee should be banned from calling themselves a Republican. Trump has already gained more votes than any Republican in history. He has already convinced more independents and dissatisfied Democrats to vote Republican in November than anyone in history.

The brilliant reason is he has listened to the people rather than the pundits who are running for cover. He has done more to wake up the voters on just how screwed up Washington DC has become. He will drain the swamp and unite the people if enough Americans are fed up with politics as I am vote for him.

C Brewer May 11, 2016


I published the following article one year ago and decided to re-publish it so you can evaluate my perceptions. I feel that what has actually happened more than proved my thesis that politics and the national media will say or do anything to distort facts for pure political reasons. If read my articles the emergence of Donald Trump has added another refreshing factor and if nothing else he has built a following that crosses all political lines.

Many Americans, myself included, are sick and tired of politics, Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, illegal aliens, 24/7 news which is 98% politics and the suicide mission of the Republican Party. This could well be my last Presidential election as I will be 86 before event is concluded. One thing is perfectly clear, Washington DC is totally unprepared for Donald Trump. If he is elected President there is a great chance that the Progressive movement to change America into a Socialists Democracy or Monarchy like we have watched Europe become will be stopped. Should Trump nominate Cruz for the Supreme Court he will be a refreshing lightning rod to wake them up like he has done in the Senate. At least he will force the other eight to explain why they ignore or try to change the Constitution with 5-4 decisions. If politics is eliminated in their decisions every vote should be 9-0.

I hope you enjoy another chance to read or re-read the following article that was published 4-9-15 and support the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. As my future is limited it would be refreshing to watch the entrenched politicians, bureaucrats, illegal aliens and companies that have deserted America for foreign shores run for cover. If Trump would pledge to demand “Term Limits” for congress it would be the best thing to happen in my lifetime. God Save America.

C Brewer

Feedback appreciated and enjoy the re-posted article.


I have written several passages about negative politics and it appears that civility in the American political arena will never again appear. An honest and ethical person like Mitt Romney was the last gentleman to prove my thesis. Politics has now become a blood sport, not to physically harm another American, but just destroy his abilities with lies, distortions, assumptions and character assignations.

Recent revelations proving this to now be the political standard procedure were openly admitted by Harry Reid with a smile of satisfaction, when ask if he lied about Romney’s income tax evasion. Looking back to our founding fathers an event like this would have been settled with a duel. Today in America lying has become an acceptable practice with no penalty as exhibited hundreds of times by President Obama. Democrats are unafraid of breaking the law under Obama unless you refuse to support him right or wrong. Senator Robert Menendez just found out that even if you are a Democrat, you had better not piss off Obama or Eric Holder.

When you watch nine Supreme Court Justices, hide behind closed doors and not be able read the simple clear US Constitution in unison you know America is in trouble. Every decision this Court makes is unanimously concluded using political agendas to render decisions.  

I am wise enough to understand that dirty politics has now become the benchmark of all elections at every level, local, State and National levels when two political parties control most of the voters. I watched Lyndon Johnson steal his US Senate seat by having ballot boxes stuffed in far South Texas. Volumes could be filled with similar events if we had honest news reporting that disappeared after World War II.

The thing that really intrigues me is the way the Republican Party has used these same underhanded methods to destroy each other. I admit watching a green, unqualified neophyte named Obama, make Hillary Clinton appear as the “Wicked Witch of the South” with nothing but oratorical cleverness. They both took some cheap shots but when the smoke cleared they embraced, then unveiled how dumb people would be if they voted for McCain. Well McCain did exhibit his façade of posing as a conservative Republican during an election where people skipped voting for a qualified leader as no one was actually on either ballot. My point being that Democrats, as evil as they can be, know that slaughtering each other will not win elections, even for dog catchers.

Today I was reading the only daily newspaper, well it used to be a newspaper, unveiling headlines on the front page a picture of Rand Paul and the words. “Paul’s first challenge: Defeat Cruz”. This newspaper is so liberal it would make the New York Times be lauded for “Conservative Belief’s”. The article was actually written by David Knowles of Bloomberg News.

Let me share some actual quotes; “only one of these men will likely have a realistic shot at challenging established candidates like Jeb Bush”, “In other words, more political attacks between the two second-tier candidates are sure to follow”. The message is to let them destroy each other as neither will be a factor next year. Sadly the gun battle is underway to destroy each other.

Another story in today’s slant-sheet is titled “Paul slams both parties as he launches campaign”. Now this story on page 5 was from the New York (Progressive) Times. A Quote to describe the content is, “Paul launched his 2016 presidential campaign Tuesday with a combative message against both Washington and his fellow Republicans, declaring that ‘we have come to take our country back’.”

The progressives know how to paint conservatives as the “War” party with distortions, cunning, bias and creative word usages. The script can be written now on how the Republicans destroyed each other again. The GOP has perfected the practice of slaying each other time and time again. They fail to just present their views, allow the opponent to present their views and let the voters decide who to support. They have to argue about issues like abortion, not with Democrats, they just like to slay each other and lose.

Leaders have enough common sense to shut up, extol their abilities, and demonstrate their strengths. They are prepared to stand up and defend any attack and let the media and their opponents make fools of themselves. If they have no leadership qualities “sane” Americans are smart enough to see through facades, egoist lies, distortions and oratorical abilities to read from teleprompters.

Well there have been two exceptions in 2008 and 2012. How did the biggest con artist, Marxist and glib tongued imposter as a leader get elected, not once but twice? He mesmerized enough women and young brain washed Americans to combine forces with the poor, career welfare recipients, minority blacks, dead people and illegal aliens to help him destroy our Republic form of government.

How he used puppets like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin and other brainless Democrats to change America into a Socialists Democracy will have historians busy for the next fifty years. In fact it will take fifty years to undo the damage if the Republicans can ever sing from just one sheet of music again. Our nation is leaderless and aimlessly on a path of a self-destructive civil war if we can’t produce someone to unite us again. In my opinion we have no one running yet for President in either party that can unite Americans. Currently Ted Cruz is the only candidate who shows any courage and leadership ability but watch as the other Republicans skewer him from within. The Grand Old Party (GOP) died long before its last leader, Ronald Reagan.

Republicans can’t even agree on having a funeral service while the Democrats just watch and enjoy the same self-inflicted suicide primary every four years.

C Brewer




Can you understand the reason to pass on this legacy to two daughters who will suffer the most from two hate filled parents, I can’t?

I have been wandering around the Internet reading about the death of the longest serving member of the US Supreme Court. Folks if you still believe America is “United” you have questionable sanity. I have been accused and plead guilty to being a Conservative all of my 85 years. I started as a Democrat because my father and grandfather were Conservative and in the 1950’s Texas was almost 100% Conservative and that lasted until LBJ stole a Senate seat with stuffed ballot boxes.

I watched the Republican Party grow as they took over the Conservative banner and became powerful until Reagan retired and a new group of “Republicans in Name Only” or (RINO) Progressives took control of the power and virtually gave the Presidency to Obama by continuing to start wars to accomplish nothing but discontent. This was the opening for RINO’s like Bush, McCain, McConnell, Boehner, Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, etc, to take over and give the Presidency to Obama on a silver platter. He expanded the welfare system, unemployment programs and mesmerized the women to re-elect him again. He may not bankrupt America by next January but what he has in place will if we try again to elect Rino’s like Bush 3, and the army of clones who will do nothing.

To share what seemed to support my “HATE” comments read some of the following “HATE” from both Republicans and Demoncrats. What they really hate is the US Constitution but spew their venom toward honest people who pledged to follow this document. The four or five Supreme Court Justices that represent these dissidents just ignore the Constitution to satisfy the Americans that hate the document and blame it on the ones who follow the law of the land. Change the document instead of  hating Americans that follow the law. Our President hates the Constitution and spews hate just like the ones who are so happy Scalia is dead

Glenn Beck Thanks God for Scalia’s Death: It ‘Woke the American People Up’ to Support Cruz”. Beck, a supposed Christian who praises God” for taking a life for political purpose. Beck was a man I admired until he spewed this hate.

Usmann Rana @usmannrana I know Hitler ACTUALLY killed millions whereas #Scalia was a bigot in speech. But their speech often leads to actions. Hence the comparison

John Iadarola @jiadarola If Scalia’s death is sad, the thousands who will die as a result of his suspending Obama’s greenhouse gas emissions rule is far, far sadder.

Serenity @nschim Scalia the best Supreme Court Justice money could buy. I hear the Koch brothers are in mourning. Oh well, they still have Clarence Thomas.

George freeman @Numbers28 This is going to sound cold, but one down, one to go. Uncle Ruckkus (Clarence Thomas) needs to go next. Then our country can start healing.

J @piercepenniless Perhaps we can hope Clarence Thomas, by instinct and habit, will join him.

Larry Elder @larryelder The #Liberal Racists rejoice over death of #AntoninScalia–and are unleashing their bigotry against #ClarenceThomas.

Tomás Río @TheTomasRios Scalia was a monster and no one’s job entitles them to respect.

Glenn Greenwal @ggreenwald Don’t even try to enforce the inapplicable don’t-speak-ill-of-the-dead “rule” for the highly polarizing, deeply consequential Antonin Scalia.

David Ehrlich, again. He is staff writer for Rolling Stone, couldn’t contain his open glee for Scalia’s passing, even mocking his pro-life views. “Hold your Fetus Poster at Half-Mast” outside of Planned Parenthood.

Silvia Killingsworth, Managing Editor for The New Yorker actually joked that Scalia was in Hell, and mocked how he died. How “American” for Scalia to die at a ranch in Texas!

Feminist politics writer for Salon, Amanda Marcotte: “God approves of abortion.” “Marcotte then wondered, was it fate?

Dave Zirin, “Ugly Truths” in Scalia’s Legacy, like Reagan: Dave is Sports Editor for the Nation and frequent MSNBC guest managed to slam both Scalia and Reagan in one punch: Zirin also played the “pity Scalia’s victims”.

Glenn Greenwald, the radical left-wing journalist tweeted that he doesn’t think the “don’t speak ill of the dead” rule applies to Scalia.

Gabriel Arana, Huffington Post Senior Editor for HuffPo: Scalia’s no “saint”. She echoed Greenwald’s sentiment, linking to an article Greenwald wrote after Margaret Thatcher’s death, essentially bashing both Thatcher and Scalia as undeserving of respect.

Anyone who believes the “United States” is united must be the ones on welfare, unemployed, 2 million added to SSI since Obama was elected, the 12- to 18 million illegals, the hundreds of thousands Muslims Obama has added to the welfare rolls and the dead. That will add up to enough votes to allow Illinois to have its first free election in a hundred years.

Two people running for President know what needs to be done and that is why both sides hate Trump and Cruz. It is a shame they apparently can’t support each other as they would make a great team. Both should have recognized that the RINO’s have created the hate so that hopefully neither will get nominated. Trump should have know better and Cruz is too green to see how he got sucked into the war of words neither can win. Both need to engage their brain before thay open mouth and insert both feet

Two things are certain; 1. Donald Trump got two votes yesterday in the Texas Primary that will likely be canceled by my own children and grandchildren. 2. When they have to pay for this “Government Gone Wild” spending spree, about the time, some hope to retire, they will wish they had paid attention to this old man (not applicable to the lawyers and some of the of well educated granddaughters and the one Daughter who already dislikes me).

None of them every learned hate from me. Disgust and mistrust of some separated some of us but hate is a feeling I never experienced, even for the Obama’s. Pity would be a better description of my emotions, including the misguided voters who elected Obama twice.

C Brewer “GOD SAVE AMERICA.” “God Bless Antonin Scalia.” Wake up America.”


How man people listened to Hillary Clinton dance around the fact that she violated federal law by using a personal E Mail account all the time she served as Secretary of State representing the United States of America. Remember she is the likely Democratic candidate for election in 2016 to be President of the United States. She is a lawyer, wife of William Jefferson Clinton who served eight years as President of the United States.

I have followed the history of her activity and politics from the time her esteemed husband served as Governor of the great State of Arkansas. Her short-lived position with the Department of Justice made great credits for he resume when she was fired.

What really blew me away in her interview was her response that she had no second thoughts because others had done this in the past. Now analyze that simple revelation, “others have done it.”

Looking at history “others” have committed fraud, others have lied, others have evaded income taxes, others have accepted unlawful foreign money, others have been dis-barred and lost their law license, others have pardoned convicted felons, others have been impeached by Congress, others have committed adultery, others have committed voter fraud and I feel sure this list could involve more illegal activities.  One of those others, Richard Nixon, actually resigned from office when he was caught red-handed stealing and hiding opponents records.

We all know that her husband should have resigned but Democrats can escape punishment in America. When you look at what the others have done, Bill Clinton has actually done most of the actions. In fact Hillary has already committed several of these “other”actions all by herself.

If anyone who believes one word the Clinton’s utter will be anything that helps anyone other than themselves they are morons.They perfected the art of lying to a level unprecedented until Obama elevated lying to a new plateau well beyond their comprehension.

The really sad statement she made while running for President against Obama was her specific statement that the Bush administration violated the same laws she violated later. If there was a picture next to the definition of the word “Hypocrite” in the dictionary it would be a picture of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

If Hillary is nominated by the Democrats they have scrapped the bottom of the barrel searching for a “leader”. The only Democratic Presidents in recent history that might be worse leaders than the Clinton’s would be Lyndon Johnson and Obama. They all make Nixon look like a saint. At least he had the gonads to resign.   

Politicians are no longer expected to obey the laws and far too many Americans really don’t care.  I do!

C Brewer



As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end.

There will be a clear, cold morning when there isn’t any “more.” No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat.  It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let every one of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, “He was my friend, and I know where he stood.”

So, just in case I’m gone tomorrow, please know this:

I voted against that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron currently in the White House!

Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.

Regards, Clint

Make my day, Pass it on. I did.

Clint was 84 on May 31st and I will be 84 on August 31st. I certainly agree with every word he said.  C Brewer




You may recall that a few weeks ago, our current president spoke of past presidents making prisoner swaps at the end of wars that took place on their watch, much like his swap he said convincingly.  


CNSNews.com carried this quote,


“This is what happens at the end of wars,” President Barack Obama said Tuesday when he was asked about swapping American Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban terrorists.  


“That was true for George Washington, that was true for Abraham Lincoln, that was true for FDR. That’s been true of every combat situation, that at some point, you make sure that you try to get your folks back.  And that’s the right thing to do.”


While that sounds good, let’s check our historical facts – the Revolutionary War ended in 1783 and Washington did not become president until 1789.  Lincoln was assassinated in mid-April, 1865 and the war didn’t end until May, the month following.  As for FDR, he died of a stroke before the end of WWII.  So there you have it, none of these presidents were in office at the ends of those wars, making it impossible for them to make any prisoner swaps.


So much for our historically illiterate president.  You would think that someone on his staff would keep him from making these foolish blunders, but speaking half-truths and telling whole lies has become his pattern of speech when it comes to the American public.


Thanks Wally for this factual information. 


The grammatical errors in Obama’s quotes seem to indicate a lack of editorial capability of the media and his writers.


C Brewer




I posted the following article May 8, 2013. Watching the live Congressional testimony this morning make me wonder if Obama has to shoot a conservative American, any color, on the white house lawn to get ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and their left wing nuts to admit he is a liar? Watching Jay Carney today still insist the Benghazi hearings are a conservative witch hunt trouble me deeply. C Brewer  


Enough is enough with his daily lying about political chicanery and the fact he has made no mistakes. This man is the biggest fake and con man in American history. He mesmerized over sixty million dupes that accepted his manipulations of the truth. If Obama had an ounce of honesty, which he does not have, he would resign now and save the country a year of wasted time impeaching him.

Any leader that would sacrifice one American life then hide the facts from the voters with lies and omissions is just plain “EVIL”. Listening again this morning to Queen Hillary make a mockery of being questioned about the deaths of four Americans made me sick at my stomach. The sad part is she will likely be elected in 2016 as our next leader. Her political views are left of Lenin and Karl Marx.

Republicans have the facts and the truth that the democrats just let four Americans die for Obama and Hillary’s political gain. My fear is they will squabble with each other to get TV exposure and lose sight of the objective of exiling Obama to Hawaii ASAP.

I agree with a statement I just read from former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee who is openly talking about impeachment, saying he does not believe Barack Obama will survive the remaining 3½ years of his presidency. If he does it will be because the republicans screwed up. If the media continues to blindly protect Obama the people should rise up and ostracize their TV, radio and newspapers until they go belly-up.

The following Huckabee quote should be enough to force him to resign. “When a president lies to the American people and is part of a cover-up, he cannot continue to govern,” Huckabee said on his radio show Monday.

I read in Newsmax that Rep. Darrell Issa of California, who will chair those hearings as chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said he intends to make the president “come clean.” Will he, I sure hope so?

I listened as Issa told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “We believe right now that may be the biggest lie of all, and we intend on making the president come clean as to, quote, ‘What the classified reasons are that would justify lying to the American people.'”

Obama and Hillary got lockjaw and created a batch of lies then sent U.N. ambassador Susan Rice who insisted from the start that the attack was not a coordinated act of terror, but a protest that escalated. Later they were forced to backtrack, saying Rice made her statement before all the information was known. Another lie that they still feed us through our government controlled media.

When this failed to stem the tide and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made statements that the loss of four American lives was old news and scoffed at being asked any questions. She and Obama failed to send in troops to rescue Ambassador Stephens and the others who we tortured and killed. Then all democrats ran and hid from the responsibility behind the smokescreen of lies.

Gregory Hicks, became the top diplomat in Libya after Stevens was killed. He claims troops who were ready to come to the rescue were ordered to stand down. It has been nine months and we still do not know who executed this order that obviously executed four Americans to protect Obama’s re-election.

Lying to the American people was not a minor when Richard Nixon lied to the American people about Watergate. Worse he manipulated assisted by people who worked in his administration to cover up the facts. As bad as what really happened in Watergate was it severed all trust between the President and the people. At least no Americans died because of Watergate.

The Benghazi cover-up is much more critical because four Americans did die. The Obama cover-up will make the entire world question the integrity of Obama and the entire United States of America.

Obama will never have the gonads to resign as his ethics make Nixon look like a Saint. His only chance to escape impeachment is if the democrats seize control of the House and Senate in 2014. Although it is hard to believe this will happen, I never expected him to be re-elected, but he did. Obama has more political lives than a cat.

If the democrats do try to protect Obama and their party, at the expense of the truth, they will get what they richly deserve, early retirement.

C Brewer May 8, 2013


Only because there was nothing on TV this morning I suffered through a presentation by John Kerry who was in London. He seemed rather serious when he announced that President Obama had been rather stern in warning Putin and Russia they were violating international law in the Ukraine.

Having posted two articles this week, “Role Model for Criminals” &”Presidential Lies Contest”, this earth shattering event seemed to be the most hypocritical event of Obama’s Presidential terms. Obama telling criminals they must obey the law is a laugher.

Why would any world leader give Obama the time of day after he admitted listening to their phone conservations? I am elated that my travels to most of the world happened before Obama. I would be ashamed and afraid to show my American passport in most of the countries I worked in today.

Obama has spit in Congress’s, the Supreme Court, the Military and all Americans faces with lies and ignoring our laws long enough. The sad part is that our Senate, Supreme Court, Military leaders appear to be content in watching him make a fool of all Americans worldwide.

At least Putin had the leadership and followed the law and got his Russian government to sanction his territorial invasion of the Ukraine. Obama has announced he will veto the bill passed by Congress forcing him to follow all laws.

Lying to yourself is bad enough. Ignoring any law by any American is supposedly a criminal offense. It is beyond belief to me that our elected Congress members, the Supreme Court, our military leaders don’t have the gonads to stop the charade now.

If someone does not stop Obama soon he will have given America away without a shot being fired. He seems hell bent on dividing Americans and fostering a civil war. If we owe the world everything we have, what would be left to fight over.

Wake up folks, we can stop this by voting them all out if we can find a leader to unite the people.

C Brewer



It is amusing to watch the Sunday talk show host, the congressmen we elect to protect us and the paid mercenaries argue about who Enemy #1 in America.

Who do you blame for us living with the most corrupt tax system ever devised by humans? There is absolutely no doubt in this old man’s analysis that the Internal Revenue Service has become a self-anointed destroyer of our wealth and political freedoms. They even decide which religions are allowed to enjoy tax freedoms.

The waste of money by the IRS recently in the news and on my blog are absolute facts folks. The facts prove we have people who lied and broke the law. All we get is sick, watching the politicians on both sides of Congress attempt to impress us with their emotions and reasons to re-elect them.

We the people did not hire these IRS buffoons, they are appointed, hired and controlled by politicians. We did not empower these radicals to be able to oppress innocent American taxpayers, Congress did. We did not appoint or confirm Eric Holder to ignore the laws as Attorney General, Congress did. We did not make the rules that allow government employees to break our laws and harass the people, Congress did.

Now we have the facts, we know who broke our laws, we know who ignored our freedoms, we know who wastes our tax payer dollars, what will happen now? We all know that nothing will happen as soon as we forget and we will continue to re-elect incumbent politicians to protect us from our enemies. We need protection from Congress.

We should be far more worried about Congress and the Executive and Judicial branches of government who completely  disregard of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

When will the people demand that the IRS be totally eliminated with tax reforms that can only be created by Congress?

As long as we allow a big and bloated government to abuse us, the politicians are going to continue to support the oppressive bureaucracy that now extracts or extort trillions of dollars of our money each year.

I’ve had enough and until we demand that Congress protect us from our own government as well as terrorists, I am not a happy camper. Are you?


C Brewer


I am retired from Lockheed-Martin and it saddens me that something like this can happen in America. Obama has doctored every statistic imaginable like unemployment to hide the facts from the people. That is bad enough but the news-media hiding these facts is the lowest act of deception I have ever seen in a supposedly free country. These kinds of chicanery are expected in Russia, China and the communists world but why in America?


The White House has asked Lockheed-Martin to violate the law and NOT issue notices of lay-offs until December (after the election)

Can it be anymore clear who we are dealing with? He will do anything to get re-elected and if he does….God help America. Lockheed Martin is going to lay off 123,000 defense workers due to Obama’s downsizing of the military. This hit the Drudge report yesterday. This is true! The law requires Lockheed to give 60-day notice to all to-be-fired employees within 60 days. That drop dead date would be November 1st. Since this would be bad for the election, Obama has promised that our government would cover all Lockheed severance packages to fired employees if Lockheed would not release the names and locations of those losing their jobs until after the election! Send this to all you know since it will never show up in the news. This posting is from a defense contract newspaper called The Hill. Read details below:
Watching the news all day has been scary. They are reporting that the polls show that Obama is running even  or ahead in Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado. I understand the people in the northeast and the west coast vote for democrats but from the heartland it is unbelievable. Any sane person who has watched the movie 2016 or cares about the murder of our people in Libya that can vote for a democrat is un-American. I have always questioned the sanity of any democrat after they elected LBJ and Carter but to re-elect Obama is mindless unless you are rich or sucking on the government teat. Wake up folks we are getting flushed down the Chinese toilet and they do not have welfare. C Brewer  

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