A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “civility”


I published the following article one year ago and decided to re-publish it so you can evaluate my perceptions. I feel that what has actually happened more than proved my thesis that politics and the national media will say or do anything to distort facts for pure political reasons. If read my articles the emergence of Donald Trump has added another refreshing factor and if nothing else he has built a following that crosses all political lines.

Many Americans, myself included, are sick and tired of politics, Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, illegal aliens, 24/7 news which is 98% politics and the suicide mission of the Republican Party. This could well be my last Presidential election as I will be 86 before event is concluded. One thing is perfectly clear, Washington DC is totally unprepared for Donald Trump. If he is elected President there is a great chance that the Progressive movement to change America into a Socialists Democracy or Monarchy like we have watched Europe become will be stopped. Should Trump nominate Cruz for the Supreme Court he will be a refreshing lightning rod to wake them up like he has done in the Senate. At least he will force the other eight to explain why they ignore or try to change the Constitution with 5-4 decisions. If politics is eliminated in their decisions every vote should be 9-0.

I hope you enjoy another chance to read or re-read the following article that was published 4-9-15 and support the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. As my future is limited it would be refreshing to watch the entrenched politicians, bureaucrats, illegal aliens and companies that have deserted America for foreign shores run for cover. If Trump would pledge to demand “Term Limits” for congress it would be the best thing to happen in my lifetime. God Save America.

C Brewer

Feedback appreciated and enjoy the re-posted article.


I have written several passages about negative politics and it appears that civility in the American political arena will never again appear. An honest and ethical person like Mitt Romney was the last gentleman to prove my thesis. Politics has now become a blood sport, not to physically harm another American, but just destroy his abilities with lies, distortions, assumptions and character assignations.

Recent revelations proving this to now be the political standard procedure were openly admitted by Harry Reid with a smile of satisfaction, when ask if he lied about Romney’s income tax evasion. Looking back to our founding fathers an event like this would have been settled with a duel. Today in America lying has become an acceptable practice with no penalty as exhibited hundreds of times by President Obama. Democrats are unafraid of breaking the law under Obama unless you refuse to support him right or wrong. Senator Robert Menendez just found out that even if you are a Democrat, you had better not piss off Obama or Eric Holder.

When you watch nine Supreme Court Justices, hide behind closed doors and not be able read the simple clear US Constitution in unison you know America is in trouble. Every decision this Court makes is unanimously concluded using political agendas to render decisions.  

I am wise enough to understand that dirty politics has now become the benchmark of all elections at every level, local, State and National levels when two political parties control most of the voters. I watched Lyndon Johnson steal his US Senate seat by having ballot boxes stuffed in far South Texas. Volumes could be filled with similar events if we had honest news reporting that disappeared after World War II.

The thing that really intrigues me is the way the Republican Party has used these same underhanded methods to destroy each other. I admit watching a green, unqualified neophyte named Obama, make Hillary Clinton appear as the “Wicked Witch of the South” with nothing but oratorical cleverness. They both took some cheap shots but when the smoke cleared they embraced, then unveiled how dumb people would be if they voted for McCain. Well McCain did exhibit his façade of posing as a conservative Republican during an election where people skipped voting for a qualified leader as no one was actually on either ballot. My point being that Democrats, as evil as they can be, know that slaughtering each other will not win elections, even for dog catchers.

Today I was reading the only daily newspaper, well it used to be a newspaper, unveiling headlines on the front page a picture of Rand Paul and the words. “Paul’s first challenge: Defeat Cruz”. This newspaper is so liberal it would make the New York Times be lauded for “Conservative Belief’s”. The article was actually written by David Knowles of Bloomberg News.

Let me share some actual quotes; “only one of these men will likely have a realistic shot at challenging established candidates like Jeb Bush”, “In other words, more political attacks between the two second-tier candidates are sure to follow”. The message is to let them destroy each other as neither will be a factor next year. Sadly the gun battle is underway to destroy each other.

Another story in today’s slant-sheet is titled “Paul slams both parties as he launches campaign”. Now this story on page 5 was from the New York (Progressive) Times. A Quote to describe the content is, “Paul launched his 2016 presidential campaign Tuesday with a combative message against both Washington and his fellow Republicans, declaring that ‘we have come to take our country back’.”

The progressives know how to paint conservatives as the “War” party with distortions, cunning, bias and creative word usages. The script can be written now on how the Republicans destroyed each other again. The GOP has perfected the practice of slaying each other time and time again. They fail to just present their views, allow the opponent to present their views and let the voters decide who to support. They have to argue about issues like abortion, not with Democrats, they just like to slay each other and lose.

Leaders have enough common sense to shut up, extol their abilities, and demonstrate their strengths. They are prepared to stand up and defend any attack and let the media and their opponents make fools of themselves. If they have no leadership qualities “sane” Americans are smart enough to see through facades, egoist lies, distortions and oratorical abilities to read from teleprompters.

Well there have been two exceptions in 2008 and 2012. How did the biggest con artist, Marxist and glib tongued imposter as a leader get elected, not once but twice? He mesmerized enough women and young brain washed Americans to combine forces with the poor, career welfare recipients, minority blacks, dead people and illegal aliens to help him destroy our Republic form of government.

How he used puppets like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin and other brainless Democrats to change America into a Socialists Democracy will have historians busy for the next fifty years. In fact it will take fifty years to undo the damage if the Republicans can ever sing from just one sheet of music again. Our nation is leaderless and aimlessly on a path of a self-destructive civil war if we can’t produce someone to unite us again. In my opinion we have no one running yet for President in either party that can unite Americans. Currently Ted Cruz is the only candidate who shows any courage and leadership ability but watch as the other Republicans skewer him from within. The Grand Old Party (GOP) died long before its last leader, Ronald Reagan.

Republicans can’t even agree on having a funeral service while the Democrats just watch and enjoy the same self-inflicted suicide primary every four years.

C Brewer





I created this blog for people who rely upon the main stream media for news on current events. The lack of honest reporting by the media is a shame because an afflicted moron understands you can’t keep printing more money to fund programs that are disasters. Sharing facts and history will hopefully wake up enough voters to stop the runaway train wreck.   

Wisconsin’s looming $3.6 billion 2012/13 budget deficit has thankfully generated nationwide concerns for why we have unionized tax paid employees. It is a fact that private sector taxpayers who fund these unions are demanding that Washington operate with a “balanced Budget”, just like the States have to do by law. 

Wisconsin appears close to imposing economic common sense on the state’s public employee unions by capping their wages, increasing contributions to healthcare/pension plans and eliminating collective bargaining.

Most vocal among Wisconsin’s 300,000 public employee union members are protesters from the 98,000-member teacher’s union. They are now paid, on average, more than $75,000 in wages and benefits. Wisconsin parents should be protesting against these teachers, who are motivated more by tenured job security, than improving student performance.

The latest federal education data reveals less than 40 percent of 8th grade students in the state’s government schools meet basic requirements for math and reading performance. The fact is the state spends more per student ($10,791) than any other Midwest state. In Milwaukee, the average teacher compensation package exceeds $100,000, the graduation rate is under 50 percent and for black children it is below 35 percent. I can’t find a plan to improve this dismal performance to evaluate.

Please read the next sentence slowly.” Government unions face no competition, so there is no impetus to produce or perform at a higher level. To call government union negotiations “bargaining” is insane! 

[Public-sector] unions are government organized as an interest group to lobby itself to grow. Unions use dues extracted from members to elect politicians who favor the unions. Governments are not expected to make a profit, but they need to understand the process. Government sits on both sides of the table in cozy ‘negotiations’ with unions. I assume that you are aware that the politicians I refer to are 99% democrats.

During the 2010 election cycle, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees spent $87.5 million in union dues for the sole purpose of electing Democrats. More millions more went to “advocacy campaigns” that skirt the law to promote Leftist candidates. I don’t get a warm fuzzy feeling this helped the taxpayer.

Our business genius, Barack Hussein Obama, whose most vociferous support comes from unions, offered this predictable partisanship: “Some of what I’ve heard coming out of Wisconsin, where they are just making it harder for public employees to collectively bargain, generally, seems like more of an assault on unions.” The federal prisons are full of individuals convicted of fraud but Congress, over the years, has legalized graft for themselves and the union supporters.

The government union game hasn’t always been rigged. Government unions didn’t even exist until 1959, when the state of Wisconsin granted public employees “collective bargaining rights.”  Even Franklin Roosevelt understood that permitting government employees to establish unions constituted a corruption of public trust.

Since 1960 the Democrat Party has supported government unions with even more vigor than its support for non-government unions, and consequently, ignored the best interest of the people with their own self-interests. Today 24 states grant “collective bargaining rights” to government employee unions, and the resulting breach of public trust is evident in each of those states, particularly in education. My state, Texas, is a “Right to Work” state where union membership is not mandated. A future blog will explain how Texas teachers contribute to and run their own retirement system. 

In 1979, Jimmy Carter re-established the U.S. Department of Education. The department’s mission was, ostensibly, to promote student achievement in preparation for global competitiveness. Yet, since its formation 32 years ago, student achievement compared to other nations has declined.  In fact, the Department of Education reported that American students when rated with the 32 largest industrial nations ranked 17th in math, 21st in science and 32nd in reading. Wow, what an improvement.

Unions understand the strategic impact of the battle now underway in Wisconsin. “If we lose in Wisconsin, it’s going to be a domino effect,” proclaimed Teamster John Hennelly. “This is just the opening salvo in a war.” Democrats also know this battle is critical to the perpetuation of political dynasties.

Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA), who decried our nation’s heated political rhetoric in the wake of the Tucson shootings, had this advice for the union protesters, “I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.” I guess Obama’s plea for civility was only directed to the tea party?

Hopefully the new House majority in Washington and all 24 States without right-to-work laws will take a cue from happenings in Wisconsin and stop the flow of money to maintain government employee union benefit programs.

Everyone take a deep look at who actually benefits from Obama/Reid/Polosi “shovel ready” projects.

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