A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “females”


I have always considered myself honest, fair, and considerate but extremely firm when it comes to the law of the land and following explicit rules and instructions. My family and many people who have worked for me would be a chorus to tell you I am “Hard Headed”. I graduated from High School in May 1947 at 16 and I was convinced that I had learned everything possible and I was destined to be a leader.

This time period was focused on finding jobs for the brave young men who were lucky enough to have survived WWII. Finding a job then was about as hard as it would be today so when I reached 17 I joined the US Navy reserve. It took me several months but on March 17, 1948 I was accepted for active duty and I quickly discovered I was not as smart as I perceived. This transition from a boy to a man was expected and accepted as there were zero options. I learned that honesty, fairness, consideration were the rules but the one thing I added to my list was that “Respect” was not an option it is mandatory. I give the US Navy a lot of credit for preparing me to be a success. If I did not have to wear a hat I might have spent my life in the military.

I have had an active life that most people would revere. I have worked and/or visited in 32 countries and 49 states. I have witnessed how people are treated, especially females, as I have had two wives, five daughters and currently nineteen daughters in-law, grand daughters and great grand daughters. If we had an honest media you would see how the Muslims treat women and girls that would make Christians throw up. The media can’t remove the things I witnessed with my own eyes.

I have watched the Democratic Party switch from the conservative political views to the most Liberal-Progressive political party in my 86 years. Texas and most people my age or twenty years younger were conservative Democrats at one time. We did not change but the Democratic Party did.

Folks, someone is going to have to pay for the 20 trillion dollar debt. Hillary has called for another 500,000 Muslims to be dumped into poverty so they will vote for Democrats. We can’t even take care of our veterans who have worse health care than illegal aliens.

Hillary will continue to thwart our energy industry with regulations and end our coal industry entirely. If our government would wake up, the energy industry alone could create at least 500,000 good jobs in less than six months. We have more than enough coal, oil and natural gas to become an exporter in two years. This could ease and reduce the national debt.

Good hard working Americans have watched their jobs disappear, especially after Bill Clinton gave us NAFTA. Why unions can’t wake up and see how the Democrats have systematically caused so many of its members to be without jobs. Why do the union leaders never lose their positions?

If Hillary wins this election she will have everyone on welfare, most Blacks, most union members, the same army of young women who are blind and as many dead people as they can dig up.

I am in my twilight years of my life and blessed to still be here. I can’t believe that females, union members and the black folks are dumb enough to vote for someone who created the poverty and unemployment that plagues America today.

When I do croak the Democrats will not be able to register me to vote by getting my name off of a tombstone. I have chosen to be cremated.     C Brewer September 7, 2016


It amazes me how our current President, his entire horde of Czars, his communist advisers, the mainstream media and the entire Democratic Party believe that the majority of Americans are stupid. I will agree that those who voted for them are stupid but I can’t believe they are the majority of American voters. They have lied, covered up snafus, hidden written documents, misused their lawful power and are regulating us into bankruptcy with little or no resistance.

Well the “Wicked Witch of the West”, Hillary Clinton, has been caught with her panties in a knot for actually ignoring a federal law and committing a federal crime. Now we face several months of lies, smoke screens as she prepares to succeed our “Liar-in-Chief” as President.

Prepare yourself for a performance that will be so filled with drama it would win an Academy Award. If she is elected the Hollywood loons will probable give her that award after serving her eight years as President? All she has to do is keep the women’s vote and the abortion zealots in the Republican Party will make sure to help her.

I have spent the day listening to and reading articles related to Hillary’s use of a private E mail service to conduct even top secret correspondence while she was Secretary of State. That alone is a revelation of how our government has become a secret society within itself.

The most ridiculous event in the news today was that the White House counsel’s office was not aware at the time Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State that she relied solely on personal email to correspond. They admitted it was the congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack that alerted them of the crime. If that is true, why did the White House and Eric Holder’s Justice Department ignore the crime that was exposed over a year ago? Even the stupid and women know the answer, “Politics as Usual.”

Another bothersome action I read was that the State Department turned over some of her messages in connection with the Benghazi probe after she left office. They knew a year ago she had ignored federal law when the White House counsel’s office asked the State department to ensure that her email records were properly archived, according to the article I read.

Clinton announced in a late-night tweet yesterday that she wants her emails released. She asked the State Department to vet the 55,000-plus pages she handed over, leaving the diplomatic agency with the intensely politicized task of determining which can be made public. Why can’t they be released to Congress committees who have security clearance? The answer, “Politics as Usual.”

John Kerry told reporters today during a trip to Saudi Arabia that the State Department will move immediately to review the emails but cautioned it will take time. “We will undertake this task as rapidly as possible in order to make sure that we are dealing with the sheer volume in a responsible way,” Kerry said. The reason for any delay is “Politics as Usual.”

Even though they suspected something was being hidden, the committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., announced Wednesday that it has issued a subpoena to Clinton directly for all of her communications relating to Libya, including emails from her personal server, texts, attachments and pictures. If there is nothing confidential in her E mails why do they have to be screened by Kerry and why can’t Hillary give them direct access?

I just read in the Federalist that Hillary Clinton and her allies may be claiming that her private e-mail system is no big deal. “Hillary’s State Department actually forced the 2012 resignation of the U.S. ambassador to Kenya in part for setting up an unsanctioned private e-mail system. According to a 2012 report from the State Department’s inspector general, former U.S. ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration set up a private e-mail system for his office in 2011”. “Politics as Usual?”

Watching what happens will be interesting. Look for excuses that will put tears in the eyes of every American female voter both dead and alive. They have enough time to make it look like discrimination against women. We have women who are more than qualified than our last several Presidents and are capable of leading America back on a Constitutional path. It is time to give a woman a chance to prove me right but not Hillary Clinton. At least find a woman who is truthful, honest, ethical, and loves America as much as I do from either political party.

The Clintons have so many skeletons buried from the Ozark’s to the Adirondack Mountains that it will be a field day to watch NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and PBS manipulate the facts to get Hillary elected in 2016.

Honesty, truth, ethics and true love for America are no longer a requirement for the media or politicians. 


C Brewer



Sadly I include myself in this category because we know what is right for America but we do not know how to express ourselves with modern political words. Modern liberals have perfected the ability to make “Bull S—T” sound like music to the ears of the poor, disadvantaged, illegal and gullible, especially the females of all nationalities. This opening should make enough of them mad enough to read the rest of my article.

My dear friend Phillip Sizer, who has been one of my mentors recently sent me a copy of a true conservative newspaper. This publication is the American Free Press and is published every two weeks. I highly recommend this publication and if you have a computer you can subscribe to an online rather than a copy by mail. Phil called to see if I had read a recent article and when I did read it, it motivated me to create this posting. The Article is titled, “Want More Wars?”, by Willis A Carto.

The opening paragraph begins with a statement that “Liberal TV personality Ed Schultz has a question:  

“What is going on?” he asks. Why is the U.S. involved in apparently senseless war across the globe? Why does the media go along with the State Department promoting these wars? All of our foreign interventions do nothing but create and escalate the hatred of foreigners against our country.

This appears to be the standard answer the Progressive-Liberals, especially the Democratic ones use as a reason to preach their Socialists sermons and Obama’s “share the wealth” crusade to bankrupt America.

Mr. Carto responds with “The answer is simple when you think about it.” This is where I will not argue that his facts are not accurate but the cures can be more dangerous than the causes.

Mr. Carto notes that we have irresistible forces in “our” country that want war and plenty of it. “War is extremely profitable for some. We point to the arms manufacturers, for example. These folks are good at making rifles, cannon, battleships, uniforms, shoes. The list goes on.”

He relates that, “War is a very profitable business. And their customer always pays promptly. If the customer—Uncle Sam—runs out of money, he can get unlimited amounts from the friendly Rothschild bank called the Federal Reserve, which just manufactures money when needed and adds it to the “national” debt”.

He goes on to say that, “All of these nice, very rich folks have many nice, well-paid salesmen in Washington. Some are lobbyists and some are in Congress. With the backing of the newspapers, special-interest pressure groups, armament lobbies and many members of Congress, count on them to get the job done”.

“Their bread and butter is war. Never mind what you as a taxpayer or the poor saps who join the Army—often because they can’t find a useful job at home—-want. So off they go in a nice uniform. Off they go to shoot at guys in other armies or who are desperately trying to protect their homeland no matter what it costs in lives and human suffering”.

Now this is where I draw the line and disagree with blaming American industry for promoting wars. 100% of the blame for wars is created by the friendly people like the Rothschild’s he mentions as the providers of funds. These money monsters scattered around the world are the real ones who benefit from wars. America is not the only producer of weapons of war because we have bankers in every country lapping up profits of war.

The “War Whores” are the elected politicians, like our Congress persons and government bureaucrats that seek both power and money to hang on to the government teat they are sucking dry every time they buy war supplies. We don’t have to stop buying products of war or to create products for the future like space exploration. All we need to do is stop wasting money on things we don’t need or even plan to use. Some consider this nothing more than “White Collar Welfare” and a way to entice independents to vote for Democrats.

When the military decides to close a Fort or Post the screams from Congress are deafening. When they try to cancel a weapon, aircraft, etc. that is not needed, the same screams from the politicians and bureaucrats is heard around the world. Now we have a President that is hell-bent on destroying the military systematically and with the precision of a surgeon with a scalpel.

Why do we still have American troops in Japan, Korea and Germany to maintain the peace after 60-70 years after the war?

I spent 27 years in the aerospace business that is sustained in some respects by the “War Whores” with useless and poorly managed oversight. I will always remember a sign I saw years ago that zero in on this waste and still does today. It read, “An elephant is actually a mouse built on a costs-plus, single source bid of US government contract”.

Mr. Carto also brings up our mission to force “democracy” on the benighted denizens of lesser nations. We both agree that we really need to force “democracy” on our current President and all of the Democrats right here in the good old United States of America. They are destroying our Republic, our Constitution and the Bill-of-Rights today.

One other point that Congress fails to grasp or adequately explain to the public is Mr. Carto’s statement, “Withdrawal from a policy of continual war would mean a depression for the U.S. far worse than the one of the thirties. It would mean riots by the jobless, a cutoff of welfare for the blacks as well as the whites and an unpredictable future”. This my friends is why “Common Sense” leadership is the only way out of our fiscal mess. The problem is there are no Republican leaders in sight that can win an election and the Democrats are the only party that can baffle the people with Bull S…T. They own the media and propaganda is now their message.

I want to thank Phil, The American Free Press and Mr. Willis A Carto for the motivation to write this article. We do have a Republican with fire in his belly that is capable of leading us back to common sense named Ted Cruz, unfortunately he could never win the Presidency as the media would crucify him immediately with lies, innuendoes and propaganda.

C Brewer


I have been working on this article for several weeks hoping to post it in time to hopefully remove the roadblock we have in the US Senate. 

Watching the news recently it appears that we will have an interesting Democratic battle for the 2016 Presidential nomination. Listening to the pundits it indicates that Hillary Clinton will have a strong challenge from Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts.


Who is Elizabeth Warren? She is a master politician who bears the last name of her first husband. She has been married to her second husband, Bruce Mann, for 32 years. News related to her two children and three grandchildren is vaguely mentioned in her biographical information.

The motivation that urged me to write this article was it would be nice to see a female President in my lifetime. I’ve had a rather female influenced life that I would like to share. My mother raised me because in 1930 my father worked seven days a week until I was fifteen years old. My two grandmothers deeply influenced my life. Like Elizabeth Warren, I graduated high school at 16 and was married at 17. Like Ms. Warren, I married again and I have lived with and deeply love my wife, Norma, for fifty four years. I have five daughters, two daughters-in law, eight granddaughters, three granddaughters-in-law and four wonderful great granddaughters, so far. Can you match this female exposure in your lifetime?
My education and experience will parallel both of these career politicians but none of us are qualified to be President of the United States. For that analogy it is certain that after nearly six years, our current President is not qualified and has proven he is not a leader.
Ladies, women, girls, you have control of our destiny in America. You have been able to vote for nearly 100 years after far too many years of servitude. Male slaves were able to vote in the United States before a woman was given this “RIGHT”. Why?
Females proved they could influence elections many years ago and now occupy many political and government positions. The gain made by women to prove their leadership abilities in industry has been at warp speed. Look at the women that lead many large corporations that was earned by proving they were “LEADERS”. Elect the right leader and continue the fight for equality some feel is still not achieved by voting out your opponents one by one. Continue with using evolution not revolution currently being urged by our President.
For those of you that were mesmerized by Barak Obama and not only got him elected, you got him re-elected and you screwed up big time. No woman with any sense desires to face the prospect of eventually manipulated and controlled by a Muslim. History will prove that Obama is a Muslim in disguise and erasing the influence he has forced upon America will take a century to complete. He is his own “GOD” and watch his life erupt when his second term is over. His next term would be in prison if we had any leadership opposition to his desire to divide our nation. He has neutered our military leaders.
Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren are lawyers, master politicians and very powerful women. Even I applaud their courage to rally women rights but ladies these two people are not the leaders we need to return our freedoms we had when I was born. We need to renew our faith in God, bless our military and regain the leadership position of the free world we had for so many years.

A real leader will unite the people to work together again instead of making success a sin. We need to make sure our young girls never have to live under Sharia laws and return to a life of servitude far worse than my mother and grandmothers had to endure. I have a copy of my paternal grandmother’s first Poll Tax receipt that I have treasured.


There are many well qualified women leaders today that have proven their leadership ability in a man’s world, business. Find a woman who meets the leadership requirement to lead the United States into the future and I will scream my support with my last breath.


When you ladies decide who will be our next President, I have only one request for you to consider. Please do not pick a man or a woman who is a lawyer or a politician and for God’s sake don’t select one who is both. A true leader will make politics secondary to keeping us united whether they are a Democrat, Republican or an Independent.

When you get in the voting booth in November make sure you vote for the person who will unite us instead if dividing us like Obama has. Making sure we have a conservative Congress for the next two years is the most important vote we have had in America in my 84 years. I hope you agree?

C Brewer

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