A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “iNDIA”


Let me preface that I am not a Diplomat, Politician, elected for anything, a Progressive or a liberal Demoncrat. I am a conservative American who has lived much longer than most of you that are younger than 86. I enlisted at 17 and served in the US Navy for some five years during the Korean war. I am a retired member of Mensa and Intertel by passing exams that placed me in the 99th percentile of Intelligence  Quotient. I had a successful career serving in every level of management after 27 years with Lockheed-Martin, 5 years with Halliburton and eleven years starting 8 companies. I worked in 32 countries and 49 states. I started this blog some 5 years ago and I have published over 1000 articles. I am proud of my life and I have been married to my second wife for 56 years and currently have 46 children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren counting spouses.

I did not write the above introduction to seek anything but confidence that I am not a blowhard or braggart. I write my articles to express my feelings, share my experiences, possibly encourage others to learn something each and every day. I receive no revenue for my work and encourage anyone to share my work as nothing is copyrighted.

I want to talk about Russia and the wild excitement expressed the Demoncrats and the Republicans in name only (Rino;s) like John McCain and Lindsey Graham who are as Progressive as the Clinton’s and used every underhanded way ever designed to get Hillary elected President. These people have created the poor people and have kept them poor for 50 years. They better have their seat belts fastened when Trump is sworn in this month. They have tried to destroy Israel just for the fun of it and it is about to bite them in the butt.

They have tried to antagonize Russia and Putin which is stupid in my opinion. I hope when I finish my postulations about the world’s future it will make sense to those who have closed minds. As a paper boy I watched train loads of scrap metal leave the Bethlehem Steel plant in Corsicana Texas  every day in the late 1930’s destined to be shipped to Japan. Why, Japan was building up the arms necessary to plunder and kill thousands over most of SE Asia. If they had not attacked America they would have likely ruled all of that part of the world today.One of the main reasons Japan conquered more land mass was they were isolated and were populating too fast for future land needs.

Watching China building man-made islands in the international waters should at least spark an interest in why. The United States is watching and spying on this massive undertaking. The American media has shown no interest other than report that China captures one of our spying devices that was identified as a scientific probe of international waters.This is just another insurance that our media is owned by the White House now. They know they antagonized the new President and will soon have to rely on much lower level government moles to get their news. President elect Trump has found that he can communicate with average Americans and the world that elected him via social media like Twitter and Facebook. People and Nations will get the same news at the same time.

While the Demoncrats fight Trumps every move domestically for the next four years the China will have less pressure preparing for the next world conflict. The building of islands in the sea is likely a smoke screen of preparations to make the same move the Japanese did in the 1930’s, again when I was a boy. They will not be looking at overpopulated land areas like Japan, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines,  India or Pakistan. They will likely avoid  the Middle East unless a petroleum shortage is evident. What they will want is Malaysia and parts of Indonesia that are underpopulated and have petroleum reserves. I doubt that Mongolia or eastern Russia will be an early target as the weather at the equator is fan better than the winters in the north. This area will be secondary after they use all of the natural resources and relocate millions of Chinese immigrants to the South first.  

I feel certain the views I have shared will be scoffed at by every liberal on earth as madness. I have no problems with China but their growth does not provide an easy way to control population needs like we have seen used by Mexico.They do not have the easy way to disburse their second class citizens into the United States like Mexico and the other Central American countries have enjoyed.

I will likely not live to see if I was correct. Inside me I pray the world will never see another war that took so many young American men in my lifetime. Unfortunately if natural disasters do not slow the Worlds eventual population growth it will far exceed the ability to feed everyone. I will not overlook the world wars or even smaller wars like the Korean war I was involved with or the war with Viet Nam that were concocted  by the politicians who had their pockets filled by the banks. The banks have caused more conflicts and wars than the Romans did several centuries ago. Read my articles about our own Federal Reserve and the scary group that still exists called Tavistock.

Now go back to sleep and watch the Demoncrats and Rino;s wriggle, scream, riot, plunder, hug trees, block highways and ignore the next potential disaster. Hopefully see Donald Trump drain the Washington swamp, create jobs and skewer the media. He appears to see that Russia is a much better partner than China to ease world tensions. I hope he throws out the United Nations or at least stop funding it totally. Unfortunately he will probably be assassinated like Kennedy by powers that have never surfaced yet. The money was there somewhere.

C Brewer January 10 2017 




This will be the 800th article I have posted on this blog and one that is extremely important. Anyone who denies history repeats itself has never worked in the petroleum industry. After spending 27 years in the aerospace industry I made a career change in 1978 and accepted an executive position with Otis Engineering that was a major part of the Halliburton Corporation. I spent my last sixteen years working in the petroleum industry. Am I an expert? No. But I did learn enough and know what to read and how to express myself professionally. My conservative views were developed over my 84 years as a freedom loving American. I challenge you to prove me wrong with verifiable facts.

I would be remiss to omit that the reason I made this career change. Our US Department of the Interior imposed a new regulation on the petroleum industry that was similar to the regulations developed by the NRC several years before. The exploration and production operations in the oil industry were baffled along with every company that designed and manufactured surface and sub-surface safety valves used in US offshore waters. Unlike the NRC program that covered all equipment used in a power plant this regulation was only required on two of the hundreds of devices used to drill and produce oil and gas. If all devices like the blowout preventer had been included the BP accident may have been avoidable. Another unusual feature of the regulation, it was not required on any onshore wells, government lands included. My 27 years work with government regulations and a new Masters Degree were a valuable asset during this period.

I missed the 1973 oil crisis but when the second man-made crisis erupted in 1983 I chose to try my lifelong dream to start my own company. I suppose I should thank OPEC and our government for creating this crisis. This allowed me to successfully end my work career by exceeding the achievement of every goal I had set for myself as a young man.

When will the American voters get enough of these government sponsored events that stop or critically cripple the American petroleum industry to create jobs and threaten OPEC’s manipulation of oil prices. Every time they force the American companies to stop drilling, it only helps OPEC eventually. After they cripple our petroleum industry, it is obvious it will take years to get it revived at costs that are just wasted to help the Arabs.

I suppose that crippling the petroleum industry to make foreign and American bankers richer is better than starting political wars to achieve the same purposes is better, but why do either? I have lived through so many political wars and energy crises to make the rich richer and the politicians more powerful that make me sick.

Do you realize that until the government and OPEC started this last crisis what the oil industry had accomplished? U.S. oil production increased from 5.6 million barrels a day in 2010, to a current rate of 9.3 million barrels a day. The government and OPEC tried to kill this boom by scaring people with propaganda about the dangers of fracking.

Until the Arabs got greedy and artificially increased the price of crude above $100 a barrel, fracking was not an option due to costs. We have known about the shale oil deposits in America for a long time but producing it was estimated to be at least $50 a barrel as far back as the 1980’s when I was with Halliburton. Until late last year and this latest crisis, it was obvious that US oil output would keep rising in 1 million barrel-plus annual leaps for years to come.

The recent drop in oil prices poses another major challenge to oil producers. Wall Street analysts, politicians and even some industry experts claim the setback will be brief and minor. Just history repeating itself with man-made crises again.

Shale oil production is totally unlike oil production in any other part of the world. In conventional wells, whether in the Middle East, the Gulf of Mexico or the North Sea. When prices drop, however, almost all conventional wells keep pumping. That’s because the variable cost of lifting the crude is still far lower than the prices it fetches on the world market.

I just read a quote that explains this. “What drives the business is the marginal cost, not the total cost,” says Ronald Ripple, a finance and energy business professor at the University of Tulsa. “Even at low prices, the production is still contributing something to cover the upfront investment.” The average person has no idea what the risk and investment can be to drill and produce oil.

As a result, the global supply of oil is what economists call “inelastic.” Even if prices crater, the oil majors and sheiks keep pumping more or less the same quantities. They’ll only stop when prices drop below the variable cost—and for most wells, they seldom sink that far.

Another determinant of oil prices, now, is demand. Oil consumption in the U.S. has fallen by over 8% since 2010, and the shrinkage in Europe even greater. Reports indicate that China and India oil usage has not accelerated anywhere near what had been forecasted. The drop in oil prices from over $100 in May to $48 has not caused a major or even minor drop in overall production.

Unlike conventional production, shale wells have an extremely short life. To produce a constant or increasing revenue, producers must constantly drill new wells, since their existing wells span a mere half-life by industry standards. I have read that shale oil production is more like mining than conventional oil production. Mining companies must dig new holes, year after year, to extract reserves of copper or iron ore.

Today the breakeven cost for producing shale oil is $65 per barrel, according to a study by Rystad Energy and Morgan Stanley Commodity Research. Producing shale oil at $65 a barrel and selling it at $48 is a rapid way to go broke.

To make matter worse, we are seeing the same actions that every crises causes. I just read that the count of rotary rigs in use has fallen from 1,930 to 1,881 since October. We saw the same reduction in offshore rigs when our government over regulated an entire industry because of the isolated drilling accident in the Gulf of Mexico. The US government is a bigger enemy than OPEC. Living in Texas it is sad to see the thousands of jobs we have created that are vanishing with the small operators going broke.

If demand for oil rebounds as some say it will and the price of oil rises above $65 again, producing shale oil may once again be profitable. I for one will be surprised if the enemies of fracking, our government and Saudi Arabia, will ever allow that to happen. I just read that the Saudis have invested heavily to gain extra capacity of 2 million barrels a day. The Saudis with our government support will use that excess to hold prices at $50 a barrel to stop all shale production.

Maintaining current production will take a massive new conventional drilling program. I am sure that the current US President and Congress will make sure that this does not happen. The political points they will enjoy with $2.00 a gallon gas will far outweigh the loss of many thousands of lost jobs that are inevitable. 

If buying OPEC oil and cheaper gasoline makes you happy just re-elect your Congressperson and Hillary in 2016. If you are an unemployed petroleum industry American and you really want to work for an above average living you probably live in the wrong country.

The political views are mine alone. I wonder how many Americans agree with me?   C Brewer


Did anyone watching the State-of-the-Union last night here one word on why we can’t make these things in America again? No!

Our President and Congress ignore the problems which are “REGULATIONS, UNIONS and POWER”. They just love to soak it to the energy industry so we can make OPEC  and AL Gore richer.  C Brewer


Men looking for work, start the day early using an alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN).

Next they plug in the coffee pot (MADE IN CHINA).

They shave with an electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG).

They put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA).

After cooking breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) he sits down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today.

After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he gets in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) filled with GAS (from Saudi Arabia) and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.

At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (made in MALAYSIA), he decides to relax for a while.

He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL), pours himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turns on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and  wonders why he can’t find a good paying job in AMERICA


ANON…..Thanks Ron




 That’s right, every other modern developed nation in the world has gotten rid of birthright citizenship policies.  Yet, during the last few months, most of U.S. news media and many politicians have ridiculed comments by some other politicians that it is time for the U.S. to put an end to birthright citizenship for tourists and illegal aliens.
Folks, the U.S. stands alone.


There used to be all kinds of Developed countries that gave away their citizenship as freely as we do in the U.S.    But one by one they all have recognized the folly of that policy.


  • Canada was the last non-U.S … holdout.  Illegal aliens stopped getting citizenship for their babies in 2009
  • Australia’s birthright citizenship requirements are much more stringent than those of H.R. 1868 and took effect in 2007
  • New Zealand repealed in 2006
  • Ireland repealed in 2005
  • France repealed in 1993
  • India repealed in 1987
  • United Kingdom repealed in 1983
  • Portugal repealed in 1981

The United States is now the laughing stock of the modern world. Only the U.S. values its citizenship so lowly as to distribute it promiscuously to the off-spring of foreign citizens visiting Disney World on tourist visas and to foreign citizens who have violated their promises on their visitor, work and student visas to stay illegally in the country, as well as to those who just plain sneak across our borders. It’s not just Mexico and South America who are sending illegals across our borders.  Currently, the CBP reports that of those apprehended illegally crossing the border, China is number one.
Wake up America.

Illegal aliens from China , India , Russia , the Middle East  and a host of other nations are flooding the country.  Ironically, some of these illegals and/or their offspring are given positions at the front of the line for Government jobs, contracts and assistance.
Look around you!  We are giving away our culture, and economic and fiscal strength because our borders are not secure and we bestow citizenship irresponsibly.

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