A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “GOP”



My wonderful friend, Dorella Bond shared this letter with me. This message is far too important to just forward to my 85 friends and family who actually read my “E” mails. The sad part is these two lifetime bureaucrats will never read this letter as they are only interested in re=election and face time on CNN. Someday, likely after I am done enough real Americans will force term limits on Congress and make them listen to the people. Thanks Dorella, you made this old veterans day. Clyde Brewer

Senator Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senate Majority Leader

317 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


Representative Paul Ryan,  Speaker of the House,

1233 Longworth HOB

Washington, D.C. 20515


Gentlemen: I’m a 68 year old Vietnam Vet and retired 3M Executive. I am on the verge of leaving the Grand Old Party. No big deal for you  huge deal for me. I have come nearly to the end of my loyalty to a party that seems to have lost its backbone.

The lack of leadership displayed by the two of you — for whatever reason you’ve decided to not support or defend the duly elected President of the United States — is beyond me.

Yes, President Trump is not the typical political bureaucrat, but he is the President of the United States. It appears from where I sit that you both have decided to lay down on the job you’ve been elected to serve. The 60 Million + people that voted this President into office made this decision based upon the absolute requirement to have someone outside the beltway to lead the nation. As distasteful as this appears to be for not only the Democrats, it appears to be equally distasteful to the GOP leadership. Your lack of action on numerous legislative issues that this country desperately needs is visible to all.

The electoral map of the U.S. is RED because President Trump > mobilized the electorate. These same voters are going to clean house again in 2018 if you don’t start acting like leaders. Former Arizona state lawmaker Kelli Ward is out in front against Senator Jeff Flake by 25 percentage points today. Can you say: “We are tired of GOP leaders in Washington D.. C.?” This is only going to increase across the U. S. for all GOP midterm candidates if they continue to demonstrate no backbone and will not support our President.

My best description of where this country is headed was voiced by David Horowitz. “Friends, this isn’t George Orwell’s “1984..” It is America, 2017.”

When I look at the current GOP, I’m struck by a comparison that I recently heard. This is a basketball example that really does reflect what the GOP appears to be today. The metaphor is the Harlem Globetrotters and the Washington Generals. The Democrats are the Globetrotters and the GOP are proud to be the Washington Generals. The Generals know going into the game that they are going to lose, but

it’s a nice gig and they get to be on the court with the big boys. The GOP and The Washington Generals don’t mind losing – they just want to be in the game! Sound familiar?

That is exactly how it appears to the loyal GOP voters out here in America right now. Why is zero legislation moving forward? We have the Presidency, we have the House, we have the Senate! What’s wrong with this picture? We are wasting valuable time here, Senator McConnell and Representative Ryan. The voters are not going to waste time in 2018.  This is the last chance for the GOP before it morphs into something none of us recognizes. And, by the way, when are you going to support the laws on the books?

Sanctuary Cities, Antifa, tearing down statue’s, covering statues: the progressives are running wild and the GOP is laying down.

Remember freedom of speech? UC Berkeley? The progressives are worried about what shoes the first lady is wearing and the media is supporting it. What a wonderful world we are living in. Well there you have it. President Trump and Vice President Pence are being copied on this plea for help. Hitch up your pants and stiffen your backbones. It’s about time! I know what’s coming because I live in a state that has already gone off the cliff – CALIFORNIA. The Progressive have already won here!! I mean the Globetrotters.

I have an extensive cc list of over 1,500 people. I’m asking them to send this note to 10 of their Conservative Friends.

We the people will not sit still while this country is being abused and our values are not being represented. The Left will not take this country away from us.


Lenard W. Wahlert

8 Rubis Way

Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4227

cc: President Donald Trump

Vice-President Mike Pence


I always respected Mitt Romney for his patience, character, demeanor, stature and a supposed assumption he was intelligent. He may well be a genius at being a good Mormon but at politics he proved he was a total failure four years ago.

These past few days make me suspect he is totally losing his mind. If someone can reel him in he will be known in history as the individual that destroyed the Republican Party. If he can’t understand the damage he is rabidly racing to destroy the Grand Old Party (GOP), someone needs to shake him up. Uncontrolled he is making it a certainty we will see Hillary elected and finalize set the plan to make America a Socialists Democracy similar to those in Europe.

If Hillary ends up in prison, which is where she belongs, old Bernie will then be elected and we will see bankruptcy before Socialism. Bernie is a flower child from the 1960’s and drugs appear to have fried his brain a long time ago. As Vermont keeps electing him, the entire State must have smoked the same pipe. The only thing that saved Hillary from drugs then was she was stuck in Arkansas where everyone was kin to each other back then and could not afford a pipe or the weed.

Mr. Romney, the certain thing that will change the course of history is replacements for the Supreme “Political” Court. One is a replacement for Scalia which will happen early next year will set Socialism in motion to radically remove more freedoms first. When John Roberts, Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito retire or die, as most do, the next Progressive/Liberal/Socialist replacement will result in elimination of our Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Bear Arms and Freedom of Religion that Obama did not finish. THE Court will also likely eliminate our right for Freedom to Assemble. Unless we have until another civil war in America to regain our lost freedoms America will become a Muslim controlled country by 2050 and Sharia Law will be imposed.

If I am right God save my family as I will be a forgotten old veteran who lived the American dream of success.

It is nearly unbearable for me to watch Mitt Romney on his hell-bent crusade to destroy the GOP. Even a madman like Obama could not believe that the gift of the White House for four more years would be that easy even though he probably hates Hillary as much as Cruz does.

Obama knows that if either Hillary or Bernie win they will be blamed for the certain financial meltdown we face. He has not endorsed either one and is waiting to see if Hillary is indicted before he has to commit. Should she be charged it will be easy to back Bernie who is dumber than a “dip-stick”. Obama know that total financial failure is more certain with Bernie than Hillary. What puzzles me is why he is blocking the Justice Department from charging Hillary with crimes so evident, a deaf, blind and mute illegal ten-year old knows she broke the law with the personal computer server. The entire leadership of the FBI should be charged with stupidity for believing any sane American could possibly believe her actions were legal or lawful.

I know I am right so God save my family as I will be a forgotten old dead veteran who lived the American dream. Hang on ladies and our welfare army before America self-implodes, ending over 200 plus years being the envy of the world. You can only blame yourselves. C Brewer 5-16-15


I have spent two days reading and absorbing one of the most brilliant Americans alive, David Stockman, and his attempt to explain how America is at the threshold of getting the freedom train back on the tracks. This is the most explicit attempt to put the right person in the most advantageous place to hopefully “Unite” rather than divide the people. This is a long article I hope every American alive will at least read and all but the deaf mute Demoncrat’s will hopefully wake up and understand?  

Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Finance/DavidStockman/Donald-Trump-American-Politics-GOP-Republican-Party/2016/03/21/id/720127/#ixzz43m0qR2q4

I will attempt to summarize key passages and close with some personal observations hoping you will read the entire article connection above and my summary in italic at the end.


“Such a grand bargain would not only clear the primary field and quash any backroom hijacking of the nomination by the Washington GOP establishment; it would also permit each man to play his highest and best role at this great inflection point in the nation’s history.”

“That is, Donald Trump’s job is to destroy the Republican/Neocon establishment and bring working class America back into a modern version of a McKinley-style Republican Party. Ted Cruz’ task is to spend a lifetime bringing strict constructionism back to the high court, thereby helping to restore constitutional restraints on a leviathan state that fundamentally threatens personal liberty and economic freedom and prosperity in America.”

He suggest that Kasich get out of the way before a deeper divide within the Republican Party.

“Beyond the rightness of it, there’s some pretty potent logic for the politics of the deal, too, there would be lots of winners all around — most especially the long-suffering American people.”

“Mitch McConnell and his rudderless Senate wheels, for example, would not need even a 10-minute caucus to hand down to young Ted Cruz a life sentence to the Supreme Court.”

“As to the former, Ted Cruz is about as close to the next Antonin Scalia as exists in America today. It goes without saying that he could do far more for the cause of liberty as a justice than as a gadfly senator.”

“At the same time, the American people would be spared of another bellicose politician hell-bent on extending Washington’s imperial depredations. Cruz seems to have the Ronald Reagan disease. That is, his belief in small government does not extend to the Pentagon side of the Potomac; and his high regard for liberty does not appear to encompass innocent foreigners dwelling in the vicinity of desert sands he would cause to glow in the dark.”

“As for Kasich, it is hard to think of a more inapt messenger with a more wrong-headed message. America does not need another compromiser, reconciler and wizened Washington ranch hand who can split the difference.”

“Governor Kasich’s specious claim to be a fiscally prudent budget balancer is especially telling. One of the most outrageous Washington wastes is right under his nose. Namely, the Lima Ohio M-1 tank line that he and the Ohio politicians keep open despite 10,000 such lethal machines already in inventory.”

“In truth, Kasich is exactly the kind of political lifer that needs to occupy the Joe Biden chair of policy irrelevance during the monumental reckoning ahead. He has indulged in double talk for so many decades that he no longer even knows when his lips are synching or even moving.”

“C’mon. He took a 90% bribe from Obama to drastically expand Medicaid in Ohio at the expense of taxpayers in Idaho and Texas, whose faithful governors didn’t. Yet he has the nerve to call himself a champion of decentralization?”

“I have no idea whether Donald Trump will see through this Kasich style fiscal hypocrisy or not. But I do believe him when he decries our $19 trillion national debt and when he says that he is going after Washington’s fiscal profligacy with hammer and tongs.”

“Trump is unschooled in the self-serving rationalizations that keep the rackets going, even as he is endowed with such ample self-confidence that he is sure to go charging into the nation’s fiscal mess like a bull in a china shop.

And that’s much to be welcomed after years of a bipartisan conspiracy of silence and Washington’s perfidiously orchestrated regime of fiscal can-kicking. Broken furniture and bombastic challenges are exactly what the fiscal doctor ordered. Indeed, what a President Trump could actually do is prove that the way to shutdown Washington’s budgetary rackets is by means of an insurrectionist-in-chief inside the White House, not furtive threats to close the Washington Monument lobbed down Pennsylvania Avenue from Capitol Hill.”

“Say what you will about Trump’s controversial business history, the four bankruptcies and the rest. Yet it is absolutely certain that he knows at least this much: You don’t stop a flood of budgetary red ink with a 25-year plan to get to a balanced budget by 2038!”

“Big Pharma and the health insurance cartel are already in Trump’s gun sights, but once he gets to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue he will quickly discover the target rich environment on the Pentagon side of the Potomac, too. The hideously expensive, technically plagued and completely unneeded trillion dollar F-35 fighter would be the ideal place for him to start.”

“Here’s the thing. Mitt Romney’s viscous public attack on Trump is only the beard. It is merely the censored for-family-TV-version of what the entire neocon establishment and War Party is saying every day in the corridors of Imperial Washington.”

“Needless to say, the Donald is taking names and will not be reluctant to do far more than kick offending posteriors. He will make it his business to hound, denounce, denigrate and dispatch the entire passel of neocon power brokers who have declared war on his candidacy. And, yes, an Imperial City purged of Bill Kristol and his gang of bloodthirsty provocateurs would already be on the road to redemption.”

“Indeed, if America’s foreign policy could be seized from the grasp of the Washington War Party and its AIPAC subsidiary, the fiscal equation would be instantly transformed. Over and again, Trump seems to grasp that the real security of the homeland has nothing to do with being the world’s policeman and defense sugar-daddy.”

“So The Donald will need massive spending cuts in Washington at the very same time that desperate socialist governments in Europe will face a global recession induced outbreak of red ink in their own fiscal accounts. That will be the Donald’s moment——the opening to disband NATO, slash defense spending across both continents and negotiate the kind of global disarmament deals that Eisenhower unsuccessfully sought and Warren G. Harding actually achieved.”

“And that brings us to the supreme irony of this fraught political season. The Washington and New York chattering class has been nearly busting a spleen over the prospect of Trump’s (alleged) stubby fingers on the nuclear button. I haven’t heard such full-throated hysteria since they worked up a similar campaign against Ronald Reagan in the fall of 1980.”

“Likewise, in a world heading into the fiscal dumpster, Donald Trump is more likely to negotiate an end to today’s monumental waste on arms and thereby win the Nobel Peace Prize than he is to start a war. Stated differently, Trump can lead the world back to the 1991 status quo ante for one salient reason. He never got the War Party memo that proclaimed an American Imperium that has now failed horribly; and he will relish doing unstinting battle against it Imperial City architects — the Clintons and the neocons.”

“Still, redemption for the US economy and the nation’s wage and salary earning households will require more than the recovery of fiscal rectitude, as crucial as that is to avoiding a calamitous national bankruptcy during the next decade.”

“What is actually needed is a modern rendition of President William McKinley’s “full dinner pail” economics of circa 1900. McKinley was a hard money Republican who impaled William Jennings Bryan twice on his own cross of anti-gold populism by selling the gospel of free enterprise and mild protectionism to the laboring classes of America’s flourishing interior.

“Donald Trump is on to that. But what he needs to better understand is that it was the gold standard and free enterprise elements of the McKinley formula that carried the day, not the moderately protectionist tariffs. The latter had actually been designed a decade earlier by McKinley himself as an Ohio industrial belt Congressman to insure wage equivalence with the principal industrial centers of England and Europe. And that gets us to a segue to The Donald’s well-intended but incomplete stance on global trade, the massive loss of full-pay productive jobs in America during recent decades and his claim that we are “losing” $500 billion a year to China, $59 billion to Mexico and so forth.”

“He is right. But it’s not just, or even mainly, due to bad trade deals negotiated by stupid bureaucrats in the state department and the USTR office. It’s mainly owing to bad money created by stupid Keynesians at the Federal Reserve. They have enabled the rise of a virulent form of export mercantilism and currency manipulation throughout the entirety of East Asia and much of the EM world which drafts in its economic wake. Stated differently, the two decade long regime of central bank driven free money has destroyed the possibility of free trade. What passes for “free trade” today has nothing to do with the real thing.”

“So-called free trade arrangements like NAFTA and the pending TPP are essentially statist deals negotiated among corporate, labor, environmentalist and other interest groups. If they actually result in increased global trade, the impact is marginal and largely incidental. Needless to say, that is all water over the dam now in 2016. American labor is hopelessly over-priced and the American standard of living teeters precariously on a debt-swollen economy that has no capacity to grow or create what used to be called middle class jobs.”

“Yet Trump’s relentless harping on trade might provide an avenue to reset a hopelessly impaired domestic labor market. In brief, the prospective GOP nominee should embrace Ted Cruz’s business flat tax as he sends its author on his way to the Supreme Court. “But rather than replacing the income tax, which over half of US households do not pay anyway, the Cruz flat tax should be calibrated at a rate which will permit elimination of the payroll tax entirely. Lifting the roughly 16% employer/employee wedge off the cost of labor in America—–a burden of some $1.4 trillion annually—- would do more to restore full dinner pail economics to main street than any other conceivable measure.”

“In truth, the Cruz business flat tax is just a gussied up value added tax (VAT). And that’s exactly what America needs — notwithstanding decades of caterwauling against it by the Washington business lobbies and their GOP bag carriers — because it taxes consumption, not labor and enterprise. Better still, it would fully tax the $2.4 trillion of goods imports which come into the country every year while being rebated on the $1.7 trillion of U.S. exports which fight for foreign markets with their arm tied behind their back — owing to systematic foreign protectionism and the blatant currency pegging and manipulation that Donald Trump has rightly called out.”

“Indeed, a Trump administration would not need to start any trade war at all. It only needs to fire Janet Yellen and her merry band of money printers and replace them with sound money proponents who will stop pegging interest rates and allow the money and capital markets to clear at free market levels.”

“In no time the dollar would strengthen and China’s $30 trillion house of cards would come crashing back to earth. The comrades in Beijing would have no choice except to shut down the Peoples Printing Press of China in order to prevent an outward stampede of flight capital like the world has never seen.”

“Even then, a Trump VAT could be calibrated to bring the one sided trade flows of the world back into more favorable balance. It would simply involve a surtax on the basic VAT rate for the goods of any country that continued to abuse its access to US markets via state export subsidies and exchange rate manipulations designed to artificially lower the price of its exports.”

“To be sure, in an ideal world the US should welcome the foolishness of any foreign government which subsidizes its exports. That is actually a form of foreign aid to American consumers. But like the mild McKinley tariff, the harm from taxing foreign goods would be far outweighed by the good that would come from relieving the existing payroll tax burden on domestic labor and enterprise. Likewise, the urgent necessity to close the nation’s disastrous fiscal gap would be far better accomplished by raising whatever revenues are required — after a thorough fiscal housecleaning on both sides of the Potomac — by taxing consumption, not production.”

Call it a revenue tariff, if need be. It brought full dinner pail economics to the McKinley era and could again.

“It also brought the laboring classes to the Republican Party and that’s essential. There is no hope for capitalism, fiscal solvency and constitutional governance and liberty in America if the Republican Party remains in thrall to the War Party and the crony capitalist racketeers who occupy its commanding heights in the Imperial City.”

“No wonder they will stop at nothing to stop Trump. But they won’t succeed. The American public is finished with the corruptions and destructions of the Imperial City. The Grand Old Party Is done.”

I highly recommend that each and every American that loves freedom “read every word” of the actual article that I have reduced in length hoping to capture as much attention as possible. David Stockman views himself as past his prime but I pray that he and other conservative economists will make themselves available to President Trump who will need advice, nerves, armor and a lot of prayers to get America back of the success track.

Seven years of cowardice, lies, false promises, illegal invasions, forgotten veterans, ruined retirement savings and future pensions, fired military leaders and enough Muslim loving Czars to match the old Soviet Empire is more than enough destruction. Both political parties need new names to signify their objectives. Demoncrats need to be renamed, “Socialists”. The Republican Party should be renamed the “Constitutionalists”. The remaining Communists like Hillary and the RINO’s who have control of Congress could join the Hollywood and media moguls and move to Canada as promised. Then we could build a wall on both land sides of America. God save the Canadian people if they allow them to immigrate. They do not deserve the result.


Clyde Brewer



One of my grandsons and some of his friends sent me some unique thoughts about politics. As many people who read my articles know I am sick of 24/7/365 where politics has taken over the media and only major tragedies and the weather interrupt constant politics. These young men have been having forums and debates and allowed me to use these issues to frame both their thoughts and my evaluation of their work. I had the chance to complete this on this Christmas day and decided to publish this tonight.  CB

The First issue they agreed on was “every politician is a corporate whore”. I can’t disagree in full but there are a few, who try hard to blaze new trails but the seniority power system is so powerful they have little or no voice. A perfect example is one of my Texas Senators, TED Cruz, is the most hated Senator within in the Senate today. This is one of the reasons Americans are totally upset with Congress. They feel they are superior to the common American and new Senators are expected to shut up until they have tenure to express themselves. This former astute body of elected officials believe they are “royalty” like our President and the leadership of the House of Representatives. Basically they are above the law if necessary like Charles Rangel as an example.

The second issue they discussed was, “campaign finance law basically exists to be super vague to keep out 3rd parties and disguise or totally hide where all politicians money is coming from”. “They feel that only the politicians themselves truly know who each they owe favors to. They concluded that it has to be far more people, usually a lot of people. The consensus was it was definitely influencing policy. They agreed that with Donald Trump we know exactly where his money comes from and it will be difficult for army of lobbyist/backers to be able to manipulate Trump. They concluded that this is reflected in some policy positions he has promised, like the changes to the tax code to close loopholes, that he knows as well as anyone, because he’s used them himself for decades. This analogy by these young men is impressive and zeros in on many of the changes that must be made to give them the freedoms and opportunity that I have enjoyed for 85 years.

The third issue they had consensus was the traits of successful leaders. Their discussions ranged a historical figure you admire, to a great coach and the leaders including they have studied and they really admired. They typically singled out those who are straightforward and honest with their people. They admired the ones who speak their mind and stand up for what they believe in, are open-minded but firm in their convictions, and tend to shine when making difficult decisions.

Sadly they see that today the traits necessary to be a politician are directly opposite. They concluded that to be a successful politician today you have to be covert in expressing your true thoughts and motives when they’re controversial instead of providing people what they really want. They believe politicians purposely avoid tough decisions like the plague and only stand for what no one is opposed to. As an example look at political debates, most of the politicians evade direct responses to every questions. Most just talk and talk and say nothing. Trump has no trouble expressing himself legitimately to say exactly what he thinks. They feel he seems honest, even when what he expresses is unexpected. He has no concerns that some people aren’t going to like what he has to say. They conclude that Trump answers every question in the debates, with refreshing responses.

It appears that the consensus agreed that Trump has flrxibility. Even though Trump was once a Democrat, just like I was, now he’s running as a Republican they feel he’s still very liberal on a large number of issues and I can’t agree with their term “very liberal. I am about four paces to the right of Attila-the-Hun but Trump’s promise to clean up the Washington swamp is worth allowing some liberal flexibility.

They feel the Comedy Central roast proved he was a good sport about it. He’s clearly capable of laughing at himself, which implies he’s aware he may be wrong at times. Any honest person will admit they are not perfect

These young men don’t think he’s racist at all, though he’s definitely more worried about terrorism than they feel is warranted. This is one point where they are completely wrong. I agree with their assessment that he is brash and they are not interested in having him as a friend.

They feel that George W. Bush seemed like a genuinely nice guy and we invaded two countries, Obama seems like a genuinely nice guy and NSA spying and drone strikes are at an all time high. Maybe being a nice guy isn’t that important to running a country. In reality both Bush and Obama are Progressives but Bush is not as socialistic as Obama.

I agree with their conclusion that Trump has been the victim of gotcha journalism and misquotation or out of context quotation by both the Demoncrats and the GOP. We agree that most politicians don’t like what he really stands for as the entire Washington cabal is so scared they are shaking in their boots.

Another issue has been his statements that made the front page recently on the internet that were wildly misrepresented. He was asked specifically about ISIS’ ability to recruit online and was talking about trying to take steps to limit that. To me it was obvious from what he said that he doesn’t know much about the Internet, but to me what he said about “get with Bill Gates” that was so heavily mocked here was pretty clear in context, that he was saying he wants to meet with experts in the field and see what our options are. As much as he has been ripped they thought he was making a point mentioning Gates. Trump knows Bill Gates politically, and how liberal he is, and I think was implying it’s a non-partisan issue and showing the angle they’d take, which was what the next line mocking people crying about freedom of speech was about. Trump knows Bill Gates is the last guy on earth who would want to filter the Internet and restrict freedom, that’s his point in dropping his name.

They seem far more concerned with the similar statements, from a more informed position, that Hillary and Obama have already made concerning freedoms and spying on the Internet.

My grandson, Landon Miller, provided me with the feelings of a group of young men in their late 20’s. I hope Landon will give any credits to others by listing them in comments after this article is posted. Although they may be neophytes, they show some real courage and challenge that really surprised this old man. I have never tried to influence my children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren politically but to be the best at whatever they choose to do with their lives. All of them are not aligned with me totally and I served over four years in the US military defending their, mine and every Americans rights to free speech and political leanings. I hope everyone enjoys some unexpected thoughts from these young men. My commentary will surprise no one.

Please express your comments. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.     C Brewer


I have no idea who wrote this but in today’s world nothing would surprise me. I am posting this because I agree that if he gets nominated there are not enough people to protect him from danger. In my 85 years I have never seen as much opposition and hate expressed for one single American as what is surrounding “The Donald”. He will make life miserable for every power broker and career politician in America as well as the cartels in Mexico. I ask you to save this message and then see how long he lasts if elected. America needs Trump but he has a target on his back larger than any American in history. C Brewer

The Prediction……ANON

They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don’t be surprised if Trump has a heart or attack or an accident…

Agree or disagree? Why?

The dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump. For him or against him, this is an interesting read… It’s going to be an exciting year with Donald in the race…

Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.

It’s about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business and big media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all and all for one. It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich — everyone except the American people. We get ripped off.

We’re the patsies.

But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. I’ve never seen them this outraged, this vicious, this motivated or this coordinated. Never in all my years in politics have I seen anything like the way the mad dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened like never before.

Donald Trump can self-fund that amount tomorrow and still have another billion left over to pour into the last two-week stretch run before Election Day. No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business and political elite understand that Trump is no joke. He could actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart. It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the “old boys club.” They talk big, but in the end they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations and multinational corporations like Big Pharma or Big Oil. Or they are owned lock, stock and barrel by foreigners like George Soros owns Obama or foreign governments own Hillary with their Clinton Foundation donations.

These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by big money. But there’s one man — and only one man — who isn’t beholden to anyone. There’s one man who doesn’t need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros, or the United Auto Workers, or the teachers union, or the Service Employees International Union, or the bar association to fund his campaign. Billionaire tycoon and maverick Donald Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help. That means he doesn’t care what the media says. He doesn’t care what the corporate elites think. That makes him very dangerous to the entrenched interests. That makes Trump a huge threat. Trump can ruin everything for the bribed politicians and their spoiled slave masters.

Don’t you ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama? Don’t you wonder why John Boehner and Mitch McConnell talk a big game, but never actually try to stop Obama? Don’t you wonder why Congress holds the purse strings, yet has never tried to defund Obamacare or Obama’s clearly illegal executive action on amnesty for illegal aliens? Bizarre, right? It defies logic, right? I’d guess many key Republicans are being bribed. I believe many key Republicans are being blackmailed. Whether they are having affairs, or secretly gay, or stealing taxpayer money, the National Security Agency knows everything.

Ask former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about that. The government even knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money from his own bank account. Trust me: The NSA, the SEC, the IRS and all the other three-letter government agencies are watching every Republican political leader. The government even knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money from his own bank account.

They know everything. Many Republicans are petrified of being called “racists.” So they are scared to ever criticize Obama or call out his crimes, let alone demand his impeachment. Why rock the boat? After defeat or retirement, if you’re a “good boy,” you’ve got a $5 million-per-year lobbying job waiting. The big-money interests have the system gamed. Win or lose, they win.

But Trump doesn’t play by any of these rules. Trump breaks up this nice, cozy relationship between big government, big media and big business. All the rules are out the window if Trump wins the presidency. The other politicians will protect Obama and his aides — but not Trump. Remember: Trump is the guy who publicly questioned Obama’s birth certificate. He questioned Obama’s college records and how a mediocre student got into an Ivy League university. Now, he’s doing something no Republican has the chutzpah to do. He’s questioning our relationship with Mexico; questioning why the border is wide open; questioning why no wall has been built across the border; questioning if allowing millions of illegal aliens into America is in our best interests; questioning why so many illegal aliens commit violent crimes yet are not deported; and questioning why our trade deals with Mexico, Russia and China are so bad.

Trump has the audacity to ask out loud why American workers always get the short end of the stick. Good question. I’m certain Trump will question what happened to the almost billion dollars given in a rigged no-bid contract to college friends of Michelle Obama at foreign companies to build the defective Obamacare website. By the way, that tab is now up to $5 billion.

Trump will ask if Obamacare’s architects can be charged with fraud for selling it by lying. Trump will investigate Obama’s widespread IRS conspiracy, not to mention Obama’s college records. Trump will prosecute Clinton and Obama for fraud committed to cover up Benghazi before the election. How about the fraud committed by employees of the Labor Department when they made up dramatic job numbers in the last jobs report before the 2012 election?

Obama, the multinational corporations and the media need to stop this. They recognize this could get out of control. If left unchecked telling the raw truth and asking questions everyone else is afraid to ask, Trump could wake a sleeping giant. Trump’s election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Trump would dare to prosecute. He will not hesitate. Once Trump gets in and gets a look at “the cooked books” and Obama’s records, the game is over. The gig is up. The goose is cooked. Holder could wind up in prison. Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money. Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails, or for accepting bribes from foreign governments while secretary of state, or for “misplacing” $6 billion as the head of the State Department, or for lying about Benghazi. The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison. Obamacare will be defunded and dismantled. The Obama crime family will be prosecuted for crimes against the American people. And Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters. Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved. That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.

Yes, it’s become open season on Donald Trump. The left and the right are determined to attack his policies, harm his businesses, and, if possible, even keep him out of the coming debates. But they can’t silence him. And they sure can’t intimidate him. The more they try, the more the public will realize that he’s the one telling the truth. And the left can’t stand that.

Wow, this got my attention and as I said, nothing would surprise me anymore as America has been moving toward self-destruction at warp speed for too many years. I pray that Trump gets elected so I can watch the fat lady sing before I croak. CB


Even a lunatic would finally understand that enacted laws are the Laws-of-the-Land until they are reversed except for President Obama, the Supreme Court and the Republican Party. It will take eons to explain how America allowed a sitting President to selectively decide which laws to enforce. If something is not done to force the Supreme Court Justices to only rule on the laws instead of using political correctness, America will self-destruct. As for the Republican Party they have had 40 plus years unsuccessfully trying to overturn Roe vs Wade with zero success.

Abortion is necessary under certain conditions and Roe vs Wade will never be overturned unless all women are again denied the right to vote. You would think after watching Roe vs Wade being decided on January 22, 1973 to permit abortions, the GOP would shut up and try to just eliminate abortions as a birth control measure. It might have a chance of being modified if reasonable exceptions like incest, health issues and certain death/handicap issues were certain. But no, the extreme right wing nuts and distorted zealots wing of the GOP has zero flexibility and less than zero common sense. Having watched this entire process as an adult American, it boils down to GOP stupidity with the extreme right having harder heads than a rhinoceros.

One thing the GOP is famous for, especially during the Obama administration, is creating, refining and enacting a manual on how to “Kick a Can” down the road. It is no wonder why we are nearly 19 trillion dollars in debt when everyone with any common sense has watched the Republicans let Obama do anything he desires and allow him to craftily blame the GOP if they try to stop his spending frenzy.

I just read another weird chapter this morning in Politico, stating the House just passed a two-month spending bill to avert a government shutdown by a 277-151 vote. The “CAN” has been kicked down the road until December 11th. Every American alive, without any special coaching, knows that there will never be a shutdown right before Christmas. If that were to happen think of the horrors it could produce like President Hillary in 2017.

The sad part is the Republicans have the election won today and they can’t even understand why. If they would just stop all candidates from opening their mouths, have a secret nomination election before Thanksgiving, say nothing until November 4th, 2016, the white house would be theirs. They are openly destroying each other while Bernie Sanders and possibly Joe Biden just set back and watch the civil war. Folks, Americans are sick and tired of the verbal combat and 24/7/365 politics. Who on earth wants to watch the combative debates over a year before the election when we finally can watch new programs instead of summer re-runs?

Someone within the GOP tell every candidate running for President that abortion is not the issue to lose another election over. It is more than obvious that the “People” are sick and tired of not having jobs and watching work being done by illegal aliens who receive free benefits citizens can’t have. Stop right here and you have the winning strategy. The GOP can’t lose if they nominate Trump/Cruz and stop slinging mud within the Republican Party.

The only way the ‘Demoncrats” can win again is if they can flood us with more illegal immigrants and enough Syrian refugees to join the dead and impaired to vote for them. They have craftily outlawed voter identification and printed ballots in foreign languages to make it easier to rig elections.

The only way the “Demoncrats” can hold on to power is to just win the White House. They are so much smarter than Congress, the Supreme Court and what military leaders they have in power, they really don’t need control of Congress anymore. If the GOP can’t agree to a common sense game plan, we will still be watching Congress focused obsession with abortion, Hillary’s “E” mails and the Keystone pipeline for four more years. By then all manufacturing jobs will be offshore or in Mexico because the unions vote for losing their jobs every election cycle and don’t even know they are cutting their own throat.

Tell me where I am wrong and I will publish your words with no editing? If you disagree and have any gonads take me on. I love to spar words with a liberal.

C Brewer



I just read an article titled, “Boehner Takes Revenge” that is a perfect example of what is wrong with American politics and why America is totally leaderless. Revenge is not how you unite America as Obama, Reid, Holder, Sotomayor, Hagen, Pelosi and Ginsberg have demonstrated these past six years. When will America elect real leaders to manage our future rather than the career politicians we have today?

This article was well written by Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan and I just want to share some of the facts they recorded along with some personal observations.

  1. Immediately after he was re-elected Speaker Boehner removed Daniel Webster and Richard Nugent from the powerful “Rules Committee”. Not because they are not well qualified but obviously because they voted against him. Webster, supported by Nugent, openly ran against Boehner for Speaker. Webster is the former Florida statehouse speaker and state Senate majority leader. Boehner’s actions prove that political revenge is the way to demonstrate GOP “Leadership” in Washington today.
  2. The article also reported that Boehner and his power allies have warned all who opposed him that other retaliation could be expected. Retaliation is another new word used in Washington as a replacement for “Leadership”. This new Republican “cabal” is carefully reviewing the list of members who voted against the speaker. They are also reviewing every Republican who voted against the procedural motion in December on the so-called “crominibus,” the $1.1 trillion spending package to keep the government open through to September. This internal power struggle within the Republican party is another example of how our so called leaders continue to destroy each other rather than focus on conservative values and uniting America that they were elected to provide.
  3. Another example of discontinuity, Virginia Rep. Scott Rigell got appointed to the Appropriations Committee even though he voted for Webster for Speaker. That appointment has infuriated other Boehner loyalists. This is just another example of how the Republicans have mastered the art of “Self-Destruction”. Watch how they implode and divide themselves openly during the next Presidential primaries like they have done for far too many years. Boy, the Democrats must be really getting excited to watch them tear each other apart on live TV these next several months.
  4. Tuesday’s vote resulted in twice as many anti-Boehner votes compared with 2013, noted Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), one of the most vocal thorns in Boehner’s side. Huelskamp said he was unhappy that “only three of the freshmen class” voted against Boehner. Huelskamp said he was denied a chance to get back his seat on the Agriculture Committee because of his opposition to Boehner. The Kansas Republican was removed from the panel in 2012. “I am already hearing from my colleagues, and myself, about retaliation against those who voted their conscience, their constituents, their principles, to change the status quo,” Huelskamp said. “My colleagues fully expect that. That’s what they expect out of this leadership team.”Iowa GOP Rep. Steve King, who voted against Boehner, said, “If you cannot vote your conscience … then it’s clearly a dysfunctional system here.”
  5. Boehner and his “clique” appear convinced that, despite 25 defections, they have a firmer grip on power than ever. They say their “working majority” — members whom Boehner can work with — is around 220 members. “We don’t need these fringe guys as much as we did anymore,” said a GOP leadership aide, speaking on condition of anonymity. “We can let them walk on certain bills, and it just won’t matter. That gives us breathing room.

Watching the internal blood-bath within the Republicans is becoming more like a TV soap opera than managing the business of our country. Unity died in America and the GOP after Ronald Reagan finished his second term. Democrats thrive on conflict and hate and relish the self-destruction actions of the Republicans who have perfected political suicide with revenge and retaliation.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/01/boehner-allies-out-for-revenge-114007.html#ixzz3OGbEHGE9

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