A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Elena Kagan”


SCOTUS, The acronym for the Supreme Court of the United States has been in use for several years, apparently among young people who don’t know that S. CT has been the abbreviation in use for generations, if not centuries. Merriam-Webster.

I used to respect this group of nine supposedly honest, ethical, educated jurists who are appointed to evaluate legal disputes and render decisions based on the law, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I am also well-educated, a successful businessman and apparently spend more time watching the destruction of our freedoms than all nine of them. There is one major difference, I am not, and never intended to be a lawyer. I lost respect for and I have little confidence in any lawyer who has to be a politician to make a living. This brings me to explain my word, “PCOTUS” which is the correct definition of what used to be our Supreme Court. These nine people no longer deserve to have the word “Supreme” as any part of their title.

PCOTUS, my acronym for the Political Court of the United States which should be the official title. Seeing this court diminish into nothing more than rendering political opinions that help the political part they support. I have read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and understand the laws of the land. These documents are not mysteries written as a novel to see if you can solve a crime. I will admit some laws like the Affordable Care Act, (ACA,) currently under review by “Pcotus” is one of the best mysterious documents ever produced by any Congress.  Year by year the army of Congressional lawyers who suck on the government teat astound me in how they have mastered the art of distortion and secrecy in laws that the average American would never understand. It appears that over my lifetime Law Schools must have included courses in “Chicanery”, “Political Justice” as well as “Distortion”. It appears that some law schools have also included lying, misrepresentation and unethical methods. I have several grandchildren who are lawyers and let me be clear that my feelings about lawyers is focused on those elected or working in any government position. Even though some these grandchildren are Liberal, it appears they have the ability to make an honest living. They all have enough common sense to know right from wrong.

The current case regarding the ACA is just another screw up by the lawyers who wrote the act and the 100% democratic vote to enact it without even reading the words. It is no secret that Obama and every Democrat would abolish all State laws if they could. It would not surprise me to see Obama try to do this by executive order.

PCOTUS has been reviewing this document since it was published. The Progressive-Liberal race to Socialize our Republic found the perfect “Dupe” in President Obama to finish off the socialization of medical care which was the dream of Hillary Clinton 25 years ago. The only roadblock the Democrats have had for the past several years is that they can’t get at least five Justices on the “Political Court” to change the Constitution to support mandatory Socialism. Even many of our Republican Presidents have been supporters of this change and some running now just hide behind smoke screens to get elected. We will likely see the “PCOTUS” ignore the law again as they have done previously when Justice Roberts sold out and ignored States Rights in a previous decision.

These Justices are holding lifetime jobs, make rather nice salaries for working about three months a year and at least four of them just ignore the laws of the land. Just because Obama ignores the laws we have four Justices who just vote as a block to support his agenda. The media has already ruled that any decision that makes Congress fix the mess will be unfair to too many people. Compassion is not a government decision, it’s either lawful or unlawful.

If President Obama and the 100% Democratic vote to create the ACA was wrong then Congress must fix it themselves. Sadly politics used to be limited to two legs of our government, the Legislative and Executive branches. Laws are now enforced as fairness rather than what is right or wrong under the law.

Now that I hope I have your attention let me introduce you to the current “PCOTUS” members. To make sure you see no age bias I am older than all nine of them as I will be 85 on August 31st. Statistics that I will share have thankfully not caught up with me yet. None of us have a contract for our lifespan and I am blessed. I hope and pray that the Justices are also blessed. Ruth Ginsburg (82) was born March 15, 1933. Antonin Scalia (79) was born March 11, 1936. Anthony Kennedy (78) was born July 23, 1936. Stephen Breyer (76) was born August 15, 1938. Samuel Alito (65) was born April 1, 1950. Sonia Sotomayor (60) was born June 25, 1954. John Roberts (60) was born January 27, 1955. The baby, Elena Kagan (55) was born April 28, 1960. I have one daughter older than the last four and two more children older than the last three.

I did some research to let you see how comfortable you feel having elderly (65+) Justices. Americas leading causes of death after 65 is; 1. A Heart Attack, 2. Cancer, 3. A Stroke, 4. Is a tie, COPD and Diabetes. 5. Pneumonia/Influenza. The health issue that scares me the most is Alzheimer’s. I read that roughly 19% of men will contact this horrible disease if they live long enough. It is only about 13% for women. Based on the mass of five to four votes to decide whether something is lawful or un-lawful tends to reflect that we likely have some Justices who might be having problems.

Every employee that is over 65 and draws a check from the government should have to be tested for Dementia and then once every year if they continue to serve. If all 535  members of Congress were made to take this test, regardless of age, we would not have to worry about term limits. I doubt that half of them could pass 12th grade exams.

If none of the PCOTUS members die before or after the next President is sworn-in, the balance of power in this Court will change the course of history. If the Progressive-Liberal democrats, likely Hillary Clinton, is our next President there will never be another conservative government elected. We have seen what our hate-filled President and a conservative Congress have accomplished, “Nothing”. This will be the end of our two-party government as the rules to elect our President will be changed to eliminate the weighted Electoral College method.

I suppose I should just ignore what is happening, live out my days ignoring the loss of freedoms we have already given up. That is what most Americans seem to desire including some in my own family. That will not happen as long as I am alive and I do hope my heirs have a better life than I have lived.

I proudly display my Conservative views with a bumper sticker on my car. It has a picture of an Eagle with the following words;




Who said that powerful women are not smart? Ruth Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor just let the five male members of the Supreme Court assure that our next President will be Queen Hillary Clinton. They got Obama re-elected by seducing John Roberts into voting to keep Obamacare the law of the land. The Republicans finally allowed the abortion issue to destroy our Constitutional form of government.  

It is sad that abortion and contraception will keep the Progressive-Liberals on track to dissolve our Republic form of government into a European form of Socialism or a Monarchy someday. We have a President today that has made himself a King and above the law. The Executive Branch of our government, with control of the Justice Department and the Supreme Court has changed the balance of power in America forever. It will be even more powerful when they get one more Socialist on the Supreme Court. The future will see all nine Justices assure the replacement of our Constitution. It took them over 100 years but they can finally see victory by 2020.

To further strengthen their control of the female vote, the Supreme Court’s three female justices disagreed sharply again with another decision that temporarily exempts a Christian college in Illinois (Wheaton) from the contraception mandates of Obamacare. They said that Thursday’s ruling appeared to retreat from the court’s majority decision three days earlier in the Hobby Lobby case.

This follows the Supreme Court’s decision on Monday giving Hobby Lobby Inc. and other businesses with religious objections the ability to opt out of Obamacare’s requirement for healthcare plans to cover all Food and Drug Administration-approved forms of birth control.

“Those who are bound by our decisions usually believe they can take us at our word,” Sotomayor wrote in a 16-page dissent. She was joined by Ginsburg and Kagan. “Not so today.” The justices ruled 6-3 that the college did not have to fill out a form contesting the Obamacare emergency contraception mandate in court.

That decision, the female justices argued, does not rest with the government.

“Let me be absolutely clear,” Sotomayor wrote, “I do not doubt that Wheaton genuinely believes that signing the self-certification form is contrary to its religious beliefs.

“But thinking one’s religious beliefs are substantially burdened — no matter how sincere or genuine that belief may be — does not make it so.”

Sotomayor added that the “claim ignores that the provision of contraceptive coverage is triggered not by its completion of the self-certification form, but by federal law.”

Now the Progressive controlled media can increase all women’s hatred of the mean old Republicans who just continue to strip women of their rights. American women need to wake up before they have to wear Burkas after Obama and Hillary Clinton finish dismantling our entire military power that Bill Clinton started.

Our next immigration invasion will be speaking Arabic instead of Spanish and when the women get a look at Sharia Law they will pay for their selfishness. Female circumcision is painful and eventually more expensive than buying their own birth control pills.

God, please wake up these women before they become their own worst enemy. If they vote to let the Democrats keep control of the Senate or take control of the House they will need to learn how to speak Arabic like the Europeans will have to do earlier.

Let me ask all every American woman who feels they do not have equality one simple question. How many women’s names can you send me that have any position of power and the rights you have now in a Communist or a Muslim country?

The Communists and Muslim people hate us and they have for centuries. Like the Progressives they have the patience to let us destroy ourselves. The Socialists are being destroyed now and we are next in line.

C Brewer


My friend Jim Heck sent me this message and it should be seen by the world. I have found similar problems with messages I have forwarded. No one wants to share anything that is not factual or true but when the agency that promotes unbiased reviews if politically slanted we are in trouble. I try my best to make sure things I share are valid but I have never trusted Snopes as I know this bias existed long before Kegan was appointed by Obama and approved by the Democrats in Congress to re-write the Constitution.

C Brewer

Many of the email’s that I have sent or forwarded that had any anti Obama in it were negated by Snopes. I thought that was odd.

Snopes is heavily financed by George Soros, a big time supporter of Obama and many other left wing organizations! In our Search for the truth department, we find what I have suspected on many occasions.

Went to Snopes to check something about the dockets of the new Supreme Court Justice, Elena Kagan, who Obama appointed. Snopes said the email was false and there were no such dockets. So I Googled the Supreme Court, typed in Obama-Kagan, and guess what?

Yep, you got it; Snopes lied!

Every one of those dockets are there. So here is what I wrote to Snopes:

Referencing the article about Elana Kagan and Barak Obama dockets:

The information you have posted stating that there were no such cases as claimed and the examples you gave are blatantly false. I went directly to the Supreme Courts website, typed in Obama Kagan and immediately came up with all of the dockets that the article made reference to. I have long suspected that you really slant things but this was really shocking. Thank You. I hope you will be much more truthful in the future, but I doubt it.

That being said, I’ll bet you didn’t know this.

Kagan was representing Obama in all the petitions to prove his citizenship. Folks, this is really ugly. Chicago Politics at its best and the beat goes on and on and on. Once again the US Senate sold us out!

Now we know why Obama nominated Elana Kagan for the Supreme Court. Pull up the Supreme Courts website, go to the docket and search for Obama. She was the Solicitor General for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural born citizenship. He owed her big time. All of the requests were denied of course. They were never heard. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn’t it? The American people mean nothing any longer. It’s all about payback time for those who compromised themselves to elect someone who really has no true right to even be there.

Here are some websites of the Supreme Court Docket: You can look up some of these hearings and guess what? Elana Kagan is the attorney representing Obama!

Check out these examples:















<http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/09-724.htm&gt; >

If you are interested in justice or in truth, if you hold sacred the freedoms granted to you by the U.S. Constitution, by all means, share this!

The U. S. Constitution does not grant rights or freedom, it is a confirmation of pre-existing rights. ANON


I spent several hours compiling my article “Role Models” that was published December 14th. I feel I did a poor job by not including more of our outstanding leaders and let them share the limelight with Larry (Harry Reid), Curley (Nancy Pelosi) and the biggest liar and con man in history, Moe (President Obama).

This may be unfair to some as Richard Nixon was a more than capable liar. Obama just raised the bar a few notches. At least Nixon had the ethics and honesty to resign as President after he was caught lying by the media. This is the same media that ignores lie after lie from our self-anointed “King” who imposes laws without authority and ignores the laws he has decided are unfair. Can any American stand with a straight face and accept these three people role models?

Take a look at some leaders who unfortunately may be “Role Models” that our young people look up to for shaping their careers and lives.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright was one of President Obamas “Role Models” until he was discovered to be openly radical. He was one of Obama’s tutors, advisors and pastor for some 20 years. He performed the Obama’s marriage ceremony and baptized both of their daughters. I have never written that Obama is dumb, he had enough sense to throw Reverend Wright under the first bus available. Wright also accused the United States for causing the 911 disaster, dammed America from the church pulpit and is one of the zealots that preaches income re-distribution illegally. What a “Role Model” for our young African Americans to look up to unless they choose a life in prison.

Eric Holder, United States Attorney General has decided that some of our laws are unfair. Without any written authority and unprecedented in history he alone decides what laws can be ignored. He even brings legal action against States for abiding by existing laws. He is another “Role Model” our children have to revere,

To be fair and balanced, let me offer a trio of female “Role Models” that women must admire. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor make up one third of the US Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is supposed to be responsible to make sure that politicians, all government employees, the President, Congress, lawyers, Eric Holder and all of the people abide by our Constitution. These ladies have a 100% record of voting their political beliefs when necessary to support Progressive-Liberal causes. They read the Constitution the way they feel rather than the way it is written just like Obama and his staff wants them to. These ladies must have a tremendous influence as women comprised one of the largest voting groups that believe Obama is a Saint. They proved it again in 2012 and re-elected him for a second chance to destroy America’s freedoms.

Not desiring to bore you with illustrating actual performance, I would like to list a few more “Role Models” for our young Americans to look up to shape their lives and careers. I challenge our young Americans and women voters to review the performance and backgrounds of these additional leaders before they admire them as “Role Models” or vote for them.

Bill and Hillary Clinton

Charles Rangel

Thomas Daschle

Christopher Dodd

Jon Corzine

John Boehner

John McCain

Diane Feinstein

Barbara Boxer

Henry Waxman

Maxine Waters

Jessie Jackson X 2

Kathleen Sibelius

Lindsey Graham

James Cliburn

Shelia Jackson Lee

Eddie Bernice Johnson

Eleanor Holmes Norton

I probably have listed some you might challenge so, send me your reasons why you disagree and I will post them and your name with this article for all to see.

I am certain I did not list everyone you feel deserves to be on this list of well-known individuals. Send me your list and reasons of others I missed and if I get enough feedback, I will publish a part three article with credits.

I am working on another article praising true American leaders that are “Role Models”. What would be helpful is for you to send me anyone’s name and reasons why you feel that they are a  worthy “Role Model” for our young Americans to admire. The sad part is that none of these individuals will ever be elected to lead us and unite the American people again. We are so divided now it may never happen.

C Brewer

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