A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “unemployment”


I feel sure we have at least one person in Congress who would agree?

What on earth happened to “common sense” in America? Will our elected officials ever stop their political wars long enough to see what they have already destroyed. The United States has only one major problem which is wasted resources. We have changed the entire work ethic just in my lifetime. Every one of our elected officials knows that jobs have saved this country every time we have a crisis.

I listen to our President repeatedly read on his teleprompter that the infrastructure in America is crumbling. I seriously doubt he has personally observed mush but it is a serious problem. I doubt that anyone in Congress disagree. Why don’t we fix it? The President and the Democrats want to borrow on our children’s future to modernize our crumbling parks, roads, bridges, slums and civic services. The Republicans with closed minds and fights with each other just say no and ignore the wasted resources we have doing nothing. Wake up Washington we have all of the resources we just don’t use them.

When I was a boy we had no large park system or decent roads in most of America. Our government back then had enough “common sense” to create jobs to improve America by using able bodied citizens to do the work. We had no food stamps, Medicaid, SSI, and the other hundreds of freebies like Obama phones to pay for. Let me share some statistics that blew me away when I just decided to open my eyes and study them.

The latest U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), revealed that we had 2,266,800 adults incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2011. It is not rocket science to be certain we have more today. They show that we also had 4,814,200 adults on probation or on parole. Wow, Over 7,000,000 adults that owe something to society and except for the ones who work free for Sheriff Joe, over 2,000,000 sitting in jails doing nothing for improving anything. What a waste of free labor because of the ACLU and our Political Supreme Court.

Additional statistics I stumbled across searching for facts were equally interesting. 

  1. We have 10,200,000 adults drawing unemployment.
  1. We have 82,679,000 people on Medicaid.
  1. A total of 109,631,000 people are on welfare.
  1. Unbelievably we have 51,471,000 people on food stamps.
  1. We have 22,358,000 receiving women and children Social Security benefits.
  1. There are 20,358,000 people drawing SSI payments.
  1. Last Thursday’s Labor Department report showed we had 430,000 people of working age (16 or older) that just dropped out of the workforce.

I could spend a lot of my time and waste yours by calculating statistical scenarios that are unnecessary to make my point. We have way more than enough people already getting paid for doing nothing and setting in jails and prisons to rebuild everything and not cost one red cent.

Our local roads could use a lot of help here in the woods of East Texas. I would like to bring up one more question that I could not find statistics to report. I wonder how many of the millions of people in the statistics I did gather above are illegal aliens? It’s for sure that Obama or Congress will never let us know. Does anyone out there care? I do!

Apparently asking those in prison, drawing unemployment or receiving welfare to actually do some work to improve the infrastructure is out of the question. This would be unfair and “common sense”. So we welcome illegals to come in to work and instead of working they just get on the same freebie wagon and enjoy the ride. The welfare train is headed for a derailment and these hobo’s better get ready for the wreck. We don’t have any vacancies in our prisons and Mexico likely will not let any of them live there. Sic’um Donald Trump we need to close the borders.

C Brewer




Unemployment is no longer a problem. Obama has decreased the number of people looking for jobs with brilliant new leadership and innovative programs. So far he provided more than 2,000,000 capable Americans with Social Security Disability. We now have over 49,000,000 Americans on welfare. Making unemployment payments permanent will relieve several million others from having to look for work. His government now creates more than 100,000 new government jobs each month.

Since unemployment problems have improved, by next year we will have to increase immigration to the United States to just fill open jobs in the government sector. Companies can just continue to move operations to other countries as they will be unable to compete with the government pay scales and benefits. Raising the minimum wages will close all fast food operations and help achieve Obama’s goal to reduce calorie intake and make everyone healthier. The young people who are entering the work force and provided labor for the fast food industry will be required to live with their parents until they are 26. A new government cabinet level department will be required to settle family disruptions. They can name it Barack’s American Dispute Association or “BAD Ass” for an acronym. This will create the need for at least 200,000 more government lawyers.

With Obamacare eliminating preventive medical procedures for Americans over 75 will reduce the burden and costs of the unplanned increase we have had in life expectancy. This will allow more money to be taken from Medicare to increase Medicaid coverage for those who are unemployed and on welfare.

The next thing to prepare for is another government department to be named Stimulus Trust Ink or for an acronym “STINK”. All they will have to do is print a lot more money at an accelerated aggressive rate. Obama currently feels we have far too many unstimulated Americans that don’t really have enough money to feel stimulated. People just need to calm down as Obama promised us things will get better if we just give it enough time. Obama tells us we are the richest country on the planet and we have enough wealth to go around. The problem is that far too many have too much wealth and far too many deserve what others have worked for. Working hard to save has been totally unfair to those who really don’t want to work.

The latest news from our liberal leaders in Congress is that we have been unfair to our poor Congressmen and Senators who need more stimulus. These dedicated, loyal, honest, ethical, overworked public servants are having to scrape by on a measly 175K a year salary and benefits. Obama feels that those of us who did work and save for retirement should really feel ashamed of ourselves. We should agree to let them tax 100% of our Government benefits checks, our old Social Security money that we saved.

To make “STINK” work we will have to buy more printing presses to print more money. That really presents another major problem. We will have to outsource the work overseas since we can’t manufacture anything anymore. We can import the paper and save some of our trees. Along that thought process we could also save more trees by using plastic toilet paper.

Freedom loving Americans should go out and find someone that will admit they voted for Obama’s re-election and apologize to them for not supporting the “change” that they voted for. Just think Obama will have destroyed more freedoms in just eight years that all Presidents in America’s history.

It would not surprise me to see Obama receive a second Nobel Peace Prize for dividing, Congress and half of all Americans hating each other and making success look criminal for everyone but Liberal-Progressive politicians.

Americans, half of us can cry and half of you can applaud, we have destroyed ourselves from within. This was predicted by Marx and Lenin a long time ago. Obama can bow to Putin, at least Putin is a leader. Sadly they are both totally wrong and misguided.


C Brewer


You can get arrested for expired tags on your car but not for being in the country illegally.

Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more of our money.

A seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for calling his teacher “cute” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable.

The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.

Children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately discipline them while children of “underprivileged” drug addicts are left to rot in filth infested cesspools.

Americans pay for their own health care (and the health care of everyone else) while unmarried women are free to have child after child on the “State’s” dime while never being held responsible for their own choices.

Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and government intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized housing and free cell phones.

The government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work).

Being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government.

Politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.

The rights of the Government come before the rights of the individual.

Parents believe the State is responsible for providing for their children.

You can write a blog like this just by reading the news headlines.

Being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you “safe”.

You have to have your parents signature to go on a school field trip but not to get an abortion.

An 80 year old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a Muslim woman in a burka is only subject to having her neck and head searched.

Using the “N” word is considered “hate speech” but writing and singing songs about raping women and killing cops is considered “art”.

How did we get here?  CB


ObamaPEC for short.

I have recently avoided writing about energy issues as no one in Washington wants the United States to have cheap energy.  The main stream media will never report the facts and sadly blogs, like this one, never reach the people who have the power to force politicians to change. This is really sad as the people who are hurt the most with high energy prices are the middle class and the poor.

Currently Obama and his puppets in Congress tell these poor people that they have no control over energy prices. OPEC sets the price for oil. What they will not reveal is that OPEC has no control over shutting down the most coal rich nation on earth. OPEC has no profit from the continued debacle to waste billions chasing “Green Energy Projects” that fatten the politicians and the banks.

No one, including myself, opposes new technology but it will never happen in private industry with Executive Branch and Congressional manipulation and intervention. General Motors will never be the leader in the automotive industry as long as bureaucrats make both creative and marketing decisions. If the government wants to create new technology itself they need to create another NASA type organization. Establish goals, fund the research and get out of the way. If Obama had been in office along with Polosi and Reid instead of President Kennedy we would still be building a ladder to reach the moon.

Even idiots understand the facts that the United States has more oil, natural gas and coal than most of the rest of the world combined. Even the media knows this but will not report it factually. Obama and company have destroyed the coal industry. They are hell bent on slowing down the natural gas industry with the same regulatory irresponsibility they imposed on the coal industry. They have intensified the effort to slow down the production of oil and with four more years they will regulate it out of profitability.

Has anyone ever wondered why or does anyone really care why we restrict oil exploration? There are three basic reasons why and they are; Bankers and Speculators and OPEC. If the United States ever became energy independent Bankers lose leverage, Speculators will have nothing to manipulate and OPEC will disappear as a world thief. The only people who would gain from this will be the unemployed, the poor, the middle class and the retired Americans.

The others who would be hurt are the politicians who depend on the three sources above to provide money to keep them in power. This brings me to the place to explain my title for this article.

Obama PEC is a play on words I will admit, but try hard to observe what is happening before your eyes dramatically this last week. Oil prices dropped dramatically and no one can explain why. The reason is they do not want voters to know the truth. Guess what, we have a Presidential election in about six weeks if you have been in a coma. Now we are hearing that Obama may tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, to reduce prices. Should this happen to drive down the price of gasoline, it should be a treason level crime. We have no threat to our security which is why the reserve was established. High gasoline prices are a threat for Obama to get re-elected.

The reason that oil prices fell is that OPEC knows that Romney has promised to open several avenues to expand oil and gas exploration. If he does OPEC will slowly disappear as they should have many years ago. Political manipulation is the reason OPEC was born.

Unless your elevator is designed to avoid reaching your brain, any sane person can understand these plain facts. IT IS CRYSTAL CLEAR THAT THE ARAB WORLD IS MAKING SURE OBAMA IS RE-ELECTED. If US dollars dry up, how will they control the poverty that will obviously result? They will lose their palaces, their private planes and possibly see women allowed to vote and be educated someday. Their 72 virgin myths to control the young will disappear.

When or if you ever understand this please explain to me how the young people, the poor and the women elected this admitted Muslim to be President. He is a mere puppet controlled by the Progressive bankers and specifically by George Soros who has destroyed the economy of several countries for his personal gain. With Obama and the Arabs to help him with the destruction of our Republic, it will make him the richest person on earth. One man will control everyone’s destiny. That has to be his dream.

I hope that the young people, the poor and the women who elected him will recall some earlier articles regarding Obama’s re-election consequences. They will impact their future. Remember that most Japanese Kamikaze pilots were children, welfare is not available in Muslim countries and Muslims have no respect for women’s rights.

On top of all of that and all out energy initiative would have created enough jobs and reduced the unemployment that would have assured Obama another term. His cowardly attempt to get enough people on welfare to win will hopefully backfire. In addition he has deeply mortgaged the future of our youth to have to pay for his folly and they gained nothing but debt. They sure can’t find jobs.

C Brewer  


I originally published this article on July 3, 2011 and nothing has changed. Every American should recite my title every time they fill up the gas tank. We are the reason we have high gas prices when we elect politicians who seek nothing but power and force us to send Trillions of dollars to the people who want to eliminate us. This is madness and the people who elect these morons will be the slaves of the oppressors when they destroy our freedom. They will discover what work means when no social programs exists. I spent a lot of years in Indonesia where there are no social programs where if you don’t work you don’t eat. The government works with industry to make sure everyone has a job. America did this when I was growing up in the 1930-1950’s and it worked. I suppose I will post this again and again as no one seems to care, especially in Washington. Everywhere else they expect social justice will prevent them from having to work for a living.

Reprint of July 3, 2011 posting

I have been asked over the years why do we suffer the continuing increases in the price of gasoline. The answer has been the same every since 1994 when I retired from some 15 years in the petroleum industry, “POLITICS”. As long as the people do not act as a force to challenge the politicians it will just get a little worse each year. Sadly it hurts the poor people who keep electing the progressives, both Republicans and Democrats, in a never-ending cycle. WHY, the race to make America a socialist society by destroying our Republic form of government and having the government-run every aspect of our lives. Take the time to read some facts.     C Brewer  

  The U. S. Geological Service issued a new report in April 2008. It was a revised report (hadn’t been updated since 1995) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota , and extreme eastern Montana . Check out this link.



The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay, and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. 

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable… At $107 a barrel, we’re looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion. Unemployment could be eliminated.  

For years, U. S. Oil onshore exploration has been considered a dead end. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken’s massive reserves…. And we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lay the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. Why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling? 

We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates:

– 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia

– 18-times as much oil as Iraq

– 21-times as much oil as Kuwait

– 22-times as much oil as Iran

– 500-times as much oil as Yemen

– And it’s all right here in the Western United States.

HOW can this BE?  

HOW can we NOT BE extracting this?  

Because the environmentalists and others have blocked all efforts to help Americas dependence on foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people and politics dictate our lives and our economy…..WHY?  

Don’t think ‘OPEC’ will drop its price – even with this find? Think again! It’s all about the competitive marketplace, – it has to. It appears OPEC is funding the environmentalists and the politicians?

Check it out at the links below!!! It should blow your mind.  



If everyone would share the facts revealed in the links it might force the media to explain why they will not ask the politicians WHY?





By Frosty Wooldridge

For 15 years, from the mid 1970’s to 1990, I worked in Detroit , Michigan .  I watched it descend into the abyss of crime, debauchery, gun play, drugs, school truancy, car-jacking, gangs, and human depravity.  I watched entire city blocks burned out.  I watched graffiti explode on buildings, cars, trucks, buses, and school yards.  Trash everywhere!

Detroiters walked through it, tossed more into it, and ignored it.  Tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands today exist on federal welfare, free housing, and food stamps!

With Aid to Dependent Children, minority women birthed eight to 10, and in one case, one woman birthed 24 children as reported by the Detroit Free Press, all on American taxpayer dollars.

A new child meant a new car payment, new TV, and whatever mom wanted.  I saw Lyndon Baines Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ flourish in Detroit . If you give money for doing nothing, you will get more hands out taking money for doing nothing.

Mayor Coleman Young, perhaps the most corrupt mayor in America , outside of Richard Daley in Chicago , rode Detroit down to its knees…  He set the benchmark for cronyism, incompetence, and arrogance.  As a black man, he said, “I am the MFIC.” The IC meant “in charge”.

You can figure out the rest.   Detroit became a majority black city with 67 percent African-Americans.

As a United Van Lines truck driver for my summer job from teaching math and science, I loaded hundreds of American families into my van for a new life in another city or state.

Detroit plummeted from 1.8 million citizens to 912,000 today.  At the same time, legal and illegal immigrants converged on the city, so much so, that Muslims number over 300,000.  Mexicans number 400,000 throughout Michigan , but most work in Detroit .  As the whites moved out, the Muslims moved in.

As the crimes became more violent, the whites fled. Finally, unlawful Mexicans moved in at a torrid pace.    Detroit suffers so much shoplifting that grocery stores no longer operate in many inner city locations.  You could cut the racial tension in the air with a knife!

Detroit may be one of our best examples of multiculturalism: pure dislike, and total separation from America .

Today, you hear Muslim calls to worship over the city like a new American Baghdad with hundreds of Islamic mosques in Michigan , paid for by Saudi Arabia oil money.  High school flunk out rates reached 76 percent last June, according to NBC’s Brian Williams.  Classrooms resemble more foreign countries than America .  English?  Few speak it!  The city features a 50 percent illiteracy rate and growing.

Unemployment hit 28.9 percent in 2009 as the auto industry vacated the city.  In Time Magazine’s October 4, 2009, “The Tragedy of Detroit: How a great city fell, and how it can rise again,” I choked on the writer’s description of what happened. “If Detroit had been ravaged by a hurricane, and submerged by a ravenous flood, we’d know a lot more about it,” said Daniel Okrent.  “If drought, and carelessness had spread brush fires across the city, we’d see it on the evening news every night.”

Earthquake, tornadoes, you name it, if natural disaster had devastated the city that was once the living proof of American prosperity, the rest of the country might take notice.

But Detroit , once our fourth largest city, now 11th, and slipping rapidly, has had no such luck.  Its disaster has long been a slow unwinding that seemed to remove it from the rest of the country.

Even the death rattle that in the past year emanated from its signature industry brought m ore attention to the auto executives than to the people of the city, who had for so long been victimized by their dreadful decision making.”

As Coleman Young’s corruption brought the city to its knees, no amount of federal dollars could save the incredible payoffs, kick backs, and illegality permeating his administration.  I witnessed the city’s death from the seat of my 18-wheeler tractor trailer because I moved people out of every sector of decaying Detroit .

“By any quantifiable standard, the city is on life support. Detroit ‘s treasury is $300 million short of the funds needed to provide the barest municipal services,” Okrent said.  “The school system, which six years ago was compelled by the teachers’ union to reject a philanthropist’s offer of $200 million to build 15 small, independent charter high schools, is in receivership.  The murder rate is soaring, and 7 out of 10 remain unsolved.  Three years after Katrina devastated New Orleans , unemployment in that city hit a peak of 11%. In Detroit , the unemployment rate is 28.9%.

That’s worth spelling out: twenty-eight point nine percent.”  At the end of Okrent’s  report, and he will write a dozen more about Detroit, he said, “That’s because the story of Detroit is not simply one of a great city’s collapse, it’s also about the erosion of the industries that helped build the country we know today.  The ultimate fate of Detroit will reveal much about the character of America in the 21st century.  If what was once the most prosperous manufacturing city in the nation has been brought to its knees, what does that say about our recent past?  And if it can’t find a way to get up, what does that say about our future?”

As you read in my book review of Chris Steiner’s book, “$20 Per Gallon”, the auto industry won’t come back.  Immigration will keep pouring more, and more uneducated third world immigrants from the Middle East into Detroit , thus creating a beachhead for Islamic hegemony in America .  If 50 percent illiteracy continues, we will see more homegrown terrorists spawned out of the Muslim ghettos of Detroit . Illiteracy plus Islam equals walking human bombs.

You have already seen it in Madrid , Spain ; London , England and Paris , France with train bombings, subway bombings and riots.  As their numbers grow, so will their power to enact their barbaric Sharia Law that negates republican forms of government, first amendment rights, and subjugates women to the lowest rungs on the human ladder.  We will see more honor killings by upset husbands, fathers, and brothers that demand subjugation by their daughters, sisters and wives.  Muslims prefer beheadings of women to scare the hell out of any other members of their sect from straying.  Multiculturalism: what a perfect method to kill our language, culture, country, and way of life.



“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.   Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” — Benjamin Franklin


Who Got Stimulated? (A review of this weeks activities by our Chief Executive)

Barack Hussein Obama, is intent on increasing the federal  taxes, of everyone who actually pay them, (about 47 percent of the population) in January, by way of letting the Bush-era tax reductions expire. 

His administration has announced several “band-aid’s” to help reduce our growing debt.

First, President Obama ordered a freeze on bonuses for some 3,000 of his high-paid political appointees. Then he announced a freeze on the wages of all federal workers for the next two years.

One Social Security administrator summed up the reaction of her fellow federal union workers: “That’s why Obama’s ratings are below Bush’s, and that’s hard to be unless you’re Osama bin Laden. I can’t wait until I retire.”

Well, given the fact that federal bureaucrats are now endowed with grossly disproportionate wages and benefits, one can understand why retirement remains attractive for them. On the other hand, millions of private sector citizens will be working well beyond retirement age in order to make ends meet, especially given the increased tax burdens they’ll likely incur in the future to pay off Obama’s deficit.

Let’s review the most recent comparison’s of statistical data: 

Compared to more productive private sector employees, whose income is confiscated to pay government wages and benefits, hourly government workers are paid 57 percent more than those in the private sector for comparable jobs ($28.64/hour vs. $18.27/hour).

Salaried bureaucrats enjoy average annual wages of $78,901, while those in the private sector average $50,111, and the number of bureaucrats collecting more than $150,000 a year has doubled since Obama took office.  (That’s you my son.)

When benefits such as taxpayer-funded contributions to pensions are included, government bureaucrats end up with 85 percent more compensation than their private sector comparables.

On top of that disparity, bureaucrat jobs are virtually tenured, both recession proof and unaffected by a dearth of productivity. Benjamin Franklin once famously said, “Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Today, however, you can add government jobs to the short list of guarantees.

Notably, Obama did not order a freeze on government hiring, and I can assure you that the number of exemptions for government agency wage freezes will eventually equal the number of government agencies. Additionally, Obama didn’t freeze promotions, meaning that any federal worker can receive a de facto pay raise by “promotion” into the next incremental GSA scale.

Since the beginning of the current recession, private sector employment is down 6.8 percent. On the other hand, Obama has used taxpayer funds and debt on future generations, his so-called “recovery program,” to grow the ranks of central government bureaucrats by more than 10 percent in the same time period.

Of course, Obama’s wage-freeze fails to put any noticeable dent into his accumulating $1,000,000,000,000-plus deficits. Taxes, he says, must be increased to do that.

Once again, let’s review.

Like any devoted Socialist, Obama’s objective is to break the back of free enterprise, in this case, with unbearable deficits. When challenged about his motives, Obama invariably claims that he “inherited this mess” from the Bush administration.

However, the Executive Branch does not set the budget. Congress does. And from the ’09 budget forward, budget deficits have increased greatly. 

I realize this is not new information but it bears repeating.  

 Democrats have controlled Congress since January 2007, about the time the housing market collapse began. Thus, Democrats controlled the budgets for FY2008 and FY2009 as they did with FY2010 and FY2011.

Obama Deficits Chart

For FY2008 Democrats compromised with President Bush on spending. However, for FY2009, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed the Bush administration by way of continuing resolutions until Barack Obama took office.

Again, for the record, Obama was a member of the Senate majority in 2007 and 2008, and he voted for those spending bills.

The last budget deficit that Democrats “inherited” was FY 2007, the last of the Republican congressional budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and it was the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. Thus, the only deficit Obama has inherited is that which he and his Democrat majorities generated.

Those pesky facts notwithstanding, a Republican majority is about to take over the House, and Republicans in the Senate seem to have found a spine,as indicated by Sen McConnel’s letter to Harry Reid regarding action on any legislation that doesn’t deal with the budget and the expiring taxation rates. 

If Republicans are serious about budget and deficit control, they should start by cutting their own bloated salaries and budgets. There is no greater sweetheart deal than being elected to our national legislature, where members of Congress are paid exorbitantly, and are eligible for lifetime benefits after “serving” for just five years — one term for Senators. If they are perpetually elected, as is the case with many members, they are eligible for almost 80 percent of their salary as a guaranteed annual pension.

Membership certainly has its privileges and term limit’s are sorely needed to remove those Un-professional politicians. 

If members of Congress don’t like the pay cuts, perhaps we can cut their time accordingly. Send them home more often, and see if a little of the reality outside the Beltway sinks in.

As Cal Thomas opined this week, “The Founders were keenly aware of the danger of a Congress divorced from the realities of the rest of the country. During the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Roger Sherman of Connecticut wrote, ‘Representatives ought to return home and mix with the people. By remaining at the seat of government, they would acquire the habits of the place, which might differ from those of their constituents.'”

If Republicans are really serious about the constitutional role of government, they should identify any and all taxes and expenditures not expressly authorized by our Constitution, and schedule them for termination. While they are at it, they should revoke congressional exemptions, and make themselves subject to the same laws and regulations they impose upon the rest of us. (Oh, and Mr. Speaker-to-be, sell Pelosi’s opulent Boeing 757, and refund the treasury.)

For his part, President  Obama lamented this week that he might have to delay his “holiday vacation” to Hawaii in order to get his tax-and-spend agenda through Congress. (How many golf outings and exotic vacations must this man take?)

Perhaps the President should take a tax lesson from John Kennedy, the father of the modern Democrat party: “A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits and a balanced federal budget…. As the national income grows, the federal government will ultimately end up with more revenues. Prosperity is the real way to balance our budget. By lowering tax rates, by increasing jobs and income, we can expand tax revenues and finally bring our budget into balance.”

Indeed, tax reductions in each of the last five administrations have resulted in tax revenue increases to the fed’s coffers.

It’s past time to put Keynesain economic’s out to pasture and clean thr Donkey do off our boots.


This was forwarded by a friend, Ron, this morning and I felt obligated to put it on the blog ASAP. I do not know who wrote this but hopefully it wakes up more people to demand that Washington be cleaned out before we have to borrow from Chavez.  CWB

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