A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “poverty”


As an avid reader with a lust for knowledge about history I wish to share some “Facts” many will find interesting. I was born in 1930 when times were rather bleak for 98% of all Americans. I grew up in the era before, during and after World War ll. I suffered through watching the rise and fall of both Germany and Japan for completely different reasons. Both of these nations became butchers of mankind including many if their own citizens.

The world has suffered through thousands of evil leaders like Lenin of Russia through Communism while Germany and Japan were wrecked by imperialism, fascism and racism.

America has been going through a Progressive change for over 100 years. This country has survived as a democratic Republic with freedoms never equaled in world history. We have had more than our share of wingnuts and disgruntled morons try to change our freedoms for all of my life. Sadly our current President has made all the previous Progressive Presidents look like lunatics while he has accomplished the loss of more freedoms than all of the other combined.

No one disputes that he was raised as a Communists and educated in Muslim schools and religious surroundings. Everyone should know one of Obama’s hero’s was an avowed Communists, Saul Alinsky. Obama includes passages about him in his books. Something you may not know or even care, Hillary Clinton did her college thesis based on Alinsky’s writings. He wrote two books every Socialists loves, “Rules for Radicals” and “Reveille for Radicals”. Alinsky died over 40 years ago.

Whether this bothers you or not it scares the crap out of me. Let me walk you through Alinsky’s step-by-step rules on how to create a socialists state. Again you may not care but if you are happy with the events ruining our Republic with Democratic political changes to our Constitution you would be happier by moving to Europe and letting the rest of us stay free. If you read this you can easily see what is happening in America today as the Democrats are following his instructions exactly. We are watching exactly what happened when Germany gave Hitler too much power in the 1930’s. You can read about, I lived through it.

Alinsky defined eight specific things that a central government must have absolute control of in order to create a social state. He defined that the first priority is the most important.

  1. Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people
  2. Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to survive.
  3. Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and that will produce more poverty.
  4. Gun Control– Remove the ability for people to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
  5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)
  6. Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
  7. Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools
  8. Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Unless you are blind, stupid or already a Socialists you should be concerned and stop all of these things “NOW”. I did not make this up, read them for yourself.

One by one our Congress and the Progressive federal government is using the Supreme Court to destroy State laws and the power for a State to enact their own laws about anything. Obviously my last article expressed my disdain for the unlawful decision to force the Affordable Dare Act (ACA), or as commonly called Obamacare, on the majority of the States.

The decision Thursday to usurp the laws of many states and force same sex marriage on all Americans was just another instance of voiding State laws. This issue to force individuals to perform or service anyone when it is against their faith and we watch another freedom disappear.

Our Federal government now has or soon will have total control of step one, Healthcare.

We now have the majority of Americans living in poverty, step two accomplished.

We have the largest debt in our history regardless of how it is measured, step three accomplished.

Step four, the saber rattling about guns will be Obama or Hillary’s next objective and probably by Obama’s Executive Order. Without doubt our current Supreme Court will ban ownership of any weapon with a 5-4 or possibly a 6-3 vote very soon.

Step five, welfare is being attacked at every level of government. Many Americans are now told what they can eat, drink, work for wages and where they can live. It will include us all when the new Constitution is written by the Supreme Court

Obama’s precidsessors, including George Bush, have destroyed the education system I enjoyed in my life. We now have the most radical and socialistic higher education system in the free world. Step 6 now controllable by the federal government. Eventually all education including text material will be 100% government controlled.

Destroying our religious freedoms has been underway for many years. Obama just kicked it up a notch and the Supreme Court is happy as a group. Hopefully you read my two previous articles about our Supreme Political Court.

Creating class warfare was the easiest task for Obama as he can scream racism as our first black President. Clinton tried but was too dumb to understand its value.

You can easily disagree with my conservative views and but you can’t change actual facts or erase history. By the time Obama leaves office he will have done more damage to Americans freedoms than Hitler actually did to the German people. Radicals are the enemies of all humanity. 

C Brewer


My old friend Bob McGraw sent this to me and it has been passed around in the past but I feel it needs to be read by every American alive. I decided to post this on this Christmas Day while we still have the right to free speech and to enjoy this holiday that all Progressive-Liberals and Democrats so badly wish to eliminate. Those who continue to support these enemies of freedom deserve their fate. I will likely be gone but I weep for my children and grandchildren, some who actually believe in this Socialist form of government because they we brainwashed in major Universities.  C Brewer

The following is short, so read it and weep!

Saul Alinsky died about 43 years ago, but his writings influenced those in political control of our nation today…….

Recall or read that Hillary Clinton did her college thesis on his writings and President Obama writes about him in his books.

Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Ca

Education: University of Chicago

Spouse: Irene Alinsky

Books: Rules for Radicals, Reveille for Radicals

Anyone out there think that this stuff isn’t happening today in the U.S.? All eight rules are currently in play

How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control– Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?

Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin’s original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule. Stalin described his converts as “Useful Idiots.”  The Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.

If people can read this and still say everything is just fine… they are “useful idiots”.

“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” Anon

I hope you will read and share this with every American you know. 

Merry Christmas, CB


President Obama and Secretary of State, John Kerry have blasted the military coup in Thailand as oppressive and unlawful. It did not take more than 10 minutes to make this announcement and announce all military aid for Thailand would be stopped. So far Congress has been rather mute, which is a surprise, as promoting this supposed crisis would take enough news time to stop the focus on killing America veterans with rationed healthcare.

Thailand’s military chief announced Thursday in a national address that the armed forces had taken control of the country after rival factions were unable to reach an agreement to govern.

My mind races to think about what if the US military had taken over our government in 2009 when rival factions began the race to eliminate all agreements to govern.

Would we have the nearly $18,000,000,000,000.00 in debt?

Would American be totally divided and hate each other?

Would the Supreme Court decide every issue based on politics rather than the Constitution?

Would we have Presidential Executive Orders that not only violate the Constitution, they also violate specific laws?

Would we have an Attorney General that openly defied Congress, was censured, and only prosecutes the law he decides need to be followed?

Would we have Obamacare this is an abominable failure?

Would we have a Senate that has not functioned and ignored the laws?

Would the four Americans killed in Benghazi still be alive?

Would the members of Congress and key government bureaucrats that openly ignore the law be in prison instead of in power?

Would we have thousands of people building the Keystone pipeline instead of drawing unemployment?

Would it have taken six years to discover the death panels that have killed so many veterans?

If anyone would like to add more to this abbreviated list, please send me your inputs. To be fair and balanced Obama did kill Osama with his bare hands.

Take a look at more facts about Thailand. On Tuesday May 20, 2014, the military declared martial law without consulting the country’s interim prime minister, who was serving in a caretaker status after former Prime Minister, also a caretaker — was ousted by Thailand’s Constitutional Court.

Martial law, which among other things includes restrictions on where protesters can gather, what TV and radio broadcasters can air and social media posts, according to the Bangkok Post. I would prefer to have our military control protest and decide what can be broadcast rather that Obama, Holder, Reid and Pelosi.

Thailand’s politics have been in turmoil for years, driven in large part by a schism between populists, many of them rural and poor, and a largely urban middle class and elite in Bangkok partial to the nation’s royal establishment.

This seems to be exactly what has happened in America except our Royal Class have elevated themselves without approval of the people.

Why should anyone except the Thai people worry about this?

In the business world Thailand is “Known as the ‘Detroit of the East.” Thailand has risen to become a vital manufacturing and assembly hub of hard-disk drives and automobiles for Japanese and Western companies.

The unrest and protests have already hurt Thailand’s economy and run the risk of making the country less attractive to investors and governments looking to strike up deals, analysts said. This sounds like a great description of what is happening in the USA.

A reputation for perpetual political unrest definitely hurts any countries competitiveness and attractiveness to foreign investment in the future. We seem to equal Thailand’s worries as our political unrest has increased for the last six years

I read a report that a stable Thailand is strategically important to the United States, both because of its status as a U.S. treaty ally and as an anchor for mainland Southeast Asia. The report stated that U.S. policymakers are faced with how to deal with an unraveling democracy. I wish they would be concerned with our own unraveling democracy.

Take a look at another recent coup our government agrees with. In February, Ukraine’s President claimed a coup had forced him from office, while lawmakers said they were following the will of the people when parliament voted to oust him and hold new elections. Our Congress is so divided, they can’t agree on what day it is much less stopping the rape of our Constitution.

In Thailand economic problems persist. Poor people remain poor. Poverty can’t be eradicated. Economic crises may be something that cannot be easily eradicated. Sounds like the USA to me.

There is always a relationship between the economy and political health. World Bank, has noted that “Thailand’s economic growth has been slowing down because of weak private consumption and investment demand, following political uncertainty”. They must ignore the same situations in the US and other countries. Why was The US credit rating lowered?

Corruption is common in many parts of the world, including Thailand. It has evolved into many different forms, some are not recognized by existing systems. We have recognized laws that are just ignored. We just ignore corruption unless you are a conservative.

Another Thailand issue is related to corruption and it is called cronyism or favoring one’s friends. Cronyism is common in Asia, as it is rooted in their cultural values. Who else would you help more, they may argue, if not your friends, relatives, and families? Is there one American alive that believes we have no cronyism culture in America? We have refined the process to make it legal.

I read that unemployment among Thai youths who have dreams, ambitions, and energy fosters unrest. There are not enough job opportunities for them to live normal lives. We have captured the art of pacifying unrest by using welfare, unemployment pay and creating hatred of successful Americans as a way to control our youth.

For anyone who has not traveled to Thailand and other South East Asian countries, they are all sick of political destruction of their lifestyles. Social programs do not exist in most of these countries which means if you are hungry you work for a living. Crime is a variable that is not the same in every country. One thing for sure they have no drug related usage problems. The military is responsible for the people’s safety and control the police if they get out of control. I had no concern for my safety in Indonesia, China, Thailand, Malaysia or Singapore in my many trips there. I fear being in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and Detroit more than in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Batam or Singapore.

Maybe someday the American people will get sick of the tree hugging extremists, lying government bureaucrats, Progressive-Liberal Socialists, politically controlled Justice System and the morons they re-elect to pick their pockets and admit that countries like Thailand are no different than the USA and demand real change. C Brewer


Anyone who is sober with a scintilla of common sense should be able to recognize how the Progressive-Liberals make sure the poor people stay poor. It is sad that the Obama administration has constantly utilized income inequality to incite hate from the poor for those who can actually lift them out of poverty. The government does not create jobs for the poor, the private sector is the only hope for them to escape poverty.

The media fosters the hate campaigns instead of showing the poor what people endure being poor in other countries that control every aspect of their lives. I doubt poor Americans would be happy living in Russia, Cuba and most of African countries. Our government and the unionization of government employees has virtually destroyed our ability to make anything in America today. If our poor people were in China, where most everything we buy is made, they would still be poor. They would be working if they wanted to eat as the Chinese government does not shower the poor people with “Obama Money”.

As more foreign companies buy American industries and property while we squander our wealth, the “Obama Money Machine” will eventually be unable to borrow more from China to buy paper or ink. They will own us someday. Spending more to pay people to not work can’t last forever regardless of the propaganda espoused by Obama and our leaderless Congress.

Wake up America, even a moron can see that we live in a world where China has accomplished tremendous economic growth. China did not do this by printing more money and placing over 40% of their people on welfare. China changed century old policies and utilized the same capitalistic policies that made America a world superpower.

At the same time we have watched the Progressive-Liberals legislate, regulate and gain more central government power. The have hoodwinked the poor, the weak and the women in believing centralized government power, like the Chinese, is far better for everyone than our Constitution. We are now    embracing the same century old policies that will have our poor people living like the hundreds of millions of Chinese living in huts on less than a dollar a day.

What is wrong with income inequality between someone with rare skills who works 70 hours a week and an unskilled part time worker? Even the Progressive-Liberals who scream obsessively about income inequality actually live their lives a lot more like there should be a difference. Why don’t our Congressmen, athletes, government employees, university professors, Hollywood celebrities, Barack Obama, or Al Gore agree to work for $20 an hour? This would show solidarity and sharing with the poor?

Just like people who busted their butts and saved for the future, they all believe they deserve their money. The difference is they espouse that only “other people” should have more of their money taken away for the common good. If a CEO should have his pay limited, why shouldn’t they make $20 an hour? Obama screams that fast food workers are vitally important to the economy, why doesn’t he reduce his salary to the point where he only makes as much as they do? If Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid really believe in fighting for income inequality, why don’t they refuse to make more than the guy who spends 8 hours a day saying, “Welcome to Wal-Mart?”

When I was a boy during the Great Depression, more than 60% of Americans were living below the poverty line. Democrats scream when people like me point out that more than 80% of poor Americans have cell phones, televisions
and refrigerators while “most Americans living below the official poverty line also own a motor vehicle and have more living space than the average European. They ignore the fact that almost half of the world’s population still lives on less than $2.50 a day. If life is so bad in America why do so many immigrants still want to come to America? To be free.

Now Obama and the Democrats are tearful because the Conservatives oppose raising our government mandated minimum wage. What they will not admit is it is a fact that this reduces jobs and puts more people on welfare. The government does force businesses to pay people more than they can afford. This results in hiring better quality people, replacing the jobs with automation, moving overseas or by looking for opportunities to get rid of the positions entirely.  It appears that the Democrats desire to put as many young, unskilled single mothers and the poor out of work as possible. The more voters they can get on welfare they know they will vote their hunger rather than progress.

Making the people more comfortable is not encouraging them to succeed. No one should have goals to make a living working at a fast food business. The longer you work at an entry level job waiting for a raise in the minimum wage, you are a failure to family, society and yourself. Redistribution of other people’s income ultimately brings everyone down, especially the poor Americans who should lose faith in themselves when they become dependent on welfare.

We must make the economy stronger. We need to reduce the size of government, reduce taxes, and remove unnecessary regulations. This a proven solution that has worked time and time again.

The more the government focuses on income inequality, the harder it is to get ahead. You can see this very clearly with Obamacare, where a few people are getting subsidized care, while tens of millions more are losing their health care and paying considerably more to make up for it.

Democrats are pushing companies like Wal-Mart to substantially increase its employee’s wages. They ignore the fact that all the poor Americans who shop at discount places will have to spend more of their limited incomes to pay for it. They then increase their welfare to buy their votes. They dangle the myth that it provides the Wal-Mart employees a chance to join the middle class. In truth it means they can pay more taxes to subsidize the poor. The more money we spend “helping” the poor, the harder we ultimately make it for those very same people to ever permanently escape poverty and live the American Dream.

Democrats ignore the real causes of poverty. Poverty in America is not the fault of greed, the rich, racism, America being “unfair,” or any of the other excuses that Liberals shout. The truth is that if you stay poor in America, it’s usually because you believed the Democrats who must keep you poor by buying your votes.


Democrats just keep lying to destitute poor Americans and telling them that the rich became wealthy by stealing their money. What money did they have to steal? If we had any leadership in America they would tell all of the people the truth that should make some poor Americans feel bad. I really feel that survival on welfare, Obama money and cell phones, food stamps and living in a housing projects is not what any American wants, especially the poor who are already there.

Vote for freedom from the enemy, our current American government is more dangerous than all of the extremists alive and China.

“God Bless Wal-Mart”.

C Brewer


I sincerely hope that everyone who reads this posting will forward it to everyone they know. It is time to recognize that all teachers are not greedy like the examples we have seen in Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan over the past few weeks. I would like to thank Mr. Joe Smith of TexasISD.com who gave me permission to use this letter of my blog. It is ironic that the Mineral Wells (Texas) Index printed this letter. I was born there in 1930 and my mother worked for the Index before I arrived.  Thanks Joe.  CB

Subject: Stop Labeling Teachers

TexasISD General News


by John Kuhn as printed in the Minerals Wells Index

Dear Editor,

The age of accountability should be renamed the age of blame, when teachers wear the scarlet letter for the failings of a nation. We send teachers into pockets of poverty that our leaders can’t or won’t eradicate, and when those teachers fail to work miracles among devastated children, we stamp ‘unacceptable’ on their foreheads.

I ask you, where is the label for the lawmaker whose policies fail to clean up the poorest neighborhoods? Why do we not demand that our leaders make “Adequate Yearly Progress”? We have data about poverty, health care, crime, and drug abuse in every legislative district. We know that those factors directly impact our ability to teach kids. Why have we not established annual targets for our legislators to meet? Why do they not join us beneath these vinyl banners that read “exemplary” in the suburbs and “unacceptable” in the slums?

Let us label lawmakers like we label teachers, and we can eliminate 100 percent of poverty, crime, drug abuse, and preventable illness by 2014! It is easy for elected officials to tell teachers to “Race to the top” when no one has a stopwatch on them! Lace up your sneakers, Senators! Come race with us!

Teachers are surrounded by armchair quarterbacks who won’t lift a finger to help, only to point. Congressmen, come down out of those bleachers and strive with us against the pernicious ravages of poverty. We need more from you than blame. America’s education problem is actually a poverty problem.

If labels fix schools, let us use labels to fix our congresses! Let lawmakers show the courage of a teacher! Hold hands with us and let us march together into the teeth of this blame machine you have built. Let us hold this congressman up against that congressman and compare them just as we compare our schools. Congressmen, do not fear this accountability you have given us. Like us, you will learn to love it.

Or maybe lawmakers do such a wonderful job that we don’t need to hold them accountable?

Did you know that over the next five years, Texas lawmakers will send half a billion dollars to London, to line the pockets of Pearson’s stakeholders. That’s 15,000 teacher salaries, sacrificed at the altar of standardized testing. $500,000,000 for a test! I’m sure it’s a nice test, but it’s just a test. I’ve never seen a test change a kid’s life or dry a kid’s tear. Tests don’t show up at family funerals or junior high basketball games. They don’t chip in to buy a poor girl a prom dress. Only teachers do those things.

If times are desperate enough to slash local schools’ operating funds, then surely they are desperate enough to slash Pearson’s profits. Lawmakers, get your priorities straight. Put a moratorium on testing until we can afford it. Teachers are our treasure – let’s not lose the house just so we can keep our subscription to Pearson’s Test-of-the-Month Club. We have heard Texas senators often talk about the teacher-to-non-teacher ratio in our schools. Lawmakers, they are ALL non-teachers at Pearson. Don’t spend half a billion dollars that we don’t have on some test that is made in England.

Parents are so fed up with standardized testing that hundreds are now refusing to let their children test. They do not want their children run through this terrible punch press. They do not want standardized children. They want exceptional children!

Let me tell you Texas’s other dirty secret – some schools get three times the funding of other schools. Some schools get $12,000 per student, while others get $4,000. Did you know that every single child in Austin is worth $1,000 more than every single child in Fort Worth? Do you agree with that valuation? Congress does. They spend billions to fund this imbalance.

Now the architects of this inequity point at the salaries and staff sizes at the schools they have enriched to justify cuts at schools that have never been given enough. State Sen. Florence Shapiro, of Plano, says, essentially, yes, but we’re cutting the poor schools by less. Senator, you don’t take bread away from people in a soup line! Not even one crumb. And you should not take funds away from schools that you have already underfunded for years. It may be politically right to bring home the bacon, but ain’t right right.

Legislators, take the energy you spend shifting blame and apply it toward fixing the funding mechanisms. We elected you to solve the state’s problems, not merely to blame them on local government. After all, you have mandated local decision-making for years. Your FIRST rating system tells school boards that their district’s administrative cost ratio can be no higher than 0.2 percent. And over 95 percent of school districts in Texas are in compliance with the standard you have set. At my school, our administrative cost ratio is 0.06 percent – so could you please stop blaming me?

If 95 percent of schools are compliant with the administrative cost ratio indicator in the state’s financial rating system for schools, then why are state officials saying we have too much administration? We have the amount of administration they told us to have! Either they gave us bad guidance and we all followed it, or they gave us good guidance and just need someone other than themselves to blame for these cuts.

Is this the best we can do in Texas? I wish they would worry about students half as much as they worry about getting re-elected.

These same senators have a catchy new slogan: “Protect the Classroom.” I ask you, senators: who are we protecting the classroom from? You, that’s who. You are swinging the ax; don’t blame us for bleeding wrong.

They know that their cuts are so drastic that school boards will have no choice but to let teachers go, and I can prove it: while they give press conferences telling superintendents not to fire teachers, at the same time they pass laws making it easier for … you guessed it …administrators to fire teachers. Which is it, senators?

If we don’t truly need to cut teachers, then don’t pass the laws that reduce their employment protections. And if we truly do need to cut teachers, then go ahead and pass those laws but quit saying teacher cuts are the superintendents’ fault. Here’s the deal: I can accept cuts, but I cannot do anything but forcefully reject deceit.

Politicians, save your buck-passing for another day. We need leadership. Get to work, congressmen. Do your jobs, and find the revenue to fund my child’s education.


John Kuhn, father of three, Perrin



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