A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “Keystone Pipeline”


Every time I watch our own government let the Arabs destroy our petroleum industry it makes my blood boil. Thirty-eight years ago, I was recruited to leave a twenty-seven-year career in the Aerospace industry because of new and unnecessary bureaucratic government regulations. There was a need to awaken the industry to modern Quality System advantages but to single out only selective devices was the typical way our own government plays games with the lives and future of targeted segments of a huge industry segment. Of the hundreds of high-pressure devices used in the exploration and production of oil and gas, this new regulation only involved two devices. The reason was the word “safety” was in their nomenclature. The regulation was titled ANSI/ASME – SPPE-1/2 and only applied to Surface and Sub-Surface “Safety Valves”. The limitation of this requirement only applied to equipment used in US Offshore Waters. To hell with the land environment where most devices should be used.  

Four of the next five years was the most exciting time in my long career in Quality which should be titled “Customer Satisfaction”. I traveled to exotic places like Saudi Arabia and many surrounding countries and many locations in Europe, Scandinavia and many states. Improvements were made in both Safety and Reliability but only in these selective device families that the government demanded. Without boring you the worst spill in history was caused by the failure of a device called a blow-out preventer and a questionable well completion operation. Amazingly the two safety devices targeted by the government are not installed until the well is completed. 

If true experts were allowed to question the millions of regulations imposed by law on industry after industry it would explain why industries disappear like the coal industry under Obama-Clinton. It would also show the public how the Keystone Pipeline fiasco is destroying an industry segment to protect the rail industry and investors like Warren Buffet who is more powerful. Folks, it is time to make the bureaucrats justify the destruction of targeted industries to satisfy the “Tree-Huggers”, the Wall street Barons and the Congressmen who allow these boondoggles and fatten their pockets. Until Trump appeared on the scene, I and I am sure thousands of other Americans had no voice.

I am long retired and live in the forest of East Texas where I watch young Americans grow up and have no jobs. Sadly, they must go elsewhere to make a living before they can retire where they were raised in Gods Country. Most must work in the petroleum industry, many offshore and on the Intercostal Waterway to make a living for their wives and children who can live here. When I read articles like the one below it makes me mad as hell to watch these fine young people manipulated by politicians and they have no voice. Well, maybe they will have if the women and our “Welfare Army” can’t get Hillary the Witch elected for another 4-8 years of mismanaged bureaucracy.  Only “We the People” can stop this destruction of the freest country ever created by people with a vision that has lasted 200 plus years. Please give Trump a chance. Read this carefully before you vote for another Demoncrat.

This was sent by my great friend Ron Jenkins who lives in San Antonio. C Brewer

This a quote from an oil executive in south Texas who was instrumental in developing Eagle Ford Shale Oil Field (a major, new oil field in South Texas). He cites just one critical economic factor that could be extremely detrimental to America’s road to recovery from eight years in the financial doldrums.

“I think I just heard the biggest LIE I have ever heard in a debate. And if Mrs. Clinton really believes what she said then that just shows beyond a shadow of a doubt how ignorant and out of touch with reality and the energy business, she is. She said, and I quote, ” for the first time EVER as a country, we are now ENERGY INDEPENDENT”.

The absolute facts are this:

  1. We use in excess of 18,000,000 barrels of oil every day in this country. Of that total, we IMPORT 10,000,000 barrels every day from foreign countries. A large percentage of that total comes from the Middle East and Mexico.
  2. Over 1,000,000 jobs have been lost, in the past 2 years, in the energy industry because we are so DEPENDENT on foreign oil; they can do whatever they want, price and the supply-side. And, because they know they have us by the throat they can flood the market with low-priced oil for the sole purpose of putting domestic oil and companies out of business. Over 1,000,000 energy jobs were lost and the “ripple effect” from that is millions of other the jobs that directly benefit from a robust domestic energy industry.
  3. The so-called Iran “Peace deal” allowed 1,500,000 barrels of “additional oil” to be sold on the world market. Thus, adding to the foreign oil total and further endangering the viability of domestic oil production companies.
  4. The EPA is strangling the life out of the domestic energy industry. They do this with restrictive regulations and by closing down huge areas of government-owned land, to private energy company oil exploration. The revenue derived by developing those lands would earn billions of dollars annually and truly makes us INDEPENDENT from foreign oil.
  5. Wind and solar are a joke. The projects are only viable, economically, because the government subsidizes every solar panel and every windmill built. If you took all the energy created from wind and solar it would only amount to seven-tenths of one percent (0.7%) of all the energy put into the grid currently. That’s right… less than 1% of our daily energy demand and it costs billions of dollars in government funding!!!

Liberal Progressive policies put more credence on the theory of “man-made global climate change” than on trying to solve our energy DEPENDENCE on countries that HATE us and then use the same dollars we pay them to buy guns, bullets, missiles and bombs to kill us with. They know that our entire country would come to a screaming halt if they quit selling us oil and we lost those 10,000,000 barrels a day that currently power our country.

The media will avoid this issue like the plague because it was such a moronic and out of touch statement, that makes HRC look like she has no idea what’s going on and has no concept of reality. I was absolutely shocked she made such a statement.

We have enough undeveloped, yet known reserves of oil, natural gas and coal, to power this country for the next 500 years, if we only had anyone in Washington that actually knew what the hell was going on in the energy industry, plus the will and power to do something about it!!

Hillary Clinton is a perfect example of the ineptness of our current leadership. So far she has promised a litany of “Free Stuff” to almost every constituency except for the working people who pay the vast majority of US income taxes. Free college education at state universities. expanding subsidized housing and food entitlements, extending welfare entitlements indefinitely and borrowing ourselves into oblivion. She proposes mortgaging our future generations into a financial fiasco that will mirror the failing socialist regimes of Europe, Asia and South America; just to get votes!!

As with this and other revelations of ineptitude, bribery and corruption, at the highest levels in the State Department, Justice Department, IRS and FBI, it is too late for all those voters who have cast their votes “Early”.

I hope we all survive the next four-year ride on the USS Banana Republic.



Watching politics for over 80 years reached a new low when Obama was elected the first time. After his re-election I was convinced that the average American has no idea what freedoms they are slowly losing or even care. My last article, “Joys of Muslim Women” will hopefully wake up enough females to at least know what their life will be like under Muslim laws. As I have stated before ladies just get ready to have your Burka ordered. For both parents of daughters make sure you are ready for them to be mutilated by law and suffer the rest of their lives.

I plan to continue this series of articles on what Hillary Clinton will enact or continue if she is elected as our next President.


During her 2008 bid for the Demoncratic nomination, she refused to support same-sex marriage. My how flexible a politician can be when she flip flopped and endorsed same-sex marriage in March 2013. Two of her quotes were “gay rights are human rights” and “LGBT Americans are our colleagues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends, our loved ones. And they are full and equal citizens and deserve the rights”.

Now she is in full support of the Obama Muslim invasion and their rights to be American citizens. Any babbling idiot fully understands that the Muslim faith does not accept “gays” in any form. One of the newest Muslim pleasures we have watched live on TV is pushing “gays” from the roof of tall buildings to see if they can soar like an eagle. Maybe Hillary will insist they get free flying lessons in America.


Hillary is on record that she believes the Earth’s temperature is warming because of pollutants released into the atmosphere by man’s use of fossil fuels. She has supported cap-and-trade proposals to auction off pollution permits and using the proceeds to invest in green technology. You can be sure that “Old Bill” and her son-in-law have milked the commodity markets and are in the best position to prosper if our petroleum industry is totally destroyed by Obama. It will take the oil industry 20 years to become profitable again. You can be sure the Saudi’s will close the valves again when both the American and Russian oil industries are ruined.

Again Hillary is the “Flip-Flop Queen”. While serving as Secretary of State she also stated that the department was “inclined” to give its seal of approval to the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. At that political moment she he did not need the support from the idiotic tree hugging environmentalists who believe Keystone would result in an environmental catastrophe and increased pollution leading to global warming. Al Gore likely went berserk.

Her latest involvement was the following quote, “We’re either going to be dependent on dirty oil from the Gulf or dirty oil from Canada. And until we can get our act together as a country and figure out that clean, renewable energy is in both our economic interests and the interests of our planet, I mean, I don’t think it will come as a surprise to anyone how deeply disappointed the President and I are about our inability to get the kind of legislation through the Senate that the United States was seeking.”

Facts will be the Chinese will get most of the cheaper oil from Canada, the Saudi’s will cause the price of crude to be at least $100 a barrel again and Burlington Northern railroad and Warren Buffett can enjoy the oil transportation bonanza.

Health Care

Hillary supports universal health care, and championed her cause unsuccessfully during her husband’s presidency in 1993 and 1994. Clinton has said she still carries scars from her political battle to provide health care for all Americans.

One of her quotes was; “From my perspective, we have to lower costs, improve quality and cover everybody. What’s important and what I learned in the previous effort is you’ve got to have the political will – a broad coalition of business and labor, doctors, nurses, hospitals, everybody – standing firm when the inevitable attacks come from the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies that don’t want to change the system because they make so much money out of it”.

The record so far for Obamacare is a total disaster for Americans. Healthcare for the working person is no longer provided by the large Corporations as a benefit. The costs have skyrocketed for every American who is not a government employee including old folks like me on Medicare. I have no idea what Medicaid costs for the 65,000,000 Americans, the flood of Muslims and illegal aliens who pay nothing. Our veterans must use the Veterans Mis-Administration (VA) services which is far worse than those on Medicaid. The VA, like the Post Office, TVA, Amtrak and any other government managed operation is a total business disaster.

I had a new prescription filled yesterday to see if it will reduce the unsteadiness and pain from Neuropathy that is a life changing event. Two medications I have taken have not stopped the scare of falling again or the pain associated with the incurable nerve problems in my legs and feet. My wife and I pay over $800 a month for Medicare and the supplements necessary to avoid catastrophic medical expenses. This one new prescription costs $259.00 for my part for a 90 day period and if it helps it will be a blessing. I never expected to live what will be 86 years in August or to be viewed as a burden by our President, the media or the Congress and Supreme Court…

Taxes and the Middle Class

Hillary has repeatedly called for universal health care and lowering the costs of college tuition, raising taxes on wealthy Americans and helping struggling middle-class homeowners avoid foreclosure.

One of Hillary’s key quotes on helping the middle class by raising taxes on the wealthy: “One of the issues that I have been preaching about around the world is collecting taxes in an equitable manner — especially from the elites in every country. It is a fact that the elites in every country are making money. There are rich people everywhere, and yet they do not contribute to the growth of their own countries.”

Government Spending

Hillary raised concerns about the federal deficit and growing national debt during her tenure in President Barack Obama’s administration. One of her quotes on the national debt: “It poses a national security threat in two ways: it undermines our capacity to act in our own interest, and it does constrain us where constraint may be undesirable.”

Hillary did not blame Obama, however. Instead, she accused his predecessor, Republican President George W. Bush, of running up the debt by launching two wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan, in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks at the same time he successfully pushed through tax cuts that benefited the wealthiest Americans.

Another quote; “It is fair to say that we fought two wars without paying for them and we had tax cuts that were not paid for either, and that has been a very deadly combination to fiscal sanity and responsibility.

Do any of my readers have specific subjects they would like me to focus on next? If the entire media, all Progressive-Liberals, current Republican elected leadership, tree huggers, gays, illegal aliens, prisoners, Saudi’s, some European leaders and every registered dead American have their way, Hillary will be anointed Queen next January.

WOW……………………….Guess who will be “King”.

Let me wish every father a happy Fathers Day 2016 a day early. I will be waiting by the phone tomorrow to see how many of my 46 will call me.  Maybe six?

C Brewer



Let me see how many descriptive words or phrases others would like to add to my list above to express what should be engraved on the GOP headstone. Each week another well- known Progressive, Republican-In-Name-Only (RINO), encourages the self-inflicted suicide march they are hell bent on completing before November. Today we watched Mitt Romney join the growing number of RINO’S hit the accelerator to speed up the carnage. This follows a growing list of other GOP candidates that have dropped like flies as “Trump marches on”. McConnell, Ryan, most GOP Congresspersons, the entire twisted news media and obviously Hillary and her band of Communists friends and her Airforce of “Broom Pilots”.

In his speech at the University of Utah, Romney called Trump a “phony” and a “fraud” and argued that his policies would lead to a recession. Look back four years when he ran against Obama, the biggest fraud, phony, liar and “leadership impersonator” in the history of the United States. He never accused him of anything and he has already ruined the retirement hopes for the middle class for the next 100 years.

Let me share some of the specific charges he made and some of my comments about his bravery he did not have four years ago that would have won him the Presidency. Folks if you call his actions then, anything but stupid, you must have been laying around with Sleeping Beauty waiting for Prince Charming’s kiss? Obviously when Obama kissed her most of us seniors lost a huge hunk of our life’s savings.

Romney Quotes/My comments


“In 1964, days before the presidential election which, incidentally, we lost, Ronald Reagan went on national television and challenged America saying that it was a “Time for Choosing.” He saw two paths for America, one that embraced conservative principles dedicated to lifting people out of poverty and helping create opportunity for all, and the other, an oppressive government that would lead America down a darker, less free path. I’m no Ronald Reagan and this is a different moment but I believe with all my heart and soul that we face another time for choosing, one that will have profound consequences for the Republican Party and more importantly, for the country”.

“If he had said this in 2012 and used Obamas lying and wrecking the economy,  facts he would be running for re-election and the Broom Pilots would be Soccer Moms again.”

“Warren Buffett was 100% right when he said last week that “the babies being born in America today are the luckiest crop in history.”

“Where was Buffet in 2102? Asleep like Romney. There is no doubt their two families have no worries. Why did Buffet get Obama to kill the Keystone Pipeline, greed and Romney must have Hathaway investments? Folks, they are not hurting like you are”.

“That doesn’t mean we don’t have real problems and serious challenges. At home, poverty persists and wages are stagnant. The horrific massacres of Paris and San Bernardino, the nuclear ambitions of the Iranian mullahs, the aggressions of Putin, the growing assertiveness of China and the nuclear tests of North Korea confirm that we live in troubled and dangerous times”.

WOW! Not one factual thing listed to fix anything. Sounds like Rubio magic. Get ready for the Trump lawyers next.

“Let me put it plainly, if we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished. First, the economy: If Donald Trump’s plans were ever implemented, the country would sink into a prolonged recession.”

“A few examples: His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war that would raise prices for consumers, kill export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses to flee America. His tax plan, in combination with his refusal to reform entitlements and to honestly address spending would balloon the deficit and the national debt. So even as Donald Trump has offered very few specific economic plans, what little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families”.

“Let me put it plainly Mr. Romney, a safe prosperous future for you compared to the average American is like comparing beans and rice with porterhouse steaks and caviar. Like riding a bus compared with a private jet. There is not one person connected with our government at any level that has the foggiest idea what ordinary and especially senior citizens face every day they wake up. In my 85 years we have had a cycle that introduced “middle Class” and are now slowly eliminating it this very day. We now have “royalty like yourself and laws that everyone, especially the rich and powerful just ignore. I have written over 900 articles that can enlighten you but you would not lower yourself to read them. You live on a mountain of fantasy like our Congress.”

The President of the United States has long been the leader of the free world. The president and yes the nominees of the country’s great parties help define America to billions of people. All of them bear the responsibility of being an example for our children and grandchildren.

“Watch how he responds to my speech today. Will he talk about our policy differences or will he attack me with every imaginable low road insult? This may tell you what you need to know about his temperament, his stability, and his suitability to be president.”

“I can’t wait. You have brutally make assumptions, back stabbed Trump, accused him of stupidity, dishonesty and you have ignored what has destroyed the Republican Party at warp speed. Sir, we were both born in America, we put our pants on one leg at a time. We certainly had different lives you would not understand as silver spoons never found me in the 1930’s. I clawed my way up life’s ladder one rung at a time. I made my opportunities instead of inheriting them like you and Donald Trump. Mr. Romney, I find it shameful to watch you express your venom like you are Jesus and when you or Trump have no idea what an average American puts up with your bloated egos. Sadly we do not elect anyone anymore based on their value, we just vote against the ones who we dislike the most.

What you and the GOP does not understand is we have so many variables watching politicians carve each other up you will see Trump elected President as he is saying what the “People” want to hear. Politics has become a blood sport now as the recent death of Scalia will reveal someday. I have previously expressed that Trump will probably die of unexplained reasons, possibly before the elections.

You can read the rest if Romney’s diatribe but by now I am sick of his Paid Hit Job. I am ashamed that I voted for him even though he appeared to be better than Obummer.

C Brewer 3-3-16


Even a lunatic would finally understand that enacted laws are the Laws-of-the-Land until they are reversed except for President Obama, the Supreme Court and the Republican Party. It will take eons to explain how America allowed a sitting President to selectively decide which laws to enforce. If something is not done to force the Supreme Court Justices to only rule on the laws instead of using political correctness, America will self-destruct. As for the Republican Party they have had 40 plus years unsuccessfully trying to overturn Roe vs Wade with zero success.

Abortion is necessary under certain conditions and Roe vs Wade will never be overturned unless all women are again denied the right to vote. You would think after watching Roe vs Wade being decided on January 22, 1973 to permit abortions, the GOP would shut up and try to just eliminate abortions as a birth control measure. It might have a chance of being modified if reasonable exceptions like incest, health issues and certain death/handicap issues were certain. But no, the extreme right wing nuts and distorted zealots wing of the GOP has zero flexibility and less than zero common sense. Having watched this entire process as an adult American, it boils down to GOP stupidity with the extreme right having harder heads than a rhinoceros.

One thing the GOP is famous for, especially during the Obama administration, is creating, refining and enacting a manual on how to “Kick a Can” down the road. It is no wonder why we are nearly 19 trillion dollars in debt when everyone with any common sense has watched the Republicans let Obama do anything he desires and allow him to craftily blame the GOP if they try to stop his spending frenzy.

I just read another weird chapter this morning in Politico, stating the House just passed a two-month spending bill to avert a government shutdown by a 277-151 vote. The “CAN” has been kicked down the road until December 11th. Every American alive, without any special coaching, knows that there will never be a shutdown right before Christmas. If that were to happen think of the horrors it could produce like President Hillary in 2017.

The sad part is the Republicans have the election won today and they can’t even understand why. If they would just stop all candidates from opening their mouths, have a secret nomination election before Thanksgiving, say nothing until November 4th, 2016, the white house would be theirs. They are openly destroying each other while Bernie Sanders and possibly Joe Biden just set back and watch the civil war. Folks, Americans are sick and tired of the verbal combat and 24/7/365 politics. Who on earth wants to watch the combative debates over a year before the election when we finally can watch new programs instead of summer re-runs?

Someone within the GOP tell every candidate running for President that abortion is not the issue to lose another election over. It is more than obvious that the “People” are sick and tired of not having jobs and watching work being done by illegal aliens who receive free benefits citizens can’t have. Stop right here and you have the winning strategy. The GOP can’t lose if they nominate Trump/Cruz and stop slinging mud within the Republican Party.

The only way the ‘Demoncrats” can win again is if they can flood us with more illegal immigrants and enough Syrian refugees to join the dead and impaired to vote for them. They have craftily outlawed voter identification and printed ballots in foreign languages to make it easier to rig elections.

The only way the “Demoncrats” can hold on to power is to just win the White House. They are so much smarter than Congress, the Supreme Court and what military leaders they have in power, they really don’t need control of Congress anymore. If the GOP can’t agree to a common sense game plan, we will still be watching Congress focused obsession with abortion, Hillary’s “E” mails and the Keystone pipeline for four more years. By then all manufacturing jobs will be offshore or in Mexico because the unions vote for losing their jobs every election cycle and don’t even know they are cutting their own throat.

Tell me where I am wrong and I will publish your words with no editing? If you disagree and have any gonads take me on. I love to spar words with a liberal.

C Brewer




Just in my 84 years the centralized power of our government has increased to control about every aspect of Americans rights provided by our Constitution. We have an Energy Department that can override state laws. We have an Education Department that uses money to force states to follow federal guidelines to decide what our children can learn.

We can’t buy a gun anymore without federal registration. Soon the same will apply to ammunition. We are told what kind of vehicles must be designed to meet on energy standards  that are based on environmental standards with no scientific reason and just increase costs to the consumer. By stopping pipelines and scaring people with irresponsible dangers of new technology the government will stop the success of using our own oil now instead of buying it from our enemies. Oil will be outdated someday so why waste our advantages today?

Homeland Security is now responsible for our borders, enforcing our immigration laws and doing neither as our President and Attorney General don’t like the laws. The Hispanics will work so Americans on welfare and bogus disability can continue to create more civil disobedience and divide the Americans to hate each other more.

There seems to be no end to the thousands on actions by over zealous government employees like the IRS, EPA and our Department of State that have caused America to be a buyer of products rather that an exporter.

This week we have watched the government caused riots, plunder, damage and pain because Obama, Eric Holder and Al  Sharpton did not agree with a legally empale a Grand Jury that was not even necessary to determine that local law enforcement had done their job within the local and State laws. The damage was allowed as the National Guard was withheld from doing their duty for purely political reasons.

Now we have watched Obama begin a plan and send Eric Holder on his last mission as Attorney General to set in motion controls to take over local law enforcement and tell Mayors, Sheriffs and Police Chiefs how they must manage your local law enforcement operations.

If the government would start a program to show farmers and ranchers how to use and dispose of bull dodo, they unquestionably have the education and experience to be involved The IRS failure when they took over a bar and legal brothel in Nevada and make a profit, should have caused Americans to stop this mismanagement a long time ago. The TVA, Amtrak and the Postal Service are great  examples of government managed for profit services.

You would think that destroying the greatest healthcare program in the world would have been enough for the Democrats but they will never give up until they can tell you what to eat, what to wear, what you can learn and take all of your money and even tell you when you can go to the bathroom. Laugh at me but remember my words if you don’t wake up. C Brewer



America once had “Leadership”, I wonder what happened to change our historical world leadership. Read this and find out.

Remind yourself this film was produced in 1944 and when politics was not managing every facet our lives from Washington. We won this war because the politicians let the military do the job they were trained for with leaders that were leaders instead of politicians. If America was attacked today it would take Obama 1-5 days to have it filtered by the Czars, politically analyzed by the staff before he could decide what to do. 60 years ago we built a pipeline under water hundreds of miles and did not pollute anything. Obama, tree huggers, greedy investors,  ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are screaming to keep the Keystone Pipeline from being completed. It is time to stop this nonsense and move America forward again.

America has been stalled in neutral since Pelosi and Reid took power in 2006 and in total reverse since 2008 worried about spilling some shale oil. Washington D.C., Democrats and Republicans, seem to have a burning desire to buy our oil from our enemies rather than from our Canadian allies. I suppose they would rather take a chance with a tanker filled with a million gallons of crude sinking in an ocean rather that a possible few hundred gallons over a few acres from a high-tech pipeline.

Wake up America this is 2014 and we mastered pipeline technology over 60 years ago. Let the petroleum trained people do their job. Let insurance companies assume the risks, which is a waste of money today and stop funding the enemy. I suppose risking American military lives by trying to civilize Muslims and enrich South American dictators is more civilized for Americans who keep electing Democrats?

You may have already known of this, but I sure didn’t. In spite of watching film about WW II and the European theater, I never thought to wonder how all the military vehicles were supplied with fuel. They sure couldn’t just stop at the corner station and fill up their tank or jeep gas tank. I found this film fascinating.

When the environmentalists  and politicians someday find out how to fuel our nations transportation needs with  beans or Okra we can start buying sand from our enemies to keep them armed to kill us. Believe me as I have been there, they have more sand than they have oil.

Thanks to my dear friend Phil Sizer for the film, click below: It may look strange on the blog but it will connect.




I recently read an article in Glenn Beck’s “Blaze” that has some very interesting observations. I have paraphrased some of the information and used some of the facts from the publication. These are things every American should understand. There are so many thieves and politicians meddling with oil, we are fortunate it does not cost $10 a gallon now.

Have you wondered why the president would stop the Keystone Pipeline Project that will generate thousands of jobs for US workers? This posting may help explain the President’s motivation. 

With the nation’s gas prices reaching new levels, some argue that President Obama’s recent rejection of the $7 billion, “shovel-ready” Keystone XL oil pipeline, is just another sign that Obama will eventually try to stop all domestic oil exploration. There appears be a more sinister reason behind denying the pipeline’s requisite permits — namely, to benefit billionaire Obama-supporter Warren Buffett? See if you have the same conclusions after reviewing the background on Trans Canada’s Keystone XL oil pipeline.

The Keystone XL oil pipeline was planned to transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada all the way to Texas’ Gulf Coast. The administration rejected permits to construct the northern portion of the pipeline on purely political reasons.

Then last month, Obama visited Cushing, Oklahoma, site of the world’s largest oil storage complex, to take credit for “approving” the stretch of pipeline construction that was already underway from there to the gulf coast. Obama used the tour to prop up his administrations’ energy policy, Trans Canada actually gained approvals to build the southern stretch of its pipeline months prior to Obama’s political trip to Oklahoma. Pipelines that stay within U.S. borders are not subject to presidential approval like ones running from Canada into the U.S.

Trans Canada filed an initial application to build the 1,179-mile underground pipeline in 2008, passing two State Department reviews and in February 2010, South Dakota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) granted a permit based on a thorough work up of the project.

Then the White House sent Trans Canada and others back to the drawing board in January 2012, citing environmental concerns.

To bypass special interest groups and the Environmental Protection Agency, an amendment was introduced in the Senate in March. It would have eliminated the need for a federal permit while addressing environmentalists’ worries by placing more autonomy in Nebraska’s hands. After a vote, however, Democrats killed the measure 56 to 42.

Trans Canada may not be giving up. Information on its web site indicates they plan to re-apply for a Presidential Permit to be processed in an “expedited manner”. The exhaustive record compiled over the past three plus years of regulatory review to allow for an in-service date of 2015.”

Trans Canada hopes for approval of the Presidential Permit application – which is required as the pipeline will cross the Canada/U.S. border – in the first quarter of 2013, after the election. Construction will then quickly begin. Trans Canada believes in the value of Keystone XL due to the overwhelming support the project has received. American and Canadian producers and U.S. refiners have signed 17 to 18 year contracts to ship over hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil per day to meet the needs of American consumers.

Keystone would provide 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta, Canada, to U.S. outposts and refineries on the Gulf Coast. The $7 billion project would also create some 20,000 jobs in the United States. “These are new, real U.S. jobs,” Russ Girling, Trans Canada’s president and chief executive officer, said in a statement back in January. He clarified that 13,000 construction jobs would be created immediately while another 7,000 would be generated in the manufacturing sector.

Trans Canada and its supporters, including Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, have maintained that Keystone XL is vital to American livelihood. Yet in the wake of Obama’s political maneuvering, Harper deemed the U.S. an unreliable energy partner and now plans to expand his country’s crude export. The move will result in Canada eliminating the discount it once afforded the U.S. on its oil products, thus hitting drivers at the gas pump even harder.

T. Boone Pickens, observed the alienation occurring between the two neighbors when he said that”we work with the Canadians like they’re the enemy sometimes.” He added, “We tell them they can’t bring a Keystone pipeline to the United States…That’s 250 billion barrels of oil that the United States would capture for our use!”

Every American should question why the president would stop an environmentally-sound, job-boosting, oil-producing project that would benefit the nation. Why did Obama interfere with something that is financially beneficial and damage the historical Canadian-U.S., oil relationship? Do you suppose that someone else stands to benefit from his decision?

Reports indicate that Warren Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC railroad — a unit of Buffett’s Omaha, Nebraska based Berkshire Hathaway Company, would reap sizable gains by the administration’s decision to reject Trans Canada’s oil pipeline permit. Berkshire Hathaway purchased a 22% (or, $34 billion) share of the 32,000 mile railway in 2009, shortly after Obama was elected.

“Whatever people bring to us, we’re ready to haul,” Krista York-Wooley, a spokeswoman for Burlington Northern told Bloomberg. If Keystone XL “doesn’t happen, we’re here to haul the oil.”

The rail option, while more expensive, would minimize environmental impact. At the same time, however, it would also worsen greenhouse gas emissions. When it comes to the Keystone oil pipeline and Buffett’s Burlington Northern, all roads seem to lead to Nebraska.

A startling connection exists as Berkshire Hathaway’s home-state and that state’s senator, Ben Nelson, who voted against the Keystone XL and lobbied that it be re-routed to avoid Nebraska. Nelson’s position to pass up the new jobs swells of other connections as he is heavily invested in Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway. From 2007 to 2012 Nelson contributed $27,000 to the company itself and according to a recent financial disclosure statement from 2008, he owned between $1.5 and $6 million of the company’s stock – his largest investment in any one company to date.

Another link uncovered revealed that Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe PAC contributed $5,000 to Senator Nelson’s Nebraska Leadership PAC. In addition Berkshire Hathaway employees have supported the senator, contributing at least $75,550 to the Nebraska Democrat over the course of his political career. This was reported by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Senator Nelson penned an op-ed column on March 5, 2012 entitled “Behind Those High Gas Prices.” As you can imagine, he was quick to tell Nebraskans that the spike “has nothing to do with the Keystone Pipeline” and also “isn’t a result of domestic oil production.” Below is an excerpt from Nelson’s column:

“First, the rapid rise isn’t a result of domestic oil production. We’re producing more oil in the U.S. now than we have since 2003. As a matter of fact, under the previous Administration domestic production of crude declined every year, whereas since 2009 domestic production has increased every year.

Second, this has nothing to do with the Keystone Pipeline. The price of oil is set on the World Market and is impacted by a host of factors – including unrest in oil producing nations. It isn’t a simple supply and demand pricing issue.”

This is a bunch of hogwash we have been fed by this administration to force gasoline prices up on purpose. You can read my previous postings that prove these statements are false.

He went on to write the U.S. has in fact demonstrated “the lowest demand for gasoline in 15 years” but the price of oil “has still gone up.”

Nelson’s is now involved in overhauling financial regulation and spending more millions to create another government agency. Obama wants to set restrictions on trading derivatives; this was a substantial provision being lobbied for by Buffett that would have buffered his company from financial blows.

WSJ recently reported that the provision, sought by Berkshire and pushed by Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson in the Senate Agriculture Committee, would largely exempt existing derivatives contracts from the proposed rules. Previously, the legislation could have allowed regulators to require that companies such as Nebraska-based Berkshire put aside large sums to cover potential losses. The article adds that the change “thus would aid Berkshire, which has a $63 billion derivatives portfolio, according to Barclays Capital.” Senator Nelson has also engaged in a series of votes, including in favor of TARP funds that have benefited Buffett in some way. 

Killing the plan to transport oil via the Keystone pipeline means that Burlington Northern railroad can transport the oil. Senator Nelson and Berkshire Hathaway stand to reap substantial dividends. Likewise, Buffett ensured financial security and prosperity for his new railroad and will continue to finance his Democratic benefactors. 

The progressives and the media will slant this as just another right wing “conspiracy theory”. The Blaze article reminds those of you who don’t understand that people in power always want more power and money and money is power.  What this really represents is greed and hypocrisy masquerading as environmental activism.

Keep these people in power and suffer gas prices that will be double today’s amount. It amazes me that we sit still and let politicians rape our savings and ruin the financial future of our children.


C Brewer


When I thought there was nothing else he could do to wreck our country, he now is blatantly violating the Constitution.

Up to now he has just ignored our laws on illegal aliens, intimidating voters rights, massacred the rights of GM and Chrysler bond holders, created 26 years old as the beginning of adulthood, destroyed the petroleum industry, forced people to buy insurance, opened the White House to every progressive with money, the unions and tree huggers. He has just about destroyed the economy by spending us into bankruptcy with promises of prosperity for everyone.

He must be the most envied person on earth by every con man alive or dead with the charade he has accomplished in just 3 years. No wonder the main stream media blindly worships his every act of destruction; they fear his power and can watch him destroy the free press competition. Even Fox News has realigned its programming to ease up the reporting of his destruction of our freedoms.

He has assumed near complete control of our government by thumbing his nose at Congress and they just sit there and do nothing. He has reshaped the judicial with radical progressive appointments to the Supreme Court. If he gets to make one more appointment to the court, he will have total control of all US government for the first time in modern history. If he can gain total control of the military, he will be the first Dictator of the United States. He has gained all of this power without the use of military. That would make Hitler, Chavez, Stalin and Mao blush with envy.

All he had to do was divide this country using class warfare, perceived racial bias and socialistic promises of sharing all wealth equally.

If his power is not slowed down and he is re-elected, he will be President for life or our first Dictator. He has the unions 100%; the environmentalist 100%, the dead 100%, Academia 100%, and his Mickey Mouse and other cartoon friends are alive in all 50 states. He fights every attempt to make people show positive identification to vote and supports voter intimidation at the polling places to scare old people to stay away from the polls. He has generated more hatred in America than George Wallace and the Klu Klux Klan.

He preaches that we need more jobs and ignores the creation of 20,000 new jobs instantly by granting authority for one pipeline that will ease the need to buy oil from our enemies. He knows that he will upset either the tree huggers or the unions regardless of his decision, but he knows that he will not lose one vote. These mindless, socialist robots would not vote for a republican if God ran for President. His hatred for the oil industry and compassion for his Muslim world are the only logical reasons for his denying the pipeline project.

All of you young people that put this egomaniac in power will live to pay for his folly. Get your heads out of your posterior and wake up. You’ve been had and you will have no one to blame but yourselves. Socialism has never been successful in improving anything.

C Brewer

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