A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “House of Representatives”


Watching the parade of Demoncrats race to get face time on the Fake-Media screaming for gun control was sickening at best. Folks, I believe the people are tired of watching a bunch of sore losers whine and cry about everything proposed by so called leaders of Congress. President Trump has stayed on theme from the first day he announced  that Washington was a swamp that needed draining and he was duly elected by our laws.

How dumb do Nancy & Chuckie (The Soros paid duo) think the American voter has become? Watching the sorest loser, Hillary, in modern America rush to climb on the gun haters wagon is sad.  This outright Communists could have forced votes on gun control back when Bill was chasing every woman in sight. “If this army of “Soros” destroyers really wanted gun control why on Earth did they avoid this issue during the recent two years the Demoncrats had control of all three branches of government? President Obummer and a majority in both the Senate and the House passed Obummercare. Why did they avoid gun control then?

Let me tell you why. They all know that running in support of gun control will never get them elected, yet. The gates to allow the millions of aliens to vote will be closed when the Federal Courts, Government employees and Congress have been purged of Soros paid traitors.

Unless you are deaf, dumb and/or a Demoncrat ,change will happen even if they eliminate Trump as they did Scalia. The “Swamp Draining” mission is underway. Unfortunately the media, including Fox News fail to report the facts that Americans fully understand and support President Trump. As weak as they show us every day the Republicans will purge the “Rinos” and Demoncrats starting next year’s election. . As Congress is currently leaderless watch some dark horses oust both McConnell and Ryan from power before next year’s elections.     sore losers whine and cry about everything proposed by the so called leaders of Congress. Mr. Trump has stayed on theme from his first day he announced th

It would be interesting to see if Nancy and Chuckie would lay out their plan for how to unite the people and keep Congress neutered from marching forward.  They have become the duo of deceit and damage. They can’t even perform without teams of lawyers and manipulated strings manned by Soros.

The media has made sure that the people understand every possible weakness with the Trump team. They do this with deleted words, omitted words, innuendos, outright lies and with a bunch of second rate actors and actresses. These pawns read the words drafted by the teams of people paid by Soros. If Soros had any honesty or kahunas he would stop hiding and run for President himself.  

If the people truly want the 1st and 2nd ammendment of the Constitution overturned and have the military take weapons of protection I am so happy I am 87 years old. Sadly several in my own family would likely approve these changes. They think they have hidden this from me so far. The brainwashing in our colleges and universities has become so intense if we were attacked by North Korea tomorrow Canada would be overrun with cowards, again.  

Every day I have left before the fat lady sings I pray that President Trump never lets up the pressure on anyone in any political party that intensifies weakening of our Constitution.

God save America from destroying itself.    C Brewer


The America I love so much has gone mad. We the people elected a President who has no experience dealing with a bureaucracy so bloated, misguided, overpaid it can no longer function. We have people who have not only screamed about a broken healthcare system for nearly eight years now killed some common sense ways to fix the problem. Several Senators who screamed reform, voted to fix it then when they had the votes to fix it changed their mind.


The sad part is they voted to keep it because they despise and actually hate the new President. When we have elected leaders in our Senate, who out of pure spite, fail to support the people, they should be removed from office They should be impeached as dissidents and barred for life from being elected or appointed to serve any local, state or federal office for life.


The US Senate has become the body of “NO”. If the elected Senators can’t function as a body of progress instead or regress they should all be impeached. The way they are currently functioning, should we be attacked again like we were in 1941, they would never be capable of declaring war as there are no leaders, just a majority that just vote no for anything presented. The Senate should be the functional instead of being constipated for progress.


The House of Representatives has a questionable quorum  but at a snail’s pace has at least passed some of our President’s agenda for improvement.


The unnecessary planned debacle in Virginia is the most recent vivid picture of violent hate we have in America. Are these events what you desire America to show the world how uncivil and leaderless our nation has become?


We have several Federal locations in the Disunited States that the government owns and could be totally isolated from everyone, especially the entire media. Death Valley would be one location. Rural areas in Utah, Western areas in New Mexico, Texas and several other states. Build a fence they can’t escape and plant enough gardens to get them started.-


Set a date, roundup every individual and group who have agendas that do not follow the laws of the land. Make sure to include the Hollywood “HATE” merchants. Don’t forget to include everyone at CNN and every other media wizard who loves spewing hate. Then find every organization who wants to fight with the Lawless group and wish to duke it out with those who just want to fight. Bar any press coverage, cell phones and let the games begin. Bar all communications have no local police, State police and any federal agents. Lock them all up to settle their differences and learn to work for their food and shelter.


Then forget them until they beg to be released. At this point offer them tickets to move to any country of their choice and never return. If they turn this down then just ignore them forever. If we keep coddling these people who had rather disrupt than work, real Americans will just be punished. It is time for Washington to show some support for the freedom loving citizens that have been ignored far too long.


I want to personally thank President Trump and everyone who helped him in providing long overdue local medical benefits for our Veterans.  


What are your feelings? I will publish every word you desire.


C Brewer


Politics over my 84 years has digressed from watching the United States lead the world into the technological era to watching all political actions today looking like a Three Stooges comedy. We have a President who believes he is the second coming of Mohammad. We have an Attorney General who believes we still have slavery. We have a Secretary of State who is a traitor. We have a departing Senate Majority Leader who is so possessed with power he is a multi-millionaire and never held a real job in his life. We have Democrats that are afraid to call themselves Socialists and the only objectives they have is to get re-elected by the poor people that they covertly manage to keep poor.

Moving to the Republicans, we find another leaderless abyss in a political party that is its own worst enemy. They are on the threshold of increased power in 2015 but they will screw it up and lose the Presidential election again in 2016. The current House of Representatives, with Republican power but leaderless, has let President Obama make them look like the “House of Fools” for two years. They are so afraid of the President they can’t even agree with each other.

The next two years will be the same old routine, Obama will do whatever he desires and Boehner will lick his boots and the new Republican Senate leadership will fold like a deck of cards. The only positive Senate action will be to hopefully stop the appointment of liberal political hack lawyers to the Federal Judgeships and possibly the Supreme Court. I use the word “hopefully” as Obama is a “Master of Political Skull Drudgery’. It would not surprise me to see him overturn the law that limits Presidents to two terms of office and watch the Republicans run and hide in the closet. Losing the power of the Senate will slow down Obama’s real objective of making the United States a Socialists Democracy rather than a Republic. He needs a third term and control of both halves of Congress to complete his mission.

I understand the poor people who have lived off of the government all of their lives and support of the Democrats who designed their welfare trap. Without jobs people get hungry and after being able to survive without working who would want a job. If they want more just take it away from those who want to work. Recent news is a perfect example, just protest, rob, loot and destroy as the government suggested and Obama and Holder will not prosecute.

I also understand that if Obama and the Democrats can’t get immunity for the Hispanics to work and pay taxes they will eventually run out of welfare money. When they have completed their mission to take all of the savings from those who worked for a living another dilemma will occur. The life-long lazy and those faking disabilities will have to go back to work to eat. If that happens they will never vote for a Democrat again. What they have overlooked is more and more Hispanics have been getting educated and now have some leaders who will lead them into power and conservative principles.

Eric Holder believes that African-Americans deserve to live off of Caucasians because they  bought them as slaves over 150 years ago. He and others ignore the fact that other Africans sold them to Americans. Inciting any American to steal, threat or kill another American should get Obama, Holder, Jackson and Sharpton in prison but it will never happen. Good old Al Sharpton owes the IRS millions in back taxes that would get you and me in prison. All it gets him is on MSNBC every day and continued invitations to sit and hate whites with Obama in the White House.

Let me end this chapter of my Conservative Views returning to my headline, “All Politicians = Elected Welfare. Once elected they are guaranteed a pension ten times greater than the average American. The longer they can suck off the Government teat the more they can receive in benefits. They don’t have to deal with Obamacare. They are immune from IRS scrutiny. They work less than half the time we have to work. Vacations and useless trips are made first class, not in the back of the bus or plane. Some have done better like Harry Reid who lives in splendor in a $4,000 a week massive hotel suite.

One major difference is their welfare checks and privileges are far more comfortable than yours or mine. When you vote next time remember who you are enriching with wealth and power. I hope and pray that a real leader stands up soon to steer the United States back on a conservative path and unite instead of dividing Americans.

This old veteran loves this country and my eyes still get wet when I see our flag and hear the Star Spangled Banner. We can improve our lives again if enough of us want to.

Do you want to? I do.           C Brewer


This is the most important article I have ever written and it will be judged as insane by the current leadership and even some in my own family. I previously documented my prediction that we would face another Civil War involving Americans again killing Americans to save the Constitution and our freedoms. Well, the war is over today and I was wrong. What you are about to read is about the future and only history will judge my perceptions and predictions. The Senate rule change enacted today has so many possible power possibilities it will take months to evaluate. This article is to pin point immediate predictions to watch happen.

The second American civil war ended today without a single shot being fired. Harry Reid made a decision today that will be the end of our Constitution, that Obama was elected to destroy. Thomas Jefferson’s Senate rules have prevented the powerful states representatives or zealots like Reid and President Obama from ram-rodding major Constitutional changes since 1789. Reid and Obama screamed like they were stabbed when the Republicans proposed this identical rules change in 2006

The Progressive-Liberal leaders, including many Republicans like McCain, have won the right to make the federal government responsible for every facet of your freedoms and rights. They are now convinced they have enough power now to win a majority of American voters to stay in power long enough to make every change they have dreamed about for over 100 years.  

Their next action will be to assure that they have more than enough votes to prevent the Republicans from possibly ever regaining power again. They will quickly enact legislation to provide citizenship or at least voting rights for the 13,000,000 plus illegal immigrants now in America. This will be the end of elections deciding anything and our Republic form of government that so many have fought and died to protect.

Next, it would not surprise me to see the Senate vote to repeal the two term limit for anyone being President of the United States. I also believe the Senate will vote to increase the power of the President to enact laws and regulations without Congressional oversight or control. They will enact legislation or increase Presidential power to spend money without the approval of the House of Representatives. In fact the future could be to dissolve the House and enact all legislation from the senate where the powerful states can band together and ignore the smaller state’s needs.

I believe that state’s rights will eventually be replaced with government regulations and the need for State Legislatures will end.

Today America enters a new era of super power. This change was cloaked as a way to stop the Republicans from questioning the political appointments and stacking certain courts with Progressive-Liberal judges. They did not include appointment of Supreme Court Justices to try to hide from criticism. The reason is there is no opening to fill in the Supreme Court today. It really does not matter as they can vote to include Justices when an opening occurs.

Remember, they are smart enough to be cautious in exposing this power grab and creating too much too fast. They control the media and need for them distract attention away from this as they have for five years now. They can now finish stacking the appeal courts in time to retain control of the Senate in 2014 by voiding the voter identification laws passed by over 20 states. This will maintain the ability for the illegals, convicted criminals, Acorn multiple ballots, Mickey Mouse and the dead to continue to decide who wins elections, one last time. That is all they need to finish transforming the United States into whatever they desire.

You can bet I will continue to try to save our freedoms and rights as long as we have the First Amendment to the Constitution. It will be easy to repeal this Amendment and it will happen someday.

C Brewer


 STILL BUSH’S FAULT, huh????I don’t understand WHY the republicans running for office don’t say this in their ads!!The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009 it was actually January 3rd 2007 the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, the start of the 110th Congress. The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995. For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is “Bush’s Fault”, think about this:January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over theSenate and the Congress:

The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77

The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%

The Unemployment rate was 4.6%

George Bush’s Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS OF GROWTH.

January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee. The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy? BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES!

Thank the democratic Congress for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP and 4.6% Unemployment to this CRISIS by dumping 5-6 TRILLIOn Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fiasco’s! (Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie – starting in 2001, because it was financially risky for the U.S. economy, but no one was listening).

And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac?


And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie???

OBAMA and the Democratic Congress.

So when someone tries to blame Bush…

REMEMBER JANUARY 3rd, 2007…. THE DAY THE DEMOCRATS TOOK OVER!” Bush may have been in the car, but the Democrats were in charge of the gas pedal and steering wheel they were driving. Set the record straight on Bush!

So, as you listen to all the commercials and media from the

Democrats who are now distancing themselves from their voting record and their party, remember how they didn’t listen to you when you said you didn’t want all the bailouts, you didn’t want the health care bill, you didn’t want cap and trade, you didn’t want them to continue spending money we don’t have.

I don’t know about you but my 401K has suffered enough of Obama’s “Change”. Facts are facts and I’m not forgetting their complicity in getting us into this mess, and I’ll be marking my vote accordingly!  CB

Thanks, Jack Peck, for reminding me.






Watching the Republican Party enter the self-destruct mode again is one of the most disappointing events of my near 81 years. I was born a conservative Texas Democrat like all Texans during the depression. It did take a few years to realize that the progressive liberals like Lyndon Johnson had hijacked the Democratic Party. The first Republican I ever voted for was Eisenhower. He welcomed conservatives and helped bring Americans together as freedom loving people. He helped heal the wounds caused by the loss of so many young Americans who died defending our right to be free.

Kennedy, a conservative Democrat, would spin in his grave if he could see how Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama have destroyed our freedoms, religion, ethics and the help thy brother society I grew up in. Now we have a welfare and alien society that expects the government to provide cradle to grave everything. Johnson did more damage to the Republic than every Progressive that ever served as President, including both Roosevelt’s and Wilson.

Nixon’s performance left the Presidency and the Republican Party with a well earned image of ethical failure. Ford then governed on cruise control. These two are responsible for four years of Carter. Carter almost destroyed our military and his foreign relations made Americans look like cowards. Until Obama was elected, Carter would have been remembered as the worst President in modern times. His dismal performance did cause Americans to elect the best President in my lifetime, Ronald Regan.  Reagan did revive the era of togetherness that we had in the Eisenhower years. Daddy Bush followed the path of Ford to not rock the boat and get back on cruise control. He will be remembered for his Foot in the Mouth stance on raising taxes. His weakness gave us Clinton and another race to become a Socialist Democracy instead of a Republic.

Bi-partisanship, proved successful by Regan, died when Clinton was elected. George W. Bush was a revival of the progressive wing of the Republican Party that had been ousted before I was born. He knew how to take advantage of a crisis better than Saul Alinsky and Obama. Bush’s mismanagement of the economy, allowing the illegal invasion to destroy education, healthcare and Medicare Part “D” along with McCain’s nomination signaled the impending death of the Republican Party. The Democrats won the election with Karl Marx Jr. as their nominee using the name Husain Obama.

Obama will be remembered as the best “Snake Oil Salesman” since P.T Barnum. This fellow is a master of deception, smooth with words and as honest as Andy Stern or George Soros. He captivates the women voters and with the help of our progressive university professors, he has hypnotized the young voters to demand a socialist society as the future for America.

As bad as Obama’s performance has been, he still maintained control of his lackeys in the Senate after the last election. What has resulted could be called a stroke of genius if he had actually planned losing control of the House of Representatives. If he ever learns to keep his mouth shut he will win another term as the republicans are destroying themselves.

We have never had a two party system in America. Even if you watch the Progressive main stream media, they report three groups of voters as Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Let me summarize some facts.

A. Democrats have the unions, all government employees, the poor, the weak, the illegal’s, the dead, the inmates and the uninformed that always vote democratic. They also control the majority of academic professors, lawyers and multi-national business leaders. Democrats represent about one third of the voters.

B.  Independents appear to be the people who can be swayed to believe the candidate that has the most money to expose themselves. I like to see them as individuals with few principles of their own. Sadly the majority of senior’s that were never part of the Democratic population noted in “A” above, now reside in this category. They just go with the flow, regardless of ethics and principals, as long as they believe they will get social security and Medicare. Most seniors on Medicare have no knowledge that their Medicare premiums will be increased by 150% by 2014. This group usually represents about one third of the voters.

C. We actually have three Republican Party’s. The Roe vs Wade abortion decision divided them many years ago. Nomination of a freedom of choice candidate will cause one third of the base to just not vote or back a third party. One example is when Ross Perot divided the party and got Clinton elected. Next you have the Libertarian’s who divide the party with their isolationist principals. They split the vote that got Obama elected. Now we have the Tea Party group. They have the support of most conservatives like myself but are not satisfied with orderly transition. You can’t eat a donkey in one bite. Even when all three segments unite they only represent about one third of all voters. The Tea Party will finish destroying the party in 2012 by splitting the Republican vote again.

The Tea Party thinks it can save the Republican Party when in fact they are destroying it with warp speed. The internal bickering happening today in the House of Representatives will be the real reason that Obama will win another term. That is if he will stop running off at the mouth and let the Republicans get him re-elected.

I know I am too old to see another Reagan emerge to re-establish a cohesive Republican Party. No one yet has shown believable leadership characteristics within the multitude running for the Republican nomination.

If Obama can cure his “Foot in his Mouth” disease he will be a two-term President and finish destroying our “Republic” with a Socialist Democracy he was brain washed to accomplish.

Americans prepare to kiss your freedoms goodbye and God help my grandchildren who will not have a better life than I did.

Clyde Brewer


Some republicans in the Senate recently showed some common sense and leadership that is refreshing. Someone in Washington finally acknowledged that the people are fed up with irresponsible spending. They actually blocked the pork laden “omnibus” spending bill and a few actually promised to eliminate “earmarks” in the future.

“Earmarks” are actually a way to hide ridiculous expenditures that are promised to those in their local districts or States so they can get re-elected forever. Another way to elevate themselves to “Royalty” status that we have been revealing.

It was sick to see the Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman, Daniel Inouye D-Hawaii seek support for the “Oinker” from some of the republicans like Thad Cochran R-Mississippi, Robert Bennett R-Utah, and Kit Bond R-Missiouri among others to try to muster 60 votes necessary to stop a filibuster that Jim Dement R-South Carolina and others including some democrats had promised. He was in a hurry as some of his old republican cronies like Bennett, Bond and George Voinovich were not returning to the Senate next year and were immune to worrying about re-election.

Even though Inouye’s measures would have replaced a slightly less expensive bill than the one passed by the House of Representatives. The House bill did not contain earmarks like road and agriculture reasearch projects, water treatment plants and grants for local anti-drug programs. House democrats would have jumped at a chance to accept the Senate version that had $80 million in grants to States and Indian Tribes to preserve pacific salmon and 13 million in clean water grants for Alaska native villages and other rural areas.

The methods utilized by both democrats and republicans to wait until the last two months of a term to pass spending of anything is deplorable. They sit on their hands for 22 months naming courthouses and planning for re-election before they go to work. Why do they do this every cycle?  Because we let them. Who is to blame, we are because we allow them to maintain “Royalty” status.

January will bring an opportunity for the newly elected republican majority in the US House of Representatives. The new Speaker, John Boehner R-Ohio will be the most powerful person in Washington for the next two years. We have all read how the House can stop some of the madness by just not funding the programs like “Obamacare”.

The newly elected majority in the House of Representatives and the real Senate conservatives will be able to even do more by eliminating useless government agencies. Why do we have a Department of Energy and Education for two? They do nothing but interfere with the States and were non-existent for some 200 years. How many of you common people really think that the republicans will actually do anything drastic to reduce the Washington power mismanagement? I don’t think they will do anything significant, just enough to get re-elected. Until we throw them all out and start a third party, nothing will change in the power structure because none of them want to!

For anyone else who is fed up with the “Royalty” status we have in Washington, do something. If you feel incapable then send me any information you feel will help and I will publish verified factual data. I know that I am just one 80-year-old veteran who is fed up, but at least I’m trying my best to stir up as many as I can.

My next part of this series will be to show some more inequities that the “Royal” have over us common Folks. Please send me any examples you might have read to show the differences. I read every article I can find to create these messages.

C Brewer        



How well have you, your friends and family prospered since the economy tanked? Even though the stock market has regained some of the losses in my retirement savings, it’s not near where it was three years ago. I have gathered some rather interesting facts on how the economy has been to our Congressional “Royalty”.

The Center for Responsive Politics recently released a study that reported that the combined personal wealth of congressional members increased more than 16 percent between 2008 and 2009. WOW? This study also revealed that a significant number of congresspersons owned shares of major health-care and financial-service sectors that were the subject of major reform legislation conducted in that time frame. Does this surprise you?

Based on the financial disclosure data released earlier this year, the 535 members of Congress, consists of 261 millionaires. Nearly 20% of the 261 members of “Royalty” in 2009 had net worth of at least $10 million. Eight of the 261 were in the $100 million plus range. One Congressman from California was number one at $303.5 million. How many of you think they feel your economic pain? 

To let you compare with the peasants, U.S. median household suffered a 3 percent drop to $50,221 in the 2008 and 2009 period. To compare, only about 1% of the population qualify as millionaires. Just compare that to the fact that over 9.8% of the population is officially unemployed but there is zero unemployment of the royal class. The median wealth of a member of the House of Representatives in 2009 was $765,010.00, up from $645,503.00 in 2008. For a member of the Senate it was $2,270,000.00 in 2008 and $2,380,000.00 in 2009. Remember that they “earn”, a debatable statement, $175,000.00 salary each year. In addition they have some rather interesting “perks” and travel expenses plus staff’s of servants in Washington and in their home districts. Just for fun look up how many offices your Congressperson has in your district.

I gathered many of these facts from an article by  Albert Boozo, Senior Features Editor, for CNBC.com.

Part-4 will take a deeper look at how this segment of American “Royalty” invest in the market. I am sure you will agree that there is no question that they would invest in any company that would have any favored status in legislation before Congress. If you agree you likely still believe in the tooth fairy. 

After you read this one see if you agree that the clowns in Washington really feel the average American family? We have created this new class of American by allowing congress to be an occupation rather that a public service. The entire political process is rotten with the only thing these people desire is re-election. power and more money. Democrats hide behind helping the poor, stay poor, by sharing the wealth of others. They have no incentive to work. Republicans can’t manage power so they usually have a short period of power, blow it, then open the door to the progressives to ram through more socialism. For myself I feel it’s time for a third party

 C Brewer     

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