A Conservative View

Praying that Donald Trump can save America in 2024!

Archive for the tag “energy”


I have always considered myself honest, fair, and considerate but extremely firm when it comes to the law of the land and following explicit rules and instructions. My family and many people who have worked for me would be a chorus to tell you I am “Hard Headed”. I graduated from High School in May 1947 at 16 and I was convinced that I had learned everything possible and I was destined to be a leader.

This time period was focused on finding jobs for the brave young men who were lucky enough to have survived WWII. Finding a job then was about as hard as it would be today so when I reached 17 I joined the US Navy reserve. It took me several months but on March 17, 1948 I was accepted for active duty and I quickly discovered I was not as smart as I perceived. This transition from a boy to a man was expected and accepted as there were zero options. I learned that honesty, fairness, consideration were the rules but the one thing I added to my list was that “Respect” was not an option it is mandatory. I give the US Navy a lot of credit for preparing me to be a success. If I did not have to wear a hat I might have spent my life in the military.

I have had an active life that most people would revere. I have worked and/or visited in 32 countries and 49 states. I have witnessed how people are treated, especially females, as I have had two wives, five daughters and currently nineteen daughters in-law, grand daughters and great grand daughters. If we had an honest media you would see how the Muslims treat women and girls that would make Christians throw up. The media can’t remove the things I witnessed with my own eyes.

I have watched the Democratic Party switch from the conservative political views to the most Liberal-Progressive political party in my 86 years. Texas and most people my age or twenty years younger were conservative Democrats at one time. We did not change but the Democratic Party did.

Folks, someone is going to have to pay for the 20 trillion dollar debt. Hillary has called for another 500,000 Muslims to be dumped into poverty so they will vote for Democrats. We can’t even take care of our veterans who have worse health care than illegal aliens.

Hillary will continue to thwart our energy industry with regulations and end our coal industry entirely. If our government would wake up, the energy industry alone could create at least 500,000 good jobs in less than six months. We have more than enough coal, oil and natural gas to become an exporter in two years. This could ease and reduce the national debt.

Good hard working Americans have watched their jobs disappear, especially after Bill Clinton gave us NAFTA. Why unions can’t wake up and see how the Democrats have systematically caused so many of its members to be without jobs. Why do the union leaders never lose their positions?

If Hillary wins this election she will have everyone on welfare, most Blacks, most union members, the same army of young women who are blind and as many dead people as they can dig up.

I am in my twilight years of my life and blessed to still be here. I can’t believe that females, union members and the black folks are dumb enough to vote for someone who created the poverty and unemployment that plagues America today.

When I do croak the Democrats will not be able to register me to vote by getting my name off of a tombstone. I have chosen to be cremated.     C Brewer September 7, 2016



Just in my 84 years the centralized power of our government has increased to control about every aspect of Americans rights provided by our Constitution. We have an Energy Department that can override state laws. We have an Education Department that uses money to force states to follow federal guidelines to decide what our children can learn.

We can’t buy a gun anymore without federal registration. Soon the same will apply to ammunition. We are told what kind of vehicles must be designed to meet on energy standards  that are based on environmental standards with no scientific reason and just increase costs to the consumer. By stopping pipelines and scaring people with irresponsible dangers of new technology the government will stop the success of using our own oil now instead of buying it from our enemies. Oil will be outdated someday so why waste our advantages today?

Homeland Security is now responsible for our borders, enforcing our immigration laws and doing neither as our President and Attorney General don’t like the laws. The Hispanics will work so Americans on welfare and bogus disability can continue to create more civil disobedience and divide the Americans to hate each other more.

There seems to be no end to the thousands on actions by over zealous government employees like the IRS, EPA and our Department of State that have caused America to be a buyer of products rather that an exporter.

This week we have watched the government caused riots, plunder, damage and pain because Obama, Eric Holder and Al  Sharpton did not agree with a legally empale a Grand Jury that was not even necessary to determine that local law enforcement had done their job within the local and State laws. The damage was allowed as the National Guard was withheld from doing their duty for purely political reasons.

Now we have watched Obama begin a plan and send Eric Holder on his last mission as Attorney General to set in motion controls to take over local law enforcement and tell Mayors, Sheriffs and Police Chiefs how they must manage your local law enforcement operations.

If the government would start a program to show farmers and ranchers how to use and dispose of bull dodo, they unquestionably have the education and experience to be involved The IRS failure when they took over a bar and legal brothel in Nevada and make a profit, should have caused Americans to stop this mismanagement a long time ago. The TVA, Amtrak and the Postal Service are great  examples of government managed for profit services.

You would think that destroying the greatest healthcare program in the world would have been enough for the Democrats but they will never give up until they can tell you what to eat, what to wear, what you can learn and take all of your money and even tell you when you can go to the bathroom. Laugh at me but remember my words if you don’t wake up. C Brewer




We destroyed the coal industry this term now we can destroy all oil and gas exploration and production. Let us share more of our wealth with our OPEC friends.

If this is how Obama plans to help the poor and middle class family’s standard of living by increasing energy costs, they deserve the results if they re-elect him. If we have to buy all of our energy from other countries the costs of groceries, gasoline, transportation and everything that requires shipping will go out of sight. Remember he said this over and over even before he was elected the first time.   

Take a good look at the following article a good friend sent me that was posted by Parkdota. You can bet this will be hidden from voters view until after the election. The Obama administrations EPA will likely stop all domestic drilling and possibly all oil and gas production where Fracking is utilized by January if Obama is re-elected. They have been feverish in creating catastrophic events that can be used to kill the energy boom. C Brewer


With millions, if not billions, of dollars hanging over the ledge, the boom in the oil patch would go into a free-fall if drilling suddenly stopped.

Thousands of workers unemployed overnight, housing starts abandoned, businesses shuttered and bustling oil towns from Williston to Belfield emptying out instead of filling up are all part of a future few would prefer — even if they despair of the changes to land and lifestyle wrought by the upswing of oil.

Even with oil near $100 a barrel and 200 rigs drilling in North Dakota last week, the specter of some sort of free-fall caused by a federal push to regulate hydraulic fracture treatment weighs heavily on Lynn Helms. He’s the director of the Department of Mineral Resources, the one man most in charge of this seemingly unstoppable surge centered on the Bakken.

Every single well in the Bakken and associated formations is fracture-treated. By now, that amounts to 3,000 wells, a fraction of future oilfield development. Fracking, with high-pressure injections of water, sand and chemicals, has so far proved the only successful way to make oil flow from the dense source rock.

Helms believes the Environmental Protection Agency is on track to stop fracking as soon as January, when state regulators must write new rules for fracture treatment based on an EPA guidance document that is under review by the Office of Management and Budget.

The document will tell states how to comply with the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and write permits under the act’s underground injection control Class II well program when diesel fuels are used in fracking fluids, an authority the EPA said it has in a statement to the Tribune.

Here’s how Helms said he sees that evolving.

In January, the EPA will release the guidance document to states. Then, his department will write a new section of state rules to comply with the document. Those are referred to the State Industrial Commission for adoption, but first are opened for public hearing.

By January 2013, the state would be able to complete its rulemaking, which the EPA must first publish in the Federal Register, possibly in the first quarter of that year, before the state could begin permitting hydraulic fracturing.

In the meantime, Helms said, he believes there will be a moratorium on fracking because of the history of many-months moratoriums in Alabama, when the EPA, because of an environmental lawsuit, revoked Alabama’s underground injection program until the state wrote new rules specific to fracking under Class II well standards.

“I believe it will be stopped cold for 12 to 24 months. The best case is 15 months and that’s only if we red-lighted everything else and got nothing else done,” Helms said.

Three separate fracking moratoriums came and went in Alabama as the situation went through courts and appeals that were based on the reasoning that fracking is a temporary injection leading to production, unlike Class II saltwater disposal wells, which are injection wells for their lifetime.

Helms said drilling in Alabama never regained its pre-moratorium vigor.

Once the regulatory dust settles and the rules are in place, the process to permit fracking as Class II wells will be lengthy, at least if it must follow the same protocol as saltwater disposal well permitting.

Helms said there’s an area of review around saltwater wells, requirements to sample all existing water wells, surface rules that come into play, public hearings — all followed by an Industrial Commission order, a process that takes 60 to 90 days.

His message: Once any moratorium is over and rules are in place, the result will be a lengthy red-tape process for each and every fracture treatment.

This begs the question: If the EPA is using diesel as its handle to regulate fracking as a Class II well under the Safe Drinking Water Act, why not just eliminate the diesel? It’s a relatively small part of what goes into fracking fluid.

Helms said — and so does the national FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry for some 7,000 wells, including many in North Dakota — the typical amount of diesel is around .088 percent of the fracture fluid. That amounts to 4,400 gallons in 5 million gallons of fracking fluid.

Monte Besler, a fracture treatment consultant with a company called FracN8tr, said many companies have already eliminated diesel and use mineral or vegetable oil as the gelling agent that helps suspend sand particles in the injection fluid.

Diesel or some distillate gets used only when it’s very cold and other oils would freeze or when there’s no available alternative.

“If you didn’t have cold in North Dakota, probably no one would use diesel,” Besler said.

Helms said it may not be that simple.

The EPA has indicated it will define diesel fuel based on its physical and chemical characteristics, not with a precise Chemical Abstract Services number. A definition that broad could throw a blanket over any oil, even canola oil, if it has the same characteristics as diesel, Helms said. Mineral oil, used in fracking instead of diesel as well as for many household purposes, is a highly-refined petroleum product.

The State Industrial Commission recently sent a letter to the EPA that underscores its opposition to federal regulation.

The letter said, in part, “As late as 2008, EPA had done nothing with regard to nationwide regulation of hydraulic fracturing operations utilizing diesel fuels and continued to stand by its 2004 study finding that hydraulic fracturing poses little or no threat to Underground Sources of Drinking Water. The typical North Dakota Bakken frac contains 0.088% petroleum distillates. If EPA persists with regulation of diesel fuel hydraulic fracturing under UIC Class II along with a new and unique definition of diesel fuel, North Dakota oil and gas investment and jobs would come to a standstill, and potentially never return to the activity and growth we are seeing today.”

No one at the EPA returned phone calls for this story, including Ann Codrington, the acting director for EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Act program.

An EPA spokeswoman issued a statement in response to questions from the Tribune, but said it was attributable to the agency, not her.

The statement explained the agency’s authority and goals in developing guidance for fracking under the Class II underground injection control program. It said that the “EPA has not made a decision on the definition of diesel fuels at this time.”

The Legislature allocated $1 million in the recent special redistricting session for a legal challenge against the EPA. Helms said it’s likely North Dakota will band with other oil- and gas-producing states for an injunction while it asks the court to weigh in.

The EPA is once again studying the effects of fracking on drinking water, and aquifers at a well near Killdeer that blew out during fracture treatment have been sampled as part of the study.

At the very least, the EPA should await its own study results before proceeding with fracture treatment regulation, the Industrial Commission said in its letter.

Helms said, “The EPA needs to stop this until they finish their study, and then we can talk about who should regulate how.”



The EPA is out of control and if they are not stopped we will have another 47,000,000 people on food stamps. The increase in prices of food will depreciate the value of the food stamps by 50%. When will the people wake up, hopefully before the November election?  Obama promised higher energy prices and that is one change he has accomplished. So for he has increased gasoline prices over 100%.  I am sure his west coast liberals and uniformed aliens who blindly vote for democrats are happy with gasoline prices over $5.00 a gallon.  C Brewer


Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union. (Reference the Texas-American Annexation Treaty of 1848.)

We Texans love y’all, but we’ll probably have to take action if Barack Obama wins the election. We’ll miss you too.

Here is what can happen:

1: Barack Hussein Obama is President of the United States, and Texas secedes from the Union in summer of 2013.

2: George W. Bush will become the President of the Republic of Texas. You might not think that he talks too pretty, but we haven’t had another terrorist attack, and the economy was fine until the effects of the Democrats lowering the qualifications for home loans came to roost.

So what does Texas have to do to survive as a Republic?

1. NASA is just south of Houston, Texas. We will control the space industry.

2. We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the United States.

3. Defense Industry–we have over 65% of it. The term “Don’t mess with Texas,” will take on a whole new meaning.

4. Oil – we can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years. What will the other states do? Gee, we don’t know. Why not ask Obama?

5. Natural Gas – again we have all we need, and it’s too bad about those Northern States. John Kerry and Al Gore will have to figure out a way to keep them warm….

6. Computer Industry – we lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications equipment -small companies like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Microconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Nortel, Alcatel, etc, etc. The list goes on and on.

7. Medical Care – We have the research centers for cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world, as well as other large health centers. The Houston Medical Center alone employees over 65,000 people.

8. We have enough colleges to keep us educated: University of Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Texas Christian, Rice, SMU, University of Dallas, University of Houston, Baylor, UNT (University of North Texas), Texas Women’s University, etc. Ivy grows better in the South anyway.

9. We have an intelligent and energetic work force, and it isn’t restricted by a bunch of unions. Here in Texas, it’s a Right to Work State and, therefore, it’s every man and women for themselves. We just go out and get the job done. And if we don’t like the way one company operates, we get a job somewhere else.

10. We have essential control of the paper, plastics, and insurance industries, etc.

11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard, the Texas Air National Guard, and several military bases. We don’t have an Army, but since everybody down here has at least six rifles and a pile of ammo, we can raise an Army in 24 hours if we need one. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call the Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over the Texas Rangers.

12. We are totally self-sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables and let’s not forget seafood from the Gulf. Also, everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good. Don’t need any food.

13. Three of the ten largest cities in the United States and twenty- three of the 100 largest cities in the United States are located in Texas. And Texas also has more land than California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island and Vermont combined.

14. Trade: Three of the ten largest ports in the United States are located in Texas.

15. We also manufacture cars down here, but we don’t need to. You see, nothing rusts in Texas, so our vehicles stay beautiful and run well for decades.

This just names a few of the items that will keep the Republic of Texas in good shape. There isn’t a thing out there that we need and don’t have.

Now to the rest of the United States under President Obama: Since you won’t have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Obama will be able to drive around in his big 5 mpg SUV. The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.

You won’t have any TV as the Space Center in Houston will cut off satellite communications. You won’t have any natural gas to heat your homes, but since Mr. Obama has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas as long as you survive the 2000 years it will take to get enough Heat from Global Warming.

Signed, The People of Texas

P.S. This is not a threatening posting – just a note to give you something to think about!



Another reason you have unreasonable gasoline and utility prices. Baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet. They are just getting warmed up. They will slow down to get Obama re-elected then the mass crucifixion will begin.  CB  

Are you familiar with a certain Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official named Al Armendariz? He has openly admitted that the EPA desires to crucify the energy industry.

Chances are you’ve never heard of him, I had not. The reason this was ignored by the media is normal and rather obvious. The news media, including Fox News, would shake in their boots before exposing this in-depth. Glenn Beck did in an article in the Blaze. Fox News, without Beck, joined the other networks in fear of our government. Hopefully more Congresspersons will be willing to use their power to find similar events, before November. If not, it’s four more Obama years.

Sen. Jim Inhofe’s (R-OK) staff found a copy of a 2010 video that confirms what many conservatives have long suspected: the EPA is at war with the oil and gas industries. If you wish to see the video go to the Blaze website.

Read Mr. Armendariz’s direct quotes;

“Oil and gas is an enforcement priority, it’s one of seven, so we are going to spend a fair amount of time looking at oil and gas production,” Armendariz says in the video.

This top-ranking EPA official goes on to explain his philosophy of policy enforcement [emphases added]:

“I was in a meeting once and I gave an analogy to my staff…the Romans used to conquer little villages in the Mediterranean. They’d go into a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw and they would crucify them. And then you know that town was really easy to manage for the next few years.

And so you make examples out of people who are in this case not compliant with the law. Find people who are not compliant with the law, and you hit them as hard as you can and you make examples out of them, and there is a deterrent effect there.

And, companies that are smart see that, they don’t want to play that game, and they decide at that point that it’s time to clean up.”

He continues:

“And, that won’t happen unless you have somebody out there making examples of people. So you go out, you look at an industry, you find people violating the law, you go aggressively after them. And we do have some pretty effective enforcement tools. Compliance can get very high, very, very quickly.

That’s what these companies respond to is both their public image but also financial pressure. So you put some financial pressure on a company, you get other people in that industry to clean up very quickly.”

“So, that’s our general philosophy,” he adds.

In regards to the crucifixion remarks: its obvious Armendariz is simply using a serious analogy to an obvious Progressive Democratic audience. This is a sick way to accomplish Socialistic objectives.

Obviously the wide spread litigation brought against oil, gas, and coal producers by EPA, Mr. Armendariz’s speech confirms that the crucifixion is well underway. The EPA is at war with these industries, and winning.

This is just another chapter in the way our leadership will force us to buy $50 light bulbs and $10 a gallon gasoline. Obama and his Marxist army of advisors openly and admittedly promised all of this before he was elected. Obama’s high energy prices do not hurt the rich, it destroys the poor and the young people starting out and they are the ones who vote for him.

Guess who is paying for this, we are. We are paying to get our savings robbed, our costs for basic needs increased and brainwashing our children to accept a Socialist future that will destroy America. These people are sick b……’s and they are out of control.

“GOD SAVE AMERICA”         C Brewer


I sincerely hope that everyone who reads this posting will forward it to everyone they know. It is time to recognize that all teachers are not greedy like the examples we have seen in Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan over the past few weeks. I would like to thank Mr. Joe Smith of TexasISD.com who gave me permission to use this letter of my blog. It is ironic that the Mineral Wells (Texas) Index printed this letter. I was born there in 1930 and my mother worked for the Index before I arrived.  Thanks Joe.  CB

Subject: Stop Labeling Teachers

TexasISD General News


by John Kuhn as printed in the Minerals Wells Index

Dear Editor,

The age of accountability should be renamed the age of blame, when teachers wear the scarlet letter for the failings of a nation. We send teachers into pockets of poverty that our leaders can’t or won’t eradicate, and when those teachers fail to work miracles among devastated children, we stamp ‘unacceptable’ on their foreheads.

I ask you, where is the label for the lawmaker whose policies fail to clean up the poorest neighborhoods? Why do we not demand that our leaders make “Adequate Yearly Progress”? We have data about poverty, health care, crime, and drug abuse in every legislative district. We know that those factors directly impact our ability to teach kids. Why have we not established annual targets for our legislators to meet? Why do they not join us beneath these vinyl banners that read “exemplary” in the suburbs and “unacceptable” in the slums?

Let us label lawmakers like we label teachers, and we can eliminate 100 percent of poverty, crime, drug abuse, and preventable illness by 2014! It is easy for elected officials to tell teachers to “Race to the top” when no one has a stopwatch on them! Lace up your sneakers, Senators! Come race with us!

Teachers are surrounded by armchair quarterbacks who won’t lift a finger to help, only to point. Congressmen, come down out of those bleachers and strive with us against the pernicious ravages of poverty. We need more from you than blame. America’s education problem is actually a poverty problem.

If labels fix schools, let us use labels to fix our congresses! Let lawmakers show the courage of a teacher! Hold hands with us and let us march together into the teeth of this blame machine you have built. Let us hold this congressman up against that congressman and compare them just as we compare our schools. Congressmen, do not fear this accountability you have given us. Like us, you will learn to love it.

Or maybe lawmakers do such a wonderful job that we don’t need to hold them accountable?

Did you know that over the next five years, Texas lawmakers will send half a billion dollars to London, to line the pockets of Pearson’s stakeholders. That’s 15,000 teacher salaries, sacrificed at the altar of standardized testing. $500,000,000 for a test! I’m sure it’s a nice test, but it’s just a test. I’ve never seen a test change a kid’s life or dry a kid’s tear. Tests don’t show up at family funerals or junior high basketball games. They don’t chip in to buy a poor girl a prom dress. Only teachers do those things.

If times are desperate enough to slash local schools’ operating funds, then surely they are desperate enough to slash Pearson’s profits. Lawmakers, get your priorities straight. Put a moratorium on testing until we can afford it. Teachers are our treasure – let’s not lose the house just so we can keep our subscription to Pearson’s Test-of-the-Month Club. We have heard Texas senators often talk about the teacher-to-non-teacher ratio in our schools. Lawmakers, they are ALL non-teachers at Pearson. Don’t spend half a billion dollars that we don’t have on some test that is made in England.

Parents are so fed up with standardized testing that hundreds are now refusing to let their children test. They do not want their children run through this terrible punch press. They do not want standardized children. They want exceptional children!

Let me tell you Texas’s other dirty secret – some schools get three times the funding of other schools. Some schools get $12,000 per student, while others get $4,000. Did you know that every single child in Austin is worth $1,000 more than every single child in Fort Worth? Do you agree with that valuation? Congress does. They spend billions to fund this imbalance.

Now the architects of this inequity point at the salaries and staff sizes at the schools they have enriched to justify cuts at schools that have never been given enough. State Sen. Florence Shapiro, of Plano, says, essentially, yes, but we’re cutting the poor schools by less. Senator, you don’t take bread away from people in a soup line! Not even one crumb. And you should not take funds away from schools that you have already underfunded for years. It may be politically right to bring home the bacon, but ain’t right right.

Legislators, take the energy you spend shifting blame and apply it toward fixing the funding mechanisms. We elected you to solve the state’s problems, not merely to blame them on local government. After all, you have mandated local decision-making for years. Your FIRST rating system tells school boards that their district’s administrative cost ratio can be no higher than 0.2 percent. And over 95 percent of school districts in Texas are in compliance with the standard you have set. At my school, our administrative cost ratio is 0.06 percent – so could you please stop blaming me?

If 95 percent of schools are compliant with the administrative cost ratio indicator in the state’s financial rating system for schools, then why are state officials saying we have too much administration? We have the amount of administration they told us to have! Either they gave us bad guidance and we all followed it, or they gave us good guidance and just need someone other than themselves to blame for these cuts.

Is this the best we can do in Texas? I wish they would worry about students half as much as they worry about getting re-elected.

These same senators have a catchy new slogan: “Protect the Classroom.” I ask you, senators: who are we protecting the classroom from? You, that’s who. You are swinging the ax; don’t blame us for bleeding wrong.

They know that their cuts are so drastic that school boards will have no choice but to let teachers go, and I can prove it: while they give press conferences telling superintendents not to fire teachers, at the same time they pass laws making it easier for … you guessed it …administrators to fire teachers. Which is it, senators?

If we don’t truly need to cut teachers, then don’t pass the laws that reduce their employment protections. And if we truly do need to cut teachers, then go ahead and pass those laws but quit saying teacher cuts are the superintendents’ fault. Here’s the deal: I can accept cuts, but I cannot do anything but forcefully reject deceit.

Politicians, save your buck-passing for another day. We need leadership. Get to work, congressmen. Do your jobs, and find the revenue to fund my child’s education.


John Kuhn, father of three, Perrin





 Regardless of how President Obama and his “Progressive” democrats, tree hugging lunatics, GE, Bill O’Reilly and the main stream media misinform you, the major oil companies have never been the reason for increased prices of gasoline. For purposes to identify this misguided group I will refer to them as “Obama’s Weirdo’s”. 

Price controls that this group always threatens to use, will not have any effect to lower what you pay for gasoline. If anything, it could cause the price to go higher.

To explain all of the reasons affecting the price of crude oil would end up being a book. OPEC alone could have a million reasons that would cause wild increases. With lunatics like Chavez, Qaddafi and Ahmadinejad impacting prices, they can shut down production if they wake up with a toothache. In my opinion the manipulators like George Soros and the arbiters who speculate in the futures market are the primary reason for most increases we had seen over time. These are the same people who make sure “Obama’s Weirdo’s” are funded to keep you excited. If you have time to read the millions of pages of events over the past forty years you would agree. Prove me wrong with facts, if you have the time, and I will apologize.  

The tree huggers would outlaw all gasoline using products and use oil to make plastic toilet paper. We would revert back to the horse and buggy for transportation. Airplanes and trains would be eliminated. Can you imagine the piles of horse crap that would pile up on a transcontinental trip?

Progressives have been screaming for 40 years for raising gas prices like they have had in Europe. They want the extra money to spread the wealth with welfare. Recently they are pushing for a Value Added Tax (VAT) like Europe, again to have more money to redistribute the wealth. Every idea they come up with punishes the people they have brain washed with money to not work, the poor.

Only one person on earth can stop the recurring oil price madness. Who can stop it in 24 hours, the President of the United States of America? Bush did it. Will Obama use this power, no he just keep blaming anyone he can. He stood up in front of America last Friday and lied to the people is why I make this statement. He told the American people that American oil reserves are not adequate to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. He stated that we have only two percent of the world’s oil reserves. Both of these statements are outright lies.  He stated that domestic oil production in 2010 was at its highest point in seven years which is misleading. Ten years ago our oil production was ten percent more than in 2010. In 1970 it was double what was produced in 2010. It has steadily decreased over the past forty years because drilling has been regulated and controlled by the “Weirdo’s” under most Presidents since Carter.

In 2009 the non partisan Congressional Research Service (SRS) reported that the U.S. supply of recoverable oil to be 167 billion barrels. This would allow us to have more than 75 years of not buying any oil from foreign sources like OPEC. That does not include the natural gas and coal reserves. SRS reported that when you add these other two resources we have the equivalent of 1.3 trillion barrels of oil.

In addition the U.S. Geological Survey announced that the Arctic areas of Alaska and offshore has about 90 billion barrels of oil. That alone is more than Nigeria, Kazakhstan, and Mexico combined.

If you seek the truth, ever since Obama was elected, there has been a constant pressure to impede more drilling. His success has been to make Americans more dependent on foreign oil and share more of our wealth with OPEC lunatics.

I have visited the Middle East and North Africa in my travels, working in the petroleum industry. Let me warn you about another asset they have a world class quantity of readily available. Should science ever find a way that will demand buying sand for America to survive, we are in real trouble. I can visualize it now, it will be known as the Organization of Sand Exporting Countries, OSEC.

Obama can force the price of oil to drop tomorrow with one simple announcement, “All regulations and barriers on domestic oil drilling have been eliminated effective today”.

For Tadpole and the rest of American’s who care, it’s your time, stand up and demand that the President and Congress act or just get out of the way.

C Brewer   

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    • cbeck75948
      Mar 22, 2011 @ 21:35:12 [Edit]

      I spent 15 years traveling the world in the petroleum inductry. Chaired ANSI/ASME committee on offshore safety valves for a few years. I am nearing 81 and I read at least four hours a day on topics in the news. I do not watch the so called main stream media even give the weather as they can’t even do the weathers without an Al Gore/Michael Moore slant. I love this country and hope it stays togrether for my grandkids. C Brewer


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 Before the Wisconsin debacle that has dominated the recent news, my interest and knowledge about “Unions” was limited to the private business sector. I am fully aware that “Unions” have created the loss of manufacturing jobs that plague the country and why we have to import most of the consumer product we buy today. When you couple “Union” pressured trade barriers with the regulatory pressure of the “Tree huggers”, we have made conducting business in America nearly impossible. I have created businesses in Canada and the United States and without a doubt the Canadian government is far more business friendly. They actually help you get started and survive.

The “Wisconsin Disaster” unveiled another “Union” situation that has been off the radar since Reagan fired the air traffic controllers a long time ago. Unionization of government employees is one of the dumbest things I have seen evolve in my 80 years as an American. Can you just imagine that as this practice expands, we could see the “Unionization” of Congress, the Judicial and Executive branches of American government?

 We have some union type demands already in place like the lifetime terms for Federal Judges and the Supreme Court (tenure). There are no measurements of performance and they can’t be terminated. Congress uses seniority (tenure) as the basis for power and committee appointments. Thank God they can be terminated as we witnessed last November.

 With Obama’s passion for European style Socialism, visualize the potential of “Unionizing” the Executive branch of government. The President and his army of czars could go on strike for better pay and fringe benefits. Who could stop them? What would happen if the Supreme Court decided to strike? If Congress went on strike and refused to function, who could stop them? I could drive you insane with the possibilities of what an uncontrolled government could do. If you wish to see what idiots who mesmerize the populace can do, read what Chavez has done in Venezuela. See how he used the unions to get elected and gain dictatorial powers. Why can’t this happen here? 

Before you accuse me of insanity, look at what is happening in the real world today. All democratic State Senators in Wisconsin left the State to avoid doing state business. The Governor has not been able to get them to return. The media legal eagles have stated that there is no law being broken and no one has the power to arrest them for anything.  

I would like to say that if a quorum of Congress were to do the same thing, it would be tragic. Unfortunately it could probably be an improvement over the idiotic regulations and Obamacare they raced to impose before the last election. Congress has allowed the Executive branch to run wild for over two years. If the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) alone is not abolished soon, we just think energy prices are high today. Locally the price for gasoline has jumped about 9% in the last week. Coupled with out of control spending, we are watching America destroyed from within. Our current government in action at all levels is like watching cartoons. 

I am now compiling data and facts of what “Unionization” of the teachers in Wisconsin has cost the citizens. The questionable legality of how they are provided insurance alone will amaze you. The teachers own the insurance company and collective bargaining is how they have screwed the taxpayer. Stay tuned for a series on public service unions nation-wide.

C Brewer





The following information was copied from the Department of Energy (DOE) website. Before I comment and suggest the need for someone to ask some questions, let me share some facts. Prior to President Carter there was no Department of Energy. I suppose that we as common folks should just assume that none of the things the DOE is doing today were being done by any other government agencies.

Please read the following two paragraphs that are copied from the DOE 2011 Budget Request which is 92 pages long;

 “The Department’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 budget request of $28,400,000,000.00, a 6.8 percent or  $1,800,000,000.00 increase from FY 2010, supports the President’s commitment to respond in a considered, yet expeditious manner to the challenges of rebuilding the economy, maintaining nuclear deterrence, securing nuclear materials, improving energy efficiency, incentivizing production of renewable energy, and curbing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Together with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) and FY 2010 budget, the FY 2011 budget request supports investment for a multi year effort to address these interconnected challenges.”

“The FY 2011 budget builds on the $36,700,000,000.00 in Recovery Act funding. By the end of FY 2010, the Department expects to obligate 100 percent and outlay roughly 35-40 percent of Recovery Act funds. In developing the FY 2011 budget request, the Department has taken these investments into account. Recovery Act investments in energy conservation and renewable energy sources ($16,800,000,000.00), environmental management ($6,000,000,000.00), loan guarantees for renewable energy and electric power transmission projects ($4,000,000,000.00), grid modernization ($4,500,000,000.00), carbon capture and sequestration ($3,400,000,000.00), basic science research ($1,600,000,000.00) and the establishment of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy ($400,000,000.00) will continue to strengthen the economy by providing much-needed investment, by saving or creating tens of thousands of direct jobs, cutting carbon emissions and reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil.”

About DOE

The Department of Energy’s overarching mission is to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States; to promote scientific and technological innovation in support of that mission; and to ensure the environmental cleanup of the national nuclear weapons complex. The Department’s strategic goals to achieve the mission are designed to deliver results along five strategic themes:

Energy Security:  Promoting America’s energy security through reliable, clean, and affordable energy
Nuclear Security:  Ensuring America’s nuclear security
Scientific Discovery and Innovation:  Strengthening U.S. scientific discovery, economic competitiveness, and improving quality of life through innovations in science and technology
Environmental Responsibility:  Protecting the environment by providing a responsible resolution to the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production
Management Excellence:  Enabling the mission through sound management


Within these themes there are sixteen strategic goals which are designed to help DOE successfully achieve its mission and vision.


Maybe you need to read this again to digest the magnitude of how screwed up our government has become. For a business educated and successful businessman this is the icing on top of the icing on the cake. I have no idea how many employees the DOE has but you can bet it will increase every year as long as our Congress-persons do not even care what is wasted. I sincerely wish everyone who reads this message will make sure their Representative and Senators get a copy and ask them to answer the following questions.

1. Who was responsible for the global threat of nuclear weapons before the DOE? What does Homeland Security do now?
2. Who was responsible for unsecured or excess nuclear materials before the DOE? Probably the DOD.
3. Who was responsible for improving energy efficiency before the DOE? What does the EPA do?
4. What is “incentivizing production of renewable energy”? What does the Department of the Interior do?
5. Why do we need multiple government agencies responsible for curbing greenhouse gas emissions to curb climate charge? I thought this was the responsibility of the EPA.
6. Why is the DOE in the loan business guarantee business? Why not the Treasury or Commerce Departments?
7. What is “Carbon Capture and Sequestration”? Again why not the EPA.
8. What specific direct jobs have been created with DOE investments? Unbelievable!
9. What happened to all of the government employees who did these things before the DOE was created? What Departments shrunk?
I found these questions from just reading two paragraphs of a report that is 92 pages  long. If I read a whole page this list would be so long no one would read the message. There is not one single reason for the DOE to even exist as someone else did all of these things before it was created. We are more dependent on foreign oil than we have ever been because the “Tree Huggers” have control of Congress and could care less what it costs the folks for energy. We have not built a nuclear power plant in over 40 years to produce clean energy, why, DOE regulations that are economically impossible. Look at Europe and Canada who still build nuclear power plants because they do not have the DOE, why?
My last question is why with the multitudes of organizations that do nothing but watchdog Washington and snipe at individuals rather than probing for the facts? Obviously the media that is so biased and interested in ratings, they just attack the messenger rather than probe the message. If one individual can dig up this many questions in one morning, the media with its large staff of gofer’s should have a field day. They just have no incentive I suppose.      C Brewer


Some republicans in the Senate recently showed some common sense and leadership that is refreshing. Someone in Washington finally acknowledged that the people are fed up with irresponsible spending. They actually blocked the pork laden “omnibus” spending bill and a few actually promised to eliminate “earmarks” in the future.

“Earmarks” are actually a way to hide ridiculous expenditures that are promised to those in their local districts or States so they can get re-elected forever. Another way to elevate themselves to “Royalty” status that we have been revealing.

It was sick to see the Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman, Daniel Inouye D-Hawaii seek support for the “Oinker” from some of the republicans like Thad Cochran R-Mississippi, Robert Bennett R-Utah, and Kit Bond R-Missiouri among others to try to muster 60 votes necessary to stop a filibuster that Jim Dement R-South Carolina and others including some democrats had promised. He was in a hurry as some of his old republican cronies like Bennett, Bond and George Voinovich were not returning to the Senate next year and were immune to worrying about re-election.

Even though Inouye’s measures would have replaced a slightly less expensive bill than the one passed by the House of Representatives. The House bill did not contain earmarks like road and agriculture reasearch projects, water treatment plants and grants for local anti-drug programs. House democrats would have jumped at a chance to accept the Senate version that had $80 million in grants to States and Indian Tribes to preserve pacific salmon and 13 million in clean water grants for Alaska native villages and other rural areas.

The methods utilized by both democrats and republicans to wait until the last two months of a term to pass spending of anything is deplorable. They sit on their hands for 22 months naming courthouses and planning for re-election before they go to work. Why do they do this every cycle?  Because we let them. Who is to blame, we are because we allow them to maintain “Royalty” status.

January will bring an opportunity for the newly elected republican majority in the US House of Representatives. The new Speaker, John Boehner R-Ohio will be the most powerful person in Washington for the next two years. We have all read how the House can stop some of the madness by just not funding the programs like “Obamacare”.

The newly elected majority in the House of Representatives and the real Senate conservatives will be able to even do more by eliminating useless government agencies. Why do we have a Department of Energy and Education for two? They do nothing but interfere with the States and were non-existent for some 200 years. How many of you common people really think that the republicans will actually do anything drastic to reduce the Washington power mismanagement? I don’t think they will do anything significant, just enough to get re-elected. Until we throw them all out and start a third party, nothing will change in the power structure because none of them want to!

For anyone else who is fed up with the “Royalty” status we have in Washington, do something. If you feel incapable then send me any information you feel will help and I will publish verified factual data. I know that I am just one 80-year-old veteran who is fed up, but at least I’m trying my best to stir up as many as I can.

My next part of this series will be to show some more inequities that the “Royal” have over us common Folks. Please send me any examples you might have read to show the differences. I read every article I can find to create these messages.

C Brewer        

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